Is there a single cat cuter than Nia?
Xenoblade 2
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They surely won't give us a Rare Blade every day right?
Hope not. I'm really hoping at least half of them will be kept secret.
Literally all of them. Yes even the males.
Does anyone else think she looks more like a trap than a girl?
is Little Gramps considered a cat
because he's mine
someone post that pic of her taking a selfie.
i like that pic
Gramps is the villain and final boss.
There are heaps but I guess the most recent example was khloe's addition to FFXIV. Too bad the game is trash.
>implying the final boss isnt the entire Elysium tree who's angry at the titans for coming to munch on his leaves.
Some user said in the last thread that Mythra's voice was like a bitchy version of Pyra.
Anyone have sauce?
There was a SAUCE here. It's gone now.
Because the dumb dumbs posted it before the Xeno2 direct.
All the other ones.
Doesn't mean anything overt I'm looking deeper into etymology but nothing at face value.
Apparently the people from there are very buff and muscular. Try to see if it has anything to do with the seven holy virtues
thats clearly a fucking fox idiot
Are all of them as Welsh as Nia?
What video
Is she going to be the Melia?
Gar has meanings in Old English as spears or weapons.
Font means spring or source in old English.
Font can also refer to fountains used for religious purposes.
How can anyone dislike Shimono
I tried to stay away, but I just couldn't bros. I saw the direct. I thought I was hyped before, but now I'm REALLY counting the days. until I remember the season pass announcement
Now that Hikari and Homura and confirmed to be both rexbowl winners, yes. Nia will be the new Melia.
Could be good. The game's more or less guaranteed to be AT LEAST 50-60 hrs so you'll definitely get your money's worth. And I trust Takahashi to have enough integrity to wrap up the main game nicely while leaving a few loose threads to follow-up with the DLC.
Will this game have an equivalent to Naked Dunban dodge tank?
>he actually did this useless shit in XC
I'm hyped for this game, but the voices during battles have to be the most annoying thing I've ever heard in a video game. Also Poppi and Tora EVERY TIME you discover a new area.
I hope the moon voices are better or I may just turn the voice audio completely off.
Anyone else know this feel?
>useless shit
I spoted the pleb.
Not really.
at no point in the game is naked dunban better than clothed
I bench all nopon shits so no, the second vandam gets in the part he's in the perma tank spot
Have fun taking down Ancient Daedala with Naked Dunban. Go on, get to it.
Yeah, I definitely prefer this. It's still a vocal clusterfuck though no doubt
But user, he's confirmed to have a heroic death
Teal-haired flatties, my favorite.
Blade specific quests are gonna be a good time.
Depends if any of the affinity charts have a skill for it. There could be a skill for only equipping 1 or 2 blades instead of 3 to boost their stats.
true, but it still kinda sucks knowing it exists. it's kind of like a reminder that "oh yeah, even nintendo is putting DLC on their single player games from now on"
Will there be Blade heart to hearts besides Pyra?
>Still no art of Book
>Blade Beast got art
December can't come soon enough to remedy this.
>Bantz and quests for potentially +30 additional teammates
Monolith went all out with this game
I'm just skeptical because we STILL don't have the Zelda DLC. I'd like to to see what story dlc is in a Nintendo game first.
Only the best of the best will be able to draw her, trying to figure out her ribbon legs will make anyone lesser practically have a stroke.
I'm fine with it. DLC & Expansions were never the inherent problem. It was when they stopped being extras to further a game, and became cut content instead was the beginning of the end. That's why Witcher 3's expansions were so heavily lauded. I trust Nintendo/Monolith-Soft to do good.
>has a better design and an actual personality over generic stoic anime tiddies
>is Melia 2.0
Then again Rex was a faggot as well so I wouldn't envy anything that ends up with him.
Will there be giant robots?
Lightning Lord Zeke and Pandora
As enemies, just like the first Xenoblade.
>swim speed up + swim dash stamina up
you should be glad it happened at all
Yep and given that each Rare has 3-4 levels of Affinity chart to unlock and Takahashi mentioned that the blades took almost as much effort as the rest of the game to make, I'm guessing they're fairly in depth.
