Why don't you like MOBA's?

Why don't you like MOBA's?

I can't believe people like you still exist. You don't belong here, child.

I like dota

Why did you self censor the world faggot, you faggot?

Because mobas are shit and your enjoyment of them solely depends on whether you get retarded team mates or not.

But I do like MOBAs user.
League > DotA
cmon, gimme shit for saying that

Get out cock sucker.

I love league, op.

Played it almost exclusively for 4 years and now I'm bored of the formula.

They require teamwork with retarded children or I have to bother making my own team out of idiots I know. It's much more fun to just play a 1v1 game since you can play theoretically perfectly in an ARTS and still lose if your teammates are bad. That and even the good ones like Dota take far too long for my liking. I appreciate that every Hero is free and the connections are generally great, but I hate having long, 50 minute matches in a game. I can't play a game uninterrupted for that long. It's the main reason I stopped playing Final Fantasy XI as well. Hated having to go AFK in dungeons and have people wonder what was going on, followed by me having to explain that my cat wanted food or that my disabled brother needed help with oxygen or getting out of bed. Of course, even if I didn't live with a handicapped guy or have pets, I still don