I thought the whole point of Source Filmmaker is for talented content creators to make interesting movies for everyone...

I thought the whole point of Source Filmmaker is for talented content creators to make interesting movies for everyone to enjoy.
How the fuck did it become...
You know what, nevermind. Fuck you.

Other urls found in this thread:


Patreon is a double-edged poison sword. It inspires greedy people to do things they would never dream of doing otherwise, yet it also kills all desire to work hard.

If not for the popularity of SFM movies, most artists wouldn't even bother.

patreon is unironically the worst thing to happen to content creation.

>talented content creators
>using old video game assets as a medium

what are you talking about?

Is sfm vidya related?

go being prude somewhere else

I thought SFM would have more fanfic-tier videos from people wanting see more from their favourite game characters, basically like the TF2 shorts but for other games. Seems like that's too much effort most people and its more lucrative to do porn

what is this thread even talking about? why would someone just make a thread talking about some obscure thing without leaving any information at all?

can i get a quick run down?

if I had the computer to run SFM, I would actually do something like that for my enjoyment.

I'd kill for a MGSV one, just SFM shorts of Motherbase shenanigans or something

Cant say i mind

They're probably bitching about how SFM is being used primarily for porn instead of 'actual content'. Basically like someone getting pissy about Funnygames or Newgrounds Hentai flashes back in the day and complaining that artists doing them shouldn't 'cheapen the tool' by turning it to lewd applications.

If it's vidya porn or vidya sfm, I think so? Mods can always buttfuck us if we're wrong.


OP is hoping someone will post Olivia porn

>How the fuck did it become...
...based entirely around porn?
Why not just say that? Are you a 15 year old girl?

not to mention if you type in sfm into youtube search you're just going to end up with fnaf garbage and other trash.

because you're a poorfag and can't pay for content?

>All the newest porn being uploaded is low effort 3DPD SFMshit
>Superior 2D animated porn is becoming more scarce

Is how Disneyfags feel when they complain about there being no more 2D theatrical films?

Well, why aren't they?

Pretty much. Don't call it a grave this is the future you chose

is SFM easier to animate in? Why is it so popular now?

pretty sure the 3d porn isnt anything new, people could use 3dsmax or whatever program that's been around long before SFM

>First they came for disney, and I said nothing, for I was not a westaboo
>Then they came for anime, and I said nothing, for I was not a weaboo
>They they came for porn, and there were none left to speak for me

>tfw tons of decent artists that will stagnate and never become better because their patreon that supports them will never give them criticism

I keep trying to make an account on rule34hentai but it keeps saying there's a captcha error when there is no captcha to begin with
Turning off adblock makes it into a hellhole but still no captcha what gives?

>is SFM easier to animate in?
Yes, although the fundamentals apply to all 3d software packages

>Why is it so popular now?
People see SFM porn, they look into tutorials for it, there are people that make tutorials in order to generate click revenue, they get used to SFM.
Maya is better for animation and gives you more control over every aspect of your 3d rendered video, but it's also daunting and can be discouraging for an SFM artist (especially if he's already on some kind of patreon deadline)

>tfw literally learning that shit now

I just need to learn how to make animations smoother. Everything else is just spending time posing.


he means that nobody has really fully utilized source film maker other than people that use it to make porn videos.
hes right though. I dont think ive seen anyone really use it to make some sort of short movie out of it.

you do realize that's literally what animating is all about right? smooth animation
anyone can do animation, making one that looks natural and smooth is the part that requires skill

Post or link the fucking porn atleast

Why don't you just go and make a movie instead of whining?

Remember BotW getting emulated and emulator devs' Patreon getting 40K / month?
Tell me 'smart' richfag why do you think it's a good idea to shower people with money when there's no schedule, no accountability just some vague promises.
Do you think that maybe, just maybe said people would slow down and enjoy getting paid longer, releasing only small improvements now and then to show they are doing something.

Hence why I'm said I'm learning...

So, capitalism?

Don't go on this cancer site.

>movie maker is used to make porn movies
Wow who could've expected that


removing SFM wouldn't suddenly get people to make 2D porn.

>low effort
>t. never tried to make SFM porn

>RPG Maker
>Japs in charge of making non-H RPGs

But anons in previous threads said that's where all the loli SFM is at though

>where all the loli SFM is at
Are you trying to get on as many watch lists as possible?

Don't watch pedo shit.

Are you trolling, or do you think that somehow removing SFM as a medium will bring artists back to da twoo days of porn kwality, with such masterpieces as Brickhouse Betty and Booty Call?

How the hell didn't those emu-devs get sued?

Emulators are legal, you just can't bundle console ROM / cartridge dumps / ISOs.

Unlike the good old days, which had all those DeviantArt artists constantly improving and branching out.

>2D western porn
What? Are you furries or something? Over the past few decades, I can count the number of half-decent western works on a single hand. The SFM guys are just putting out 10 times the content as the traditional guys.

How about what is it with Valve and their products?