It feels like some sort of weird cross between the Nemesis system from Shadow of Mordor and Soul Eater/Bleach. It's something I've always sort of wanted in a video game
Also Magi's Metal Vessels.
I know, right?
I hope this sort of system becomes a staple in JRPGs going forward: a large number of moderately developed side characters to recruit
It seems to be a pretty common idea in animu in general.
It is, though how far the idea is taken or how well it's used depend on the series.
>What if Ryuk stole Solidus Snake's exosuit?
I just want to get to know these Rare Blades...the Heart to Hearts and seeing their unique Affinity unlocks and shit.
I remember seeing an affinity unlock for Pyra that even had a little quote from her on it
On a side note, any ideas of what sort of Amiibo support this game could get, if any?
Replaying through XCX right now; Monolith did attempt to do exactly this but did so rather clumsily. It's weird to have characters spill out their life story to you without much prompting. Also the writing feels really rushed, especially for the DLC characters. In the end, no one but Lin and Elma got real character development.
Hopefully XC2 fixes all that. At least Rex is not a silent protagonist this time around.
I'm guessing the Xenoblade ones give you a blade core a day while others just give common materials
You fucker you just gave me a great idea
>Amiibo give you different blades
>You could tap a Link amiibo to get a Link blade, and so on
If this isn't the amiibo support I will be severely disappointed.
Amiibo support would have been detailed in the Direct if it existed
But it's so halfassed and not worth the trouble to get
all it has going for it is style, there's no point in actually using it in the game
there better be a transmogging option in the next DLC or there will never be a point to using most of the DLC armor
Something I really would like improved is the rate at which you build trust with teammates. It's ridiculous when I put dozens of hours into XCX or XC and even play with the same group and I still can't max out our trust playing through the game normally and in XCX's case that's while doing a good number of side quests too. I want the rate increased substantially, but to a fair amount. This is also why the Mercenary idea appeals to me for Blades not in use.
>Lucina gives you her as a Blade with the Falchion as the weapon
>Link to the master sword
>Samus with a big cannon
>Mario with a fire-ball type
They wouldn't get Heart to Hearts the same way but heaven to betsy if it wouldn't make me consider picking up Amiibo for the first tim-A BAYONETTA ONE JESUS JUST GIVE IT TO ME
I know ;c
I didn't play XCX much aside from on a friend's system.
I general, I like how Monolith (like Atlus with the Persona series) has held onto the idea of gaining strength through voluntary social interactions. It's an idea that I think really ought to be in most RPGs with parties since it gives a story element a very tangible gameplay aspect.
afaik Mercenary groups only complete unlocked affinity chart links, but you havw to use the Blades to unlock more tiers
>yfw Shulk is a rare blade
>Not wanting more Rare Blades
Of course they won't release them all for Japan time, but you're a fucking fool if you think not showing some more is a bad idea.
>A Bayonetta one
You motherfucker, that would work so well. I would love a Ike one though that lets you use Ragnell.
thanks senpai. i've been hovering this thread waiting.
>Every single line is just a variation of I'm ______ feeling it!
You know it would happen. As long as it gets us more voice acting from the god Adam Howden
Who is your favourite blade so far?
im caught between Bookgirl and Greenmuscles Girl
ancient coral
pirate goblin
that one
you can assign blades onto other characters, right?
NewZ, obviously.
But in general, I'm excited to just roll with whatever I'm given...I feel like I'm being given some special partner to go on the adventure with (Pyra notwithstanding).
It just occured to me that Blades are Stands in reverse...They give all their power to the human who does the fighting while they stand back and give help/advice from the backlines
The only true answer.
>One of the rare blades is Dunban
>His level 4 special is blossom dance
If XCX had it, then I'd like to see it here too.
Forgot picture
>Pirate goblin
He's actually supposed to be a Samurai
This motherfucker looks like he's straight out of XB1
They better get Rufus Jones as his voice if this is true. Just tell him it's a job for another Fable game
Genuinely surprised we didn't get any new amiibo. I don't collect them, but this is another big IP.
I guess Arms didn't get any.
Difference is that at the point where Melia fell for Shulk, nobody knew that Fiora was still alive.
Meanwhile, Rex has Pyra (and maybe Mythra) actively swooning over his dick.