Poison/Disease damage is effective against undead

>Poison/Disease damage is effective against undead

Brittle bone disease affects us too you know


osteoporosis, nigger

Lemme just remind you that there are bacteria that eat flesh and bone senpai

>be undead
>die anyway
Who comes up with this shit

>Not having a phylactery

Step up homo

>Electric isn't super-effective against Steel

>Rock doesn't resist itself

wait, explain this one to me. Bang the shit out of one rock on another and one of them is gonna break.

Now that I think about it, zombies wouldn't last very long naturally, would they?

I mean, nature would just take care of them until nothing but bones are left.

By this logic it should be super effective

Yes if we're going with the biological version where a virus/parasite reanimates dead flesh. However magic zombies would just hand wave it with blah blah dark magics preserves the muscle blah blah.

Why isn't water weak to poison?

Rock counters Watson, you fool

if the undead relies on it's remaining tissue to move, this makes sense

if it's magic n shit, i e it's just basically a skeleton with extra meat then this is shit design

>kill enemy
>loot them
>they were holding bones

Why would it be? You know what happens to a metal wire when you run electricity through it? Fucking nothing, it's fine. That's why metal is how we transport and use electricity: because running electricity through it doesn't fuck it up. If you tried to conduct electricity using hotdogs all you'd get is dinner.

This can be easily explained by any game with an iota of effort.

>disease/poison is so virulent that it rots bone and corrupts flesh

And shit like this is also sensible.

>Water slamming into water can still feel like a mountain of concrete hitting a wall
>Two fires burning next to eachother, the stronger will consume all the oxygen and burn the other fire out
>The harder rock will crush the more porous one
>Wind currents and gales can cut through air like knives

Any elemental made of the element might be stronger to their own, but having them also take damage can be easily justified and explained.

>It doesn't fucking matter since bosses are immune to everything and normal enemies especially skeletons and zombies are too fucking easy to bother using debuffs against

I'm happy as long as they're damaged by healing spells

It would only be super effective if the Steel creature has biological components

Disease would likely be extra effective against the undead, since lacking an immune system is why they rot in the first place

>cast healing magic on someone infected with disease/cancer
>disease/cancer gets a shit ton worse