So hows building that gaming pc going Sup Forums?
So hows building that gaming pc going Sup Forums?
>needing a pc when this bad boy exists
>gaming pc
All the games I want are all on console user. No need to get one just for muh graphics and framerate.
But think of all the pc exclusives you're missing out on user
yeah like uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
>4TB WD Black
>Wireless adapter
>I like the illusion of power and no actual games.
>playing games for fun and not tech reasons
look at this faggot. i bet you kiss girls too.
>no games
I am secretly a normie. My covers been blown!
Waiting for Volta and 4K HDR 144hz monitors next year.
OP here. Almost done but I feel like I should add some flair. Just to personalize it a bit more.
buy $30 dollars worth of LED strips
Pretty good, black friday/cyber monday I'm going to grab an i7 8700k, a new motherboard and 16gbs of ddr4 ram.
I can do you one better.
you're waifu a shit
that's why I buy mid range laptops so I can use it for work/travel and still play any game I want when I have some free time.
>AIO cooler
Another one falls for the meme.
I got the same cpu and was thinking of upgrading, but a i7 8700k is like 400 something. That is a little much for me. If you can afford it, all power to ya. I think I might get a 7th or even later end 6th gen i7 instead myself. But the six core thing is looking real fine.
>lives in a huge house with an expensive kitchen
Well I didn't want to put a more expensive one in there. Which one would you have me put inside in her place?
thats not a huge house or an expensive kitchen
just how poor are you user
>putting words in peoples mouths
>no black hand
I figured I'd rather spend 400$ and keep it for a long time then spend 250$ every 2 years.
put in Steph
nobody would be able to see her user. Shes not even an inch tall.
whoa fuck this thread, I wanna fuck that bird instead
too expensive for third worlder like me, consoles are much cheaper
>OP is third worlder
What if I put this bad boy in there instead?
this you?
What do you think?
you don't understand computer parts are taxed to hell here for no reason
enjoy your latency, retard
you'll make your PC run even worse
Holy shit you should have spent that money on a gym membership
Then who should I put in instead?
it's going alright, I'm a poorfag who's been putting off building one for a while because I didn't want to settle for a budget pc, but finally said fuck it and decided to just build one I can afford and upgrade down the road. Ordered my case, mobo, CPU, and ram, gonna grab some more parts next check, hopefully have it up and running in the next month or so.
fucking kek
I went with a Sony because I want more than just rehashed Western pay2winlootcrate infested EA,Acti Ubi multiplat trash
>not putting in premium after market fans
She's gonna melt in there.
damn it didn't notice how fat the OP is
>All the games I want are all on console user
how did this board get so bad
No shit isn't, dummy.
what do girls say when they enter your room? Aren't you embarrassed?
you're a big guy
>even talking to a girl
What are ya? A faggot?
>wifi adapter
Jesus christ just go buy some cable, you dumb cunt.
>getting girls
I have a PS4 and Switch. PC has no exclusive games I want.
Why does everyone assume that he is not gonna use a land line just cause he put a wireless card in there?
>Want to go full on weeb and drop 5k on figures and fuck doll.
>Still scared girls will come in and laugh at me.
Embarrassed about what? Why should I care what others think about what I enjoy? If they can't be open to the interests and activities of others, then they probably won't be in my room in the first place.
>enter my room. Why would they go into my computer room? That's where I keep all my weeb shit. I have the rest of my house and bedroom for them to see, theres nothing for them in there.
Recently switched to intel
>case window
Jesus Christ, do people seriously do this still? Is this your first build? You'll look into it a handful of times and then you'll wish you got a Fractal Design case insulated with sound dampening material so it's cooler/quieter.
A window means one less surface to be more efficient with.
Why the hell else would be buy a wireless card?
Enjoy switching motherboards in two years because (((Intel))) uses a new socket every two years
I'm on Skylake and I'll be moving over to Ryzen this year just so I'm futureproof'd for the next 5 years.
Am I a PCmaster if I solely play WoW on my MacBook?
The answer is yes
>playing World of Warcraft instead of Ultima Online
Ryzen is so shit you'll need to buy a new cpu in 2 years. Just look at how FX cpus turned out.
Meanwhile 4-5 year old i7s are still kicking today.
And when you'll be upgrading that you'll want a new mobo anyway
man you're rich as fuck. what's your job so i can have this much money
I just finally bought a 1080ti after using a 290 for I need to get a new CPU one of these days
>Ryzen is shit
Bulldozer was an incredibly flawed architecture, a $100 Ryzen CPU is competitive with a $250 Intel CPU and a $400-500 Ryzen CPU is competitive with a $1000-$2000 Intel CPU
Where's the delid kit?
OP proves once again that being a fat mexican can't stop you from building a PC
>is a fat neckbeard faggot
>Wanted to feel msart so told friends that I built my gaming PC just like them
>One day they're over and one of them notices the box my pre-built came in laying around
>He starts asking me questions about the specs
>Know which video processor I have
>Then it all gets blurry
>The questions are coming so fast
>He finally asks "You didn't build that, did you? You're fucking lying?"
>Had to tell him I lied in front of everybody
>video processor
It's shit for gaming and emulation. Just check any benchmarks where gpu is not the bottleneck. It's literally the same as FX in 2013. AMD lagging behind last gen intel chips again.
The fact that you knew enough to not buy a Dell/HP to the point where your friends wouldn't have noticed unless you had the box laying around is fucking laughable.
You spent more money and got less or you paid an obscene amount to get a high-end PC for double the cost. GG idiot
>using (((nvidia))) goyimworks titles to prove your point
You are a fucking idiot.
Why? Because I acknowledge that (((they))) are using an unoptimized title to sell the idea that the i5 is twice as fast?
Ryzen+Polaris for the vast majority of consumers is fantastic. Feel free to pay double the price though :^)
>ceiling lamp is a literal fedora
>cut down PC
I rather just not play any videogames at all.
>literal fedora
>cant tell the difference between a bowler hat and a fedora
get your eyes checked nigga
>think life is shit
>see this
You're implying Nvidia would be secretly hampering CPU performance so Intel gets ahead. Even though Intel and Nvidia don't even like each other and Intel chose AMD as their APU partner.
Delusional AMD fag with victim complex. Gotta justify those shit Ryzen benchmarks somehow I guess.
No game.
Not everyone is a 12-year-old child like you OP.
But its just a less powerful less useful PC
I did it 2.5 years ago in an afternoon and haven't needed to touch the thing since.
Multiple consoles user
I seriously doubt all the games you want are on one console
Here's mine :^)
Stop making me feel like shit
My family lives on around 18k a year
Put all your loli figs inside, it's well knowns PCs are powered by lolis.
This so much. I am triggered. Its not like its a fucking laptop