hi guys I like video games what about you?
Hi guys I like video games what about you?
the mods deleted my thread for no reason, kinda pissed
what's a video game?
What are video games? I thought Sup Forums was for discussing social issues?
to be honest it's probably because mods a faggot
i like them too, whats your most favorite video game?
You like video games? You're on the wrong board my friend people don't like video games. Especially new and fun ones.
Super bing bing wahoo for the dreamcast.
I like Xbox!
Undertale 2
>The Virgin user
spy vs spy :^)
How does one "video game?" Is that what I do when I go on YouTube first and then come to this board and post about I saw there? Surely, it must be.
Captcha:Saltburn ROAD
>tfw built a PC and only use it to trade shitcoins
I think that's a way, but you forgot gameFAQ, that's another way to video game.
I only played Jedi Knight. Could never get used to the lightsaber combat.
>Still remember signing up in leagues and doing lightsaber duels in MSN Gaming Zone.
I fucking love video games and Dark Forces is the shit, nigga.
Guys do video games even exist anymore?
Well I'd imagine Sup Forums would suggest building your own computer so technically by building a computer so I guess you're doing what Sup Forums tells you to do, not Sup Forums