All of Sup Forums is transported into Ocarina of Time. End goal is killing ganon. Real world logic applies to everything, and there's only 1 of each key item drop, though things like arrows and bombs can be used without needing quivers/bomb bags. How far could we get?
All of Sup Forums is transported into Ocarina of Time. End goal is killing ganon...
>How far could we get?
Realistically, I think we'd all go gangbang Zelda.
Shopkeepers re-stock their goods regularly
I call dibs on loli Malon
That's our prize for winning
I never played this game, what do we do?
I’d no clip to the castle
We'd start in young link age, user..Zelda would be like 10. To get to the future, all 3 stones would need to be brought to the temple and one user would need to pull out the sword. Once done, any of us could go to the temple and go forward in time
When using the master sword to switch time periods, does it work individually or is everyone transported together? I figure if we can use it each on our own, we could probably split and have some anons work on the child link side of things while others work on the adult side, greatly speeding things up
Help yourselves, I’ll be chilling with Saria
Have any of you done the Uber challenge?
>Zelda would be like 10
I still don't understand the problem.
We'd starve to death.
Population of Sup Forums is much-much larger than some fantasy world. No way we'd be able to feed off their meager agriculture.
Unless we'd have someone with knowledge of prospecting to start digging for soil-enriching stuff and professional farmers. And engineers to make at least some crude machinery.
Etcetera, etcetera.
we fuck a huge harem of girls and then maybe kill some things
The princess is not for sexual ;_;
Assuming deku seeds are edible, we can kill deku babas repeatedly to farm them, as they keep growing
>Real world logic applies
Then literally everyone would die here. No one could kill this armed with a sling shot and a tiny sword if real world logic applies.
Who would win Sup Forums or the cuckoos?
Eh, sounds boringly painful.
>All of Sup Forums
There's a shitload of Gerudos but not enough
Deku nuts are edible,
quote from Hyrule Warrior Legends:
>Deku Nuts appear as a Food items for Companion Fairies and are classified as a Plant-based Food. Like all Food items, there are 3 grades: Bronze, Silver, and Gold.
Food Grade Levels:
>Bronze Food - Deku Nut
>Silver Food - Tasty Deku Nut
>Gold Food - Delicious Deku Nut
If real world logic applies we can just burn the thing and be done with it.
>Get 3 anons on each arm and pull the fucking thing apart
real world logic implies that everyone could find real weapons and come back, or fashion spears out of deku sticks and make a spear wall
Would Hyrule even have room for all of us?
Consider how small Hyrule field is, and how many millions of people use Sup Forums
I call first pick on loli ruto
The hard part will be getting to the bottom of the tree without dying, at least burning the web will be easy
the deku tree is totally pointless. it'll die either way and was just intended to train link. We can skip it.
With what? A stick? You think it's going to let you burn it? You think you could even burn it without an accelerant? Please be realistic.
>Everyone getting minced at the Shadow Temple
>Zelda would be like 10
just burn the entire tree down from the outside.
All we'd need to do is play music for our cows and we'd have unlimited milk. And milk helps for strong bones.
And your sticks won't penetrate it's armor and it will crush and rip you apart.
Short of bombs or an assault rifle it will kill you all.
>pick up and throw grass a ton for money
>get the kokiri to make people bows
>shoot arrows at everything ever
I couldn't see anybody getting past the Fire Temple
>fire spreads to the rest of the forest and kills saris
Not worth the risk senpai
>Everybody suffocating to death in Death Mountain
>Everyone drowning in the Water Temple
>only one of each item
>infinite arrows
>only one bow
You haven't thought this through user.
>step 1
>divide ourselves into camps
>sonybros, nintenbros, weebs, nostalgiafags, whatever the fuck else everyone spends all day arguing about
>step 2
>assess which camp is the weakest/gayest and massacre them into submission
>eat them to stay alive long enough to form a long-term food plan
>keep a few prisoners for backup supplies
Then you'd never know Ganondorf intendeds to steal the Triforce and you'd never have a quest to begin with.
>mfw imagining an infinite number of nerds zerging the fuck out of hyrule castle
The weak point is still the eye, that doesn't change just because we don't have health bars
Only one Hero's Bow. We can make our own weapons as well
Not very far, half of us would just sit there EH REH'ing at one another while the other half fucks all the NPCs.
Whats the plan, lads?
except the whole of Sup Forums has been transported into the game with full knowledge of how it plays, that's the whole point.
>thinking of how we'd beat the Deku Tree
>realizing Kokiri Woods, full of children, would now be full of Sup Forumsgoers since it's the starting area
>mfw thinking of Manchild Village
Finally, somewhere we all belong.
Yes it does because real world logic now applies not game logic. You blind it it's still going to be an unstoppable armored murder machine.
>surrounded by Gerudo women
The fuck do you think the plan is?
Send the traps in first to trojan-horse the gates open
everyone would die by nightfall
> with full knowledge of how it plays
Conjecture, this was never stated.
>all of Sup Forums
i think we have a numbers advantage
Have femanons befriend them?
We know the plot. Sup Forums gets a shitton of traffic a day numbering in the hundreds if now the low thousands. Just rush to Hyrule Castle, wait for Ganon's visit and jump him. He can't take on all of us, and there are are like 12 guards in the entire castle town.
then there's no point in killing it at all. it doesn't drop anything and the only reward for clearing the tree is knowledge that we already have
Which non-boss enemy would kill the most anons?
I did it a long time ago
You can't assume you'd have this knowledge.
The monsters thay spawn at night don't worry me as much as the spinning flower nigger of doom
The deku tree gives you one of the stones, does it not?
I really doubt it'd hand it over to a bunch of greasy Sup Forumsirgins willingly. You'd have to burn it down. Which will piss off the kokiri. Everyone ends up becoming Stalfos in the lost forest because Saria was raped to death within an hour of Sup Forums landing in hyrule.
>everyone get digested by Lord Jabu Jabu
This is not gonna work
*unzips dick*
Save jabu-jabu for the vore fags
>real world logic applies to everything
Okay, then the kokiri die because they're a bunch of children. Magic doesn't exist, so Ganon can't pose a threat to hyrule. Monsters don't exist because they're just make believe. In reality, hyrule's royal family would just burn down everything if they sensed a threat to their monarchy.
>everyone forms human ladders to skip having to grab the hookshot
shit you're right. we outnumber them at least 150,000 to 1 though so they can't really stop us
>Curse you sages Curse you disgusting fat men with weird girl cartoon t shirts
onahole anyone?
>Someone gets to carry a completely nude loli Ruto
I'd be the first in line my man. Don't give a shit about the digestive acids.
>Real world rules apply
Beyond the food situation, it'd be similar to most other Sup Forums Archipelago scenarios. We'd have to suffer about a week of unbridled confusion and panic and eventually get ourselves together and start spreading around trying to find out shit to do. After a month, it'd wind up like Log Horizon, where the actual denizens of the world are confused and scared by our knowledge of regular-assed human shit and how we start arming ourselves with shitty wooden shields and stone spears and gradually wipe most of the "evil" off the earth. Ganon would be impossible, considering none of us are Link.
I'm pretty sure it's physically impossible to survive even the Deku Tree dungeon.
>instead of zelda dreaming about link, she dreams about a horde of fat nerds
I could do it by myself
Okay, Link
If we told him what we know he'd probably fork over the stone. Whether he passes it to us without forcing us to survive his shitty "dungeon" is another question altogether.
Ganon only gets the triforce because link opens the temple of time. Before that he's just an evil (possibly magical) green desert jew. Enough of us could take him even if it's just by dogpiling him until he gets crushed under the collective weight of 10,000 hotpockets
Try that one an elephant and see how it works out.
How else would the journey even get started? Why should all of Sup Forums be the heroes the tree is calling for? Does it mean we all hold a triforce of courage?There was no logic to this from the start so fuck you, I'll make my own rules and Sup Forums begins knowing everything.
battle royal at start to kill everyone that has the other key items and who ever left standing is the true hero and will be fine.
>"I'm dying plz help"
>"give us the stone first"
>take stone and leave
Nigga is rooted to the ground what's he gonna do?
>How else would the journey even get started?
We all have a shared dream explaining the Deku Tree will have answers.
If I don’t wake up tomorrow in Hyrule I’m gonna be pissed.
how else would it work?
Sup Forums gets transported into the game, AND loses all their real world memories? do we get zelda-world memories and backstories or are we all full amnesiacs?
[Spoiler] user, wake up [/Spoiler]
No, just all memories relating directly to OoT.
You know the Zelda series, you can remember playing it, just not OoT, you even know there is a game missing from your memory but for some reason those memories are locked.
I call dibs on Navi
When I made the thread I imagined everyone would be aware of what was going on once they woke up in hyrule as long as they had familiarity with ocarina of Time. No memory loss or anything, but also no possessions besides clothing/glasses etc.
>everyone wakes up
>we fucking murder mido and get out to the rest of the world without even bothering with the deck tree
>footfags getting themselves killed un herido valley
So you're saying we all know, roughly, that we'll need to go to temples to collect some rocks so open the thing to get the sword to go collect more rocks/items so we can unlock the final temple? those rules are pretty consistent across the series.
This thread is a pale imitation of the Sup Forums in SM64 thread. Also, since the OP says we have to kill Ganon do we actually need to get him into pig form and do all of the game's shit or can we just get him JUDGED like Twilight Princess?
>kokiri village
>a few anons get lost in the woods
>a few more get killed on the way to the deku tree by giant venom spitting plants with razor teeth
>once inside, 75% of the anons don't have the upper body strength to climb the vines and are left to fight the monster plants
>some of the anons who make it up get instantly ripped to shreds by giant monster spiders
>the rest of the anons all jump from the top to crash through the vines below
>some miss and splatter on the ground, dying instantly
>the surviving anons on the ground jump in after them
>half of them drown
>we are down to about 6 anons who somehow manage to make it to the end
>they are all instantly crushed by a 30 foot spider
I assumed it was just like those old mario64 threads where everyone knows the game by heart but actually doing any of that shit with real world physics becomes a nightmare
if we go in knowing everything about the game and real world logic applies, we can easily find him and jump him before he gets any real power, no problem
>Iron Knuckles
>This fag
I say we are fucked