oh shit nigga the devil has come for your soul, but you can keep it if you beat him in a video game of your choice, be it multiplayer or single player
so Sup Forums, what do you choose?
oh shit nigga the devil has come for your soul, but you can keep it if you beat him in a video game of your choice, be it multiplayer or single player
so Sup Forums, what do you choose?
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Give me a few seconds to write up a game in Game Maker where we both press a button and it says I win and he loses
>devil is black
dats raciss
A biblical game like Super 3D Noah's Ark or The You Testament
He would probably be too disgusted by the content and forfeit
>tfw hit 140k last week
>can't even crack 100k this whole week
my life has peaked
I think the assumption is the devil is very good at video games. You probably want to pick a game that's more forgiving.