If you get 500 moons and ground pound Pauline, Down with the Sickness plays instead of the other song

If you get 500 moons and ground pound Pauline, Down with the Sickness plays instead of the other song.


That's silly. Everyone knows the only game anyone bothered to ruin with dreadful "nu-metal" was Prince of Persia.

Everyone knows yur a pokemon scammer faget khaoskid

>That kid thread

Why are Mario and Pauline cartoony but the other guys are realistic?

Because Mario and Pauline aren't human.

Because they are from other Kingdoms.

I'd ground pound Pauline if you catch my drift

But Mario is clearly Italian


Eldritch alien abominations love pasta and bad accents too.

If you input the Konami Code while capturing the binoculars in Cap Kingdom they turn into a cannon from Mario 64 and if you shoot yourself into the taxi airship it will take you to a sleazy motel in New Donk City where you can fuck Pauline.

It's true I swear

Ok but what about the Italian name, Mario?

>Disturbed will forever remind you of the kazaa porn days.

It's by Dracula rules, his real name is Oiram, and he's an ambassador sent to aid various kingdoms and increase the standing of his people.

"It's a me, Mario" and "So long Gay Bowser" just coincidentally mirror human phonetics, they're both just warcries in his native pasta tongue.

The others aren't important.

I can't believe this is fucking real

Mario really does have the deepest lore.

It's been like a decade or more and I still recognize it fucking a

Thanks for the chuckle m8

If you defeat 100 mummies in the boss area you unlock falco

If you beat the game the credits will roll