ITT: Favorite vidya weapons. Can be guns, swords, specific combat styles, specific units in games, anything you want.
Pic related, it's incredibly satisfying to pick enemies off with clean headshots without needing a scope.
ITT: Favorite vidya weapons. Can be guns, swords, specific combat styles, specific units in games, anything you want.
Pic related, it's incredibly satisfying to pick enemies off with clean headshots without needing a scope.
Pretty much every time I play Dark Souls 1, I end up using the Black Knight Greataxe. It's one of the few examples in vidya where I actually enjoy using a big weapon.
>Tons of damage, even unupgraded
>B scaling with strength
>Stupid amount of range with each swing, made bigger with one-handed swing
>Two-handed swing is weirdly fast
>Damage in DaS1 isn't reduced significantly when you don't hit the sweet spot
Only downsides are the stat investment needed to use it and the strong attacks which are pretty ass.
CFA44 Nosferatu's ADMM
>Get Moogle
>Turn into Mogknight
>Learn ultima attack
>Turn into Gunner
>Learn status moves including charm one
Congrats, now you have a unit capable of using a broad range of incredibly powerful status inflicting moves on enemies as well as fucking Ultima from pretty much the entire battlefield's space. Add in one of the late game guns and you have a unit that can basically just take out enemies each turn consistently.
It's overrated and overused as fuck in the community, but for good reason. Being able to switch between all of the benefits of a normal longsword and a claymore, two of the best weapon types in From's games, is fantastic. Add to it, great scaling, an awesome move set that can flatten enemies, and it looks pretty nice.
A bit boring compared to other weapons, but it's still great.
>there are people who prefer the Laser Sword and Real Mega Buster over the Small Chainsaw
I will never understand why.
This a thousand times, small chainsaw has fucking hilariously high durability and with high level+skillbooks, a single one will carry you straight through bosses and entire hordes without effort. Combine that with endless spawns that take absolutely zero effort to get to, and how gamebreakingly damaging they are to enemies, there is no reason not to carry 2-3 of these badboys around and use little else on bigger enemies.
Once you get access to the polished receiver and the hand load rounds it becomes a best. Helps that the wood grain stock on it was sexy af. I really wished Fallout 4 lever action rifle was just as good.
>this piece of shit
>the Dead Space 1 version no less with the horrible alt fire
>not the Javelin Gun
>not impaling foes across rooms
>not laying down javelins as traps
>not electrocuting and blowing them up as they pass
Absolutely plebian
started my love affair with M14s in games
Fallout 3's Hunting rifle was the fucking best.
Ol' Painless. all the way.
I love shotguns when they aren't unrealistically low range.
This one seems to strike a good balance.
Sounds good and has an invisible second barrel.
post good shotguns please
Bump with underrated sword.
You almost never see Horseslayers in games.
my man
I seem to recall that the brush gun and medicine stick have godawful sights.
what the fuck is a horse slayer?
X-Bow from Carnivores. Nothing like killing a charging T-Rex with a fuckin crossbow.
Bad Company 2 is still my favourite Battlefield game.
I fucking love the looks of fishguns
>post good shotguns please
Supa 7 and AA13 from Neotokyo
FEAR shotgun
Flak Cannon from U(T)
Doom 2 Super Shotgun
Blood's double barrel shotgun (extra points for guns akimbo)
Spread gun and SHAWTGUHN from Contra and Metal Slug respectively
Painkiller's shotgun (bonus points for a cool alt fire)
I still cum everytime I get an airshot with this thing.
We're friends now
My favourite gun in Rainbow Six Vegas 2. Also, Funco is cute!
Pretty sure Sir Alonne's sword is a Nagamaki, not a Zanbatō. Same general role, different shape.
>We're friends now
Great minds, user.
I'd be on NT right now if I wasn't sick as fuck. Can't fucking play with my nose running like a faucet.
Crysis 1 shotgun, set spread to narrow and you can put a scope on it and snipe people. There's a limit to its effectiveness, but we're talking about Crysis with its open maps, so that only makes sense.
Same shit.
Is NT still alive?
>gun is a beautifully disgusting OP monster
>nerfed into oblivion
Oh well
>Is NT still alive?
Define alive.
We had a 30 man server full-up today for a few hours but it's ded for most of the work week. It's more waiting till a game appears rather than finding one at this point. Fridays and weekends are your best bet, but expect 4v4's all the way to 12v12s for the most part, even at a "good time" - higher than that is very rare.
Bad Company 1 was objectively better, especially the campaign
Nobody respects people who actually play the CS:GO x COD incest baby
I'm going to say the ACR was a great gun, but it sucked a little bit in MW2 compared with MW3
Also the Intervention from MW2 not yet being listed is pathetic
I can't believe I share a board with you inbreds
Metro is pure gun porn. Can't fucking wait for the next one.
Literally the best sword i've ever used in a video game.
>Nobody respects people who actually play the CS:GO x COD incest baby
No greater feeling of safety when you're carrying this boom stick.
>meme weapon for trickshotting MLG tryhards
>statistically outclassed in every way by the Barrett .50cal
Okay then, user
The BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZT sounds are so fucking satisfying.
...why is there a magazine?
I still don't understand what the gun thingy in the sheath was for.
Objectively THE best flamethrower in all of vidya. I think it's because Far Cry 2 still has the best fire mechanics in games almost an entire decade later.
To eject the sword faster ANIME LIGHTING FAST
Holds the explosive charge
Firing the sword from the sheath
When he pulls the trigger it literally shoots out the sword. He does it in the opening sequence remember?
Sam used rifle rounds to literally fire the blade out of the sheath for ultra fast quickdraw attacks. You can hear the gunshot sound whenever he does that particular attack.'re trying to act superior to other people while posting Call of Duty guns? I mean, I don't really have much against CoD but let's be real here.
This and Electric Gel is the easiest way to kill a Big Daddy
Just started playing Nioh and I find this thing incredibly fun, especially in high stance, the idle animation where he swings it around is super funky too.
Sam was the best thing about MGR
Same, love this thing.
>>Barret .50 Cal being better than Intervention
Hardscoping fag detected.
I bet you're also fun at parties
fuck off mexishitter
was a great gun but I always ran out of ammo for it
The .50 cal was less accurate, and was therefore automatically less good for sniping.
How fucking hard is this to understand?
Behold, the most satisfying weapon in all of vidya. Name a weapon that gives a better feeling that land a meatshot with the Flak Cannon, or dunking on someone with the grenade. You simply cannot.
When's the next Dumbshit's Guide
I have a love for the Blade Runner gun in Fallout. My favorite version was in Fallout 1 for the sound alone.
I remember how crazy effective the Rocket Pods were for taking down the Heavy Command Cruiser and its escorts. Using any other SP weapon would've made this mission tedious af.
>Though the Barrett .50cal is limited by its recoil, it can still hit follow-up shots significantly faster than the Intervention, since the Barrett's recoil resets faster than the Intervention's bolt is pulled.
>Because of what the Create-A-Class statistics state, some players believe the Intervention is more accurate than the Barrett, but this is not true; the center of the scope's cross-hairs of every sniper rifle is always where the shot will land, and the higher accuracy is only for the lower recoil.
>EVER going for a two-shot when sniping
Here's your (You), now quit embarrassing yourself
>not r-201
my nignog