This game fucking sucks. You lied to me Sup Forums...

This game fucking sucks. You lied to me Sup Forums. The world design is terrible and you see the majority of what the game has to offer within the first few hours. It plays like every other shitty AAA open world game out there.

Here's your (you)

It's a good open-world game, but open-world itself is kinda shit because apart from GTA it seems like devs are struggling to make open worlds fun.

its okay because its zelda and nintendo did it

but it's the best open world

The only good thing in Zelda is Link

Then sell it and shut the fuck up.
You're 16 years old. You should be able to make video game decisions by yourself by now.

There are plenty of games with open non-linear game design that are far better like MM, Stalker, and Gothic. BotW is a bad and you should feel bad for liking it.

>Then sell it and shut the fuck up.
I'll sell it when you admit that its one of the biggest pieces of shit nintendo has ever made and stop making threads claiming its the best thing ever.

Nah it's amazing, eat my ass