>SFM comes out
>Support immediately ends. Only ever used for porn

>Steam Streaming comes out
>Everyone has forgotten it in a week. Nothing is ever done with it

>Only used by the 10 people too stupid to build a PC but also buy into PC master race bullshit

>Steam Controller
>A joke

>Steam Badges

>Steam Trading Cards

>Source 2
>For what purpose? Am I to expect tips, tricks, tools, and documentation from a company that can barely even get out of the candy room on a good day? UE4, Unity, and Game Maker are ready and raring to get your shitty roguelite Mega Man Metroidvania done while you would still be asking support on how to import a fucking model into Source 2

Their thing was games but they dumped that too.

>tfw the only things that seem to get uploaded to Sadpanda these days are the absolute worse western porn comics made by some esl fucker with his first barely functional tablet

I need a fully-fledged animation by Shadman RIGHT FUCKING NOW

Do you have evidence proving that things were better three to five or more years ago, or are you just wanking it to your massive throbbing confirmation bias?

Bring the attention to him and he might make a sketch atleast

Or play the devil hands and get turbo autist on /aco/ and wait for that 0.0000000000001% of minus8

Its not low effort but it is a lot easier.
Especially with 3d model ripping. Then its just a matter of camera angle, looping animations and contorting the face just enough to give it a convincing seductive look.

>tfw the only things that seem to get uploaded to Sadpanda these days are the absolute worse western porn comics made by some esl fucker with his first barely functional tablet
So, exactly the same as 10 years ago, then?


im talking about porn artists
deviant tart still has the same shittiness it had years ago

This is my philosophy and people hate me for saying the truth.

Why make games when you can make hats? Or a new knife? Or a new pattern for your gun that has some random e-sports fag's name on it? Or sell a virtual ticket so...you can do whatever it does in Dota?

But Valve will always get a pass because retards on the internet love Gaben, even if he and Valve were the ones to start so much nasty shit that people hate EA for. Or WB Games. Or Take Two.

Please don't lewd precious, pure Olivia.

Why use SFM when you could use Blender or any other, better software geared towards "talented content creators"

SFM was destined to become a rule 34 machine for low-skill, low-creativity animators.


The only reason people use SFM is because it has more models.
Blender/Maya are the superior porn tools, the rendering is way ahead of SFM's shitty one.

Vault Girls is keeping me busy until Blue Star: Ep 3 releases

>using blender
>automatically makes you an animation god

He sure advertises animators. I doubt we'd ever want to see an animation form him.


Shadman is unironically promoting traditional artists and animation more than Patreon ever has.

Because there's much more people willing to learn/ use simpler tools for good enough result instead of trying to master 'professional' ones.

I want off this timeline

>animation with Shadman proportions
I'm kind of curious tbqh senpaitachi

It's more communism, they paid just for being artists, not for actual work.

curious as in penis curious or curious as in "there's a hobo fucking half a dead body on the rails behind the house" curious?

He is also one of the very few artist that don't rely on donations. He makes all the money from his merch.

Both. Shadman has some good stuff.

>have trouble finding jobs
>even the shittiest jobs are swarmed by everyone
>one day browse Sup Forums and see a porn animation from sfm
>tell myself "I can do better than that!"
>2 years after I first started it turned into a sustainable job

Who new video games would get me a "job"!

But the actual product has no value since for most of them it's infinitely replicatable digital goods.

I unironically like shad's art.

>I unironically like shad's character

One of the few people on the internet that are beeing edgy without making the thing too cringy.

post a link to your shit faggot

are you high

Your full of shit karl

>beeing edgy without making the thing too cringy
Are you shitting me? Shad is one of the most cringiest people around
>hur hur child sex am i rite
It gets really old really fast

Thats edgy, but not cringy.

yeah obviously it was meant for this

gmod >>> sfm

How is that communism.

who is this girl anyway

I still don't understand stand how they can make money using reused assets and or fanart. I'm not against it but legally it makes no sense how the vast majority of porn artist are still operating.

Beats me. I've always been under the impression it was a loli Scout

>Every citizen will be a public man, sustained by, supported by, and occupied at the public expense
>Every citizen will make his particular contribution to the activities of the community according to his capacity, his talent and his age
I can be wrong, but isn't it depiction of patreon?

I hate how everything looks so plastic in SFM.

It lacks the sheer depth and production potential provided by a real animation suite but SFM is unmatched in regards to quick scene building.

Anything ever compiled for the source engine can be dragged and dropped into the program in under a minute, with access to premade maps, animations, material effects, models, textures, It is by far the most time efficient way to produce 3D content.

The only things it really is lacking are better shaders and lighting options, and universal polygon subdivision.

Because 98% of them suck.


The public expense is government sanctioned in communism, and there's emphasis of the community over the individual.

Patreon is successful through the efforts of the individual, and all benefits go towards the individual. It's entirely capitalistic in nature, equal to someone making a product, selling the product, receiving money on the product. The difference with Patreon is that the product here is the artist in question, and the perceived future outflows of their work.

>3d loli content is allowed
>gore content is banned
what did rule34hentai mean by this?

they must be inverted US-ians