As a huge TMNT fan, this does make me happy

As a huge TMNT fan, this does make me happy.

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Why couldnt it have been the edgy turtles

obligatory post

Even in Mirage they weren't edgy that long.

best turtles are IDW

The comic turtles are basically all Ralphs while the 80s cartoon turtles are all Mikey's

2003 is the best turtles though

Im getting conflicting opinions here

I've been yelling exasperated "What the fuck"s for like five minutes now. I'm excited, but...WHAT?!?!

the fact Raph came out in his stupid trench coat from the first live action movie made me so happy.

Makes me wish this game wasn't a broken pile of shit.

TMNT are too good for capeshit


>the virgin capeshit advertisement
>the chad capekino celebration

One is comic opinion and the other cartoon opinion.

>It's real
Well shit, these guest character choices are pretty great


This actually caught me off guard to the point I couldn't stop laughing. How did this even happen?

>Black Manta
>The fucking Ninja Turtles
>Two of Sup Forums's darlings in Injustice 2

Why does Boon keep winning? How do we stop him?

lmao pretty good

>the hat and trench coat actually tricked everyone

Yeah, pleasantly surprised.

I didn't like Injustice 2 THAT much, but it was a birthday gift with all the DLC, and TMNT is my second favorite comic. So hey, cool.

What do the Turtles gotta do with any of this capeshit?
Is this what things have come to? TMNT used to have some of the best games in the industry and now they're relegated to DLC in some C list fighting game?

>Hellboy and TMNT in one game

TMNT being in Injustice 2 is the only good thing about Injustass 2. I will even play it now.

He might not know shit about movies but he sure knows how to make something fun

>not capeshit

better have the ninja rap

Hopefully this is a costume in game, it finally tricked us lol. I couldn't stop laughing, I still can't believe it, I didn't really like MKX and injustice 1 but dam, I guess I'm finally going to get it now when dem toitles come out.

I haven't been following. Who did everyone think it was? Question?

Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles

As if I wasn't excited enough for Injustice 2 on PC

Underage detected. Turtles originated from comics.
>C-List Fighter
But they aren’t in a MvC game?

>T.Capkuks that cant handle the Boon


t-u-r-t-l-e power
t-u-r-t-l-e power
t-u-r-t-l-e power

DCAU Question or Rorschach who is actually apart of DC

Dude, they began as a comic
They were a parody of Daredevil


I thought it was going to be Spawn, lmao Ed Boon teased earlier today that it was going to be Milena so then I thought it was that

Various such as the popular guess of Rorschach. Nobody thought TMNT though. No one.

Time to reinstall Injustice 2.

And definitely not the title of the video.

>he thinks all comics are capeshit

They've crossed over several times before, there was even a pretty great Batman TMNT crossover comic last year.

TMNT is capeshit you retard

I never said that, I just said that the TMNT are capeshit.
They still fall under the superhero genre

Did Batman scold them on their reptile privilege and try to teach them to accept Islam?

>tease mileena
>throw the sai

The ruseman strikes again. This honestly makes up for how bad the first games DLC was managed
>vote for your favorite character
>boy are they in for a surprise

>writer: Marc Guggenheim
What an awful way to try and convince me this is a credible comic

They went all out with that crossover

>white people

>I, an intellectual, read graphic novels, for I am obviously of superior intellect

Same shit faggot.


>it's fucking real

2017 has been fucking wild for vidya

He-man and Lion-O when?

It's Skullgirls all over again. I love everything about it except for the actual game portion.

>Spawnfags and Constantinefags on suicide watch
Not even that excited for the turtles but I'm laughing so hard at all the edgy normie faggots who are screaming and crying because they didn't get those two.

I'm conflicted. I don't like Injustice, but I love the Turtles.

But they don't wear capes.


Neither does Spider Man, so what?

Neither does Iron Man or the Flash

One step closer to a TMNT game by Rocksteady.

So this pretty much confirms the power rangers too right?

I seem to recall that they share universe with tmnt

Speaking of that
Do Spider-Man, Iron Man, Ant-Man, The Hulk, etc wear capes?

Wait, did Atom just fuck up Raiden, Black Manta, and Hellboy all on his own?

He was the only conscious one in the building still. Enchantress and the turtles were outside (and he still was in prime condition to knock Enchantress the fuck back).

Fuck yeah!

>being assblasted over a page from a one off charity comic
>implying this somehow is canon and reflects on the rest of the batman line
>bringing your stupid persecution complex up in a fucking thread about the ninja turtles

They don't.
Next Mutation (which nobody liked) just had a mediocre crossover with In Space because Saban was making Next Mutation.
They haven't crossed over since

Will Venus be in it?

Considering that this is Ryan Choi, that's pretty damn funny considering he had one of the worst fights in the history of the genre before his death

>that sai
honestly, thought it was gonna be Mileena
but holy fucking shit
you got me good Boon, you got me good

Who the fuck wants Venus?

>All the SFM porn now that people have a high res ninja turtle model to do it with

The waifufags that lurk in the TMNT fandom. They worship the few female anthros the series has like Alopex and the fox bitch that Ralph banged for a bit.

>video literally mentions ninja turtles
>OPs picture features the ninja turtles

how fucking dumb are you?

>mfw Spawn edgelords got shellshocked

So Sup Forums, how's the nick show?

>we'll see gang bang sfm porn of the ninja turtles with star fire in our lifetimes

>hellboy and the turtles in the same game
Holy shit.

someone showed it to me without showing me the title
and now i'm here talking about it

There's always room to improve characters.

It was first revealed on a live TBS broadcast, half the people in these threads were watching the Injustice 2 matches.

Pretty good, a bit much on the 80's fanboyism but fairly solid.

das it mane

>Literally a Daredevil parody
>Not capeshit
woo pal

It was okay, but I really hated Mikey in it.

Literally cannot wait, Injustice Starfire makes me diamonds

never thought I'd say that about an NRS character

Good setups and concepts, TONS of wasted potential. GOAT Splinter. Skip the last season.





EVO ?!

I like that they kept the cartoon VAs for Starfire and Cyborg.

most dont guy

Based eyebrow man.


quality was all over the place in terms of story.
when you think its gonna get good, it becomes shit for a while and then pretty good again.

i guess if you generally like TMNT and can tolerate todays dumb humor, you might like it.

Starfire's VA is from one of the animated movies, forget which one, but I think that voice fits better than how her cartoon voice would've

If you really think about it, his ability would be pretty fucking OP. So I don't see Black Manta or Hellboy standing as much of a chance. Raiden is a literal god, but if Atom can pull the shit off that he did with Enchantress, I can see him knocking him down for a bit.

>Last season finally had Usagi Yojimbo crossover with fucking Jei as the villain
>Ruined by a shitty kid character

That pissed me off.

will "go ninja go ninja go" be played?

Starfire's VA is different.

Oh is it? It’s been a while since I saw the show but it sounded like her to me.

Anyone here looking forward to the new cartoon?

Complete Edition when?