The Witcher

I know most people started with the second game. So what’s Sup Forums‘s opinion on Witcher 1, the most overlooked instalment in the series?

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I really like it. The combat system isn't great but it's innofensive and the rest of the game more than makes up for it.

It's a shame they tacked on the kaer morhen tutorial segment though, because starting the game with the shittiest part definitely turned off a lot of potential players.

skippable. didn't age well

I was turned off at first because of how awkward the combat was but I really got into it. It's definitely an acquired taste and not as digestible as it was like 10 years ago due to the dated graphics.

I enjoyed all the but second chapter swamp bullshit.

I have fond memories of playing the game during summer nights with the windows open, feeling and smelling the night breeze while drinking beer. Good times. Now life is shit.

Cool roleplaying game with some serious pacing issues and lack of polish. Really unique atmosphere (that even Witcher 3 failed to capture) and great characters.

I actually like Witcher 1's combat better than Witcher 2 because even though it was shit. It atleast worked on a fundamental level rather than Witcher 2's shitty Souls-like combat that fails on the fundamentals e.g. hit detection, evasion etc.

I really want to like it but it's so boring

What kind of fucking degenerate starts with the second game in a story-driven series?

