What's Sup Forums's opinion of weeb/anime fighting games? Any recommendations?
Watching this guy's stream right now, looks alright.
>Anything with bustier girls?
What's Sup Forums's opinion of weeb/anime fighting games? Any recommendations?
Watching this guy's stream right now, looks alright.
>Anything with bustier girls?
they're fun
The queen.
>What's Sup Forums's opinion of weeb/anime fighting games?
They're fun, I haven't really tried all of them like Chaos Code and the lesser ones to really give an honest input though.
>Any recommendations?
Probably the slightly more populous ones like BB, GG, Melty Blood, UNI[st]. Stuff on steam like Blade Arcus, Arcana Heart 3, Koihime Enbu, Chaos Code and even the console stuff like Nitro+ Blasterz, Dengeki Bunko, and Aquapazza are more or less dead so you're better off sticking with some larger titles
So do SF/KoF players consider Street Fighter anime or what. Air-dashers are probably better as a classification.
I don't really like Guilty Gear or BlazBlue. I have mild interest in Arcana Heart but I doubt it'll stick. UNIB is okay I guess. They're well made games they just aren't for me. I don't like games with ridiculously long combos and blockstrings or brain mashing levels of setplay.
So if a game has an air-dash it's an anime fighter?
Not a bad channel. They suck at the game though.
As a distinguishing factor, I guess?
>Anything with bustier girls?
I second this.
Does Darkstalkers and Rival Schools count?
Too old to make a distinction between the traditionally "anime styled" games nowadays. But yeah, probably.
I wouldn't consider capcom fighters anime. I mostly think of shit like ArcSys games and the like as "anime fighters."
Why are people posting those characters in here I wonder
They wanted to post big anime tiddies?
Sexy fighting girls?
I was under the assumption the OP still wanted to keep with the anime-styled fighters
Blazblue is ok, imaginative character designs.
Shame. I prefer Koihime Enbu and Aquapazza over the popular airdashers from ArcSys.
I tried both, I could definitely mess around with both but I didn't feel the movement in those games at all, and it's not even the lack of airdashes in general. Koihime Enbu looks fucking jank as all hell too.
>Koihime Enbu
Holy shit!
These two are the only characters in BlazBlue that I enjoy playing.
Fun games, awful communities. Even awful by fighting game community standards.
My condolences, user
I thought Melty had the best community in fighting games though
I've all but given up on enjoying modern fighters, maybe even fighting games as a whole I guess. All I enjoy are Vampire Savior, SamSho, and Tekken which I can't play regularly.
The smaller ones are usually better off for obvious reasons.
Melty Blood I never really tried due to the whole "takes 10 years to git gud" thing.
I guess they could benefit from faster walkspeed and heavier jumps. Also, Koihime is definitely a poverty game, I forgive its look.
I'm looking forward to Blade Strangers.
I'm getting into BlazBlue right now and was wondering if anybody had some good tips in general.
So far I like Tao, though it's unreliable if i can even beat the last guy in arcade.
They’re too bloated and always have retarded button layouts.
Just give me a fast, honest fighting game with air dashes instead of all these clutter mechanics. Or just give me a new Darkstalkers.
>Or just give me a new Darkstalkers.
but why? you never played it seriously, I doubt you even know the system mechanics
If you just want a fun fightan to not take seriously try Cyberbots: Full Metal Madness
Its on fightcade
*Blocks your path*
Blazblue has a decent tutorial, stick to that and maybe learn a basic combo or two and get used to moving around and its mechanics. It's also probably better to stick to learning one character you really like if you're still new to the game.