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>No Spawn
>not the edgy turtles either

Todd wants him to be in something violent

>Hellboy vs Ninja Turtles
What timeline am I living in exactly

I'm surprised Viacom would let this happen

Arc System Work's Image vs Dark Horse with Comix Zone visuals and each character retaining their traditional artstyles when?

>no savage dragon
I knew better, but come on.

Godamnit NRS it's really fucking hard to hate you for this, but just shut up and make a western MUGEN already you faggots.

>make a western MUGEN already you faggots

so are the turtles all one character or each their own character? that "we work as a team" line had me a bit confused, would have liked to see some gamepley

He better fucking be in the first fighter pack for MK 11 then

we get shitty Enchantress Suicide Squad bullshit but not our boy John Constantine, what a fucking joke

>Wanting Constantine's corpse to continue getting raped
Ennis was right

willing to bet the character trait allows you to swap them out like a tag team, but they all share the same health. Basically a stance character. If done right it would allow you to do some really cool combos. Shame I just hate how NRS handles combo inputs.

I didn't even know DC had Enchantress, I thought she was a marvel character. We'll probably get one more fighter pack too. I hope.
and it finally comes to steam so Cheetah and Catwoman SFM videos soon

I have a friend who has been testing this shit for some Canadian company for the past few months.

Mirage Turtles are cringe

They both have their own Enchantresses

look, idk what kind of direction DC took the character within the rest of their universe, I love the Hellblazer books, and I love the character, who is owned by DC and exist is the universe.

>not realizing the whole point initially was taking the piss on edgy 90s super hero comics by making something with a ridiculously childish and random concept ultra grimdark

Spawn is shit and Bay Turtles are awful. Neck yourself.

>I didn't even know DC had Enchantress, I thought she was a marvel character
They do, and she is. It's a pretty generic name so really anybody can have an Enchantress.

First issue is parody, they become characters after that. People overblow Mirage turtles being edgy when there was some seriously goofy shit in there, especially with how often there were guest issues. Only real difference between them and the other versions is Mikey's oddball tendencies manifest more as general laid back pacifism than surfer dude and them not having a no kill rule.