What in the goddamn...?
What in the goddamn...?
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NetherRealm fucking won
This is a joke a right? IF it's not ill buy the game.
>The announcer saying he was expecting Shaggy Blanco
Have the DBS memes really spread that far?
They really didn't have to do anything to tell me MvC:I is shit. I might still have to wait on some GOTY edition.
I need a source on this
>Its real
It's fucking insane how good injustice 2 roster is, especially compared to MvC
you cant Swoon the Boon
>reveal doesn't have gameplay
is this new?
>The teenage mutant ninja fucking turtles are being added to injustice
>but Doomsday is still not in
literally 20 minutes ago
TMNT is capeshit
Originally a parody of Daredevil but still, it's technically capeshit
Raphael on trench coat looks like rorscharch
3 AM
That's actually pretty cool.
I'll admit it. They got me to buy the game.
They don't wear capes though.
The style of coat seems like a gentle nod to the first TMNT movie.
>Ultra instinct shaggy blanco
I DID hear that right, 2:30:40 in the vod right after the trailer
He almost made it in but got cut for reasons unknown.
Who the literal fuck cares about Doomsday?
But user, you'll still have to buy the DLC :^)
Rights issues plus Black Lightning
>beating the shit out of DC heroes as Raphael
Lads...is this the dream?
Milestone rights fuckery for sure
Aww shit! Anyone play TMNT Tournament Fighters on SNES or Genesis?
You should've known it wasn't Rorschach the moment he threw the sai.
So I assume the turtles play like Captain Ginyu. I suppose that is why they kept the pads all having different colors depsite the turtles not really being 87 inspired.
I'm just finding out that they added Hellboy. FUCK ME I actually want to play this now. I love fighting games but don't fuck with NRS games because they don't feel right but I really REALLY want to play as hellboy.
>normies screaming and crying that they didn't get Spawn or Constantine
Oh I'm laffin
The guest fighter situation in this game gives me mixed feelings. On one hand, I'm happy we're getting Hellboy and TMNT. On the other hand I'm eternally pissed they wasted two slots on Sub Zero and Raiden
it could have been mileena and rorschach revealed at the same time
>Got Injustice 2 as a birthday gift with all the DLC
>None of the DLC has really gotten me that excited, don't care about Mortal Kombat, though I thought Hellboy was cool
>TMNT is my second favorite comic ever, all the Constantine, Rorschach, and Spawn supporters are blown the fuck out while for once i'm not
When was the last time Spawn was fucking relevant?
Me. He was the holy character I ever cared about in Injustice 1. He is seriously one of the most fun characters I have played in a fighting game period.
normies wanted constantine?
I thought only Sup Forums wanted him
Isn't the game doing well? I'm sure there will be some game of the year edition
>We get turtles in a fighting game instead of a rad solo game for them
I mean them being in a game beats no game I guess.
No clue, but the amount of reddit and twitterfags who were demanding him as if he was on par with Batman himself in popularity was bizarre. Maybe the 90s movie had reached meme status? I have no clue.
Either way, it's so cathartic to see those edgy autismos btfo.
Normies don't know who those characters are, user. It's a subset of neckbeards who are crying.
Also: I'm not a hardcore fan but Constantine would be genuinely cool in a fighter, and he'd get some fun lines with Hellboy to boot.
Look at it this way: Now you get to see them beat up shitty characters from other franchises, canonically and officially.
Ok, that might be a neat fighting mechanic...
Man, what a waste of a slot.
Remember that Platinum game based on the IDW cast?
It was promising when it got announced but turned out to be shit
>Platinum and Wayforward had the chance to put out TMNT games and they were subpar
It hurts, and I even almost bought Pro Skater 5 in one of my lower moments just to play as them, but now I at least get this.
>typical Injustice 2 player
they weren't in pro skater 5 what are you smoking
Lil Wayne was in THPS5
I suppose this isn't surprising. There is that rumor that TMNT/Batman crossover might get animated.
Well in this case, you either already love Injustice 2 or youdon't
>normies don't know who Spawn is
I was rooting for Spawn but this is so much better.
Boon always wins.
It does pain me that the casual base doesn't see tmnt beyond 87 turtles/Bay Turtles
They were DLC
Go on twitter or reddit, the normie hotspots. Even as we speak now they're throwing a fit that those two didn't make it.
>mfw this trailer
Tyler The Creator was in it, too.
>What in the goddamn...?
Round Thing, you okay?
they might aswell not be in the game since it's a cash in to the final years of activision having the exclusive rights for THPS, so no care or love was given to the franchise
isn't there supposed to be a 4th fighter pack i guess people can vote for spawn then
i hope they save him for MK11
>frog poster complaining about mouth breathers and underages
>wanting Spawn in anything
The 90s are over, Todd.
Shredder when?
That's fucking spooky. Spoiler that shit.
Todd wants Spawn to be a violent game so Mortal Kombat's the best bet
fuck i was just about to take a very very long break from this game but the turtles got me kinda excited now
Has Spawn been in anything since Soul Calibur 2 though? I really can't think of anything he's been in recently.
IDW Shredder > Ch'Rell > Everyone else
>twitter and reddit
I don't mean "internet normies", I mean actual, real life normies.
Spawn hasn't been relevant for a very long time. Today's normies only know capes that are in the big Marvel and DC films. Next time you go outside, ask any stranger what they think of Spawn and enjoy your confused stares.
Spawnsfag BTFO
His comic is still chugging along like a zombie and he's apparently getting a new movie soon. But yeah, he's completely irrelevant and I have no idea where all this sudden GIB SPAWN PLS spam has come from. Rorschach I can understand because Watchmen is still very popular and he's a beloved character, but not fucking Spawn.
IDW Shredder punking General Krang on his own boat was one of my favorite things Shredder has ever done in anything.
>Teenage fucking Mutant goddamn Ninja Turtles
And I thought Hellboy was nuts.
When you think about it the trailer's music sounds like something out of TMNT
Call me when we get some characters from The Boys.
Lets be honest
Spawn is the Duke Nukem of comics
TMNT has a ton of iconic music, problem is it's all owned by 37 different companies so you can't use any of it.
I'd say Lobo is the Duke Nukem of comics.
Never thought Viacom would allow it.
Normally I don't like selling out but in Laird's case I would understand
Quick! Whats your favourite ninja turtle?!
Maybe it stems from how people have fond memories of him in SC2. I was personally hoping for him but I was caught off guard by the the Turtle and am super hyped for them. It would be fun to have Spawn in another fighting game though.
>its not Mileena
thank fucking god
It varies from iteration to iteration, but IDW Mikey is my favorite version of my general favorite turtle.
In the new Nick cartoon it was Leo.
Seriously? I didn't notice. If that's the case, it's a day one buy for me.
>Muh Spawn
>Muh Watchmen
>TMNT is too "kiddie"
I'm not disagree whatsoever, but I mainly that Shredder I posted because his VA was top notch.
I seriously want to see some of this salt.
His movie is on netflix I think and he had a popular HBO show in the 90s. Nostalgiafaggots like to think that just because they've seen one thing with a character it suddenly makes them an expert on that character.
>mfw Spawn isn't even the best part of his own movie, that right goes to John Leguizamo
Holy shit, I fucking forgive Boon for shoving Raiden in, this is amazing
Anyone else enjoy TMNT/Ghostbusters 2? So far Its better than the first, and the only real bad thing about the first one was that it was a 5 part story forced into 4
I'll brave the pit for you, user.
Haven't read it yet, making my trip to the comic shop tomorrow though, looking forward to it.
>reading the comments on the reveal video