At what point is it acceptable to say, "it's just a game"
At what point is it acceptable to say, "it's just a game"
The moment you take losing personally
There isn't a set point, it's all based on context. No better way to make yourself look like a gigantic tool telling that to people seriously invested into something, even if it is silly. They might be idiots for taking something miniscule this seriously, but you'd display yourself as someone too socially stunted to understand their seriousness.
If you're throwing shit and destroying physical property, they need to be told to calm the fuck down.
when liberal arts fags want to claim that video games are "muh artistic (autistic) form of media"
If they've gone that far, you're a fucking idiot thinking that would stop them. You call the police and let them sort the cunts out.
>needing the police
Just kick their ass if they won't calm down.
>Sup Forums poster
>kicking anyone's ass
I don't think so, Tim
This is why people used to keep a baseball bat in their house. It's an attitude corrector
Wouldn't it be better not to invite shrieking autists into your home, so that you'd never have to use it?
try telling "it is just a game" to those football and basketball fans
i did a few times and they got mad at me most of the time, one threatened to kick my ass about it and yelled at me for like two minutes about stuff. he didn't even play the game so idk why he got mad if money wasn't on the line, where in video games, you're actually playing the game so it makes sense to get mad
i would still press charges if you ever actually attacked me, even if i was robbing your home and you attacked me, i would press charges. hey, im not attacking you when I'm trying to rob your house, so why are you attacking me? sure, I have a gun and knife on me and I'm not afraid to use them, but if you're attacking me first, I'm gonna press charges on your violent ass
That's gonna fly only in Europe. A good lawyer would immediately focus attention on you having those weapons and the person feeling threatened enough about their safety given their presence that preemptive attack was justified. If you had weapons on you during a robbery, that usually implies that you intended to use them. There's a difference between a thief and a bandit.
The moment some faggot starts throwing insults like a retard.
However, you need to add "you fucking retard" to the end of the sentence and get ready to punch the subhuman in the face if he wants to get physical.
The ones that actually play would be perfectly fine with you saying that, so long as it's a casual game. That's the thing about saying "it's just a game". If it's a quick pick up basketball game and you're going as hard as you can and getting frustrated with teammates, you'll look like an asshole. But if it's an arranged match where competition is expected there's nothing wrong with that.
Are you in fucking Europe? in my state damaging my property gives me the right to shoot your ass
Anytime. It is just a game, you play it for fun. If that isn't the end goal then you're fucking up.
immediately after you cum
hold the pillow over her face to drown out the sound of her possible reply during this sweet moment of personal glory
raise both fists towards the sky to assert your alpha dominance
The absolute state of eurocucks
the second you start whatever game youre playing
When your friend breaks YOUR controller
Hahahah holy shit. The Lord truly abandoned you muslim loving cucks.
At any point when it comes to any videogame
>bing bong wahoo! Super Mario!
Yeah real serious
when people start sperging out over voice chat
In my state it is encouraged that you kill the 'assailant' so you don't get sued.
When people get mad cuz bad.
Hacking apart an intruder with a machete is a perfectly legal in part of the woods? What kind of dystopia are you from?
Unless your life is on the line like those gold farmers in runescape
Never. It is equivalent to saying "It's just life bro it doesn't matter" it's technically true but still wrong.