>hard is too hard
>normal is too easy
Hard is too hard
Age of empires II with the updated AI
>set music volume to 5/10
>too loud
>set music volume to 6/10
>too quiet
>hard isn't hard persay, but it's really fucking tedious to the point that you'd rather just play on easy mode
This is the worst
What is the fucking point of higher difficulty if it doesn't push you beyond your current skill level or tactics?
>no dev ever employs stage- or chapter-based ironman mode
Can't even think of many games aside from Halo with skulls. Why don't devs do this more often? It's the best balance.
Most games don't do that. they just give the enemies more hp and damage
damage sponges my dude, the cancer of higher difficulty
>New quest: Follow npc
>Player walks slower than npc
>Player runs faster than npc
>Have to continue to tap run/walk key to keep a steady pace
Wait, what? How does that contradict the previous post? HP/damage bloat is a cheap way of doing it, sure, but it does force you to adapt and find new tactics/improve. If it doesn't, you are playing a shit game and it's not game's fault you have shit taste.
>lunatic is just right
>HP/damage bloat is a cheap way of doing it, sure, but it does force you to adapt and find new tactics/improve.
Not really, it has the exact same strategy: just don't get hit
Yeah, fuck that.
Is there a single FPS that does hard mode right?
Halo solved this 16 years ago
Oh shit, are you talking about some console action trash? I forgot we are on Sup Forums and people like you haven't even heard of a proper pc game, let alone old titles. 2017, what a time to be alive.
No I was thinking of bullethell shmups
this is the Witcher 3's difficulty. It's even worse than most games because there is no combat variety at all and the game is already too long to be wasting time against such simple enemies with high health. I still don't get why people parade it as the gold standard of rpgs.
>hard mode actually makes the game easier
because of the roleplaying aspect I'm guessing
And how does increased incoming damage in a shootemup does not force you to improve your skill?
It doesn't really make it easier because everything else is still harder, but I read that in DMC1 when you play DMD mode, normal enemies health is 90% of what it is on normal mode. Their damage is still 250% though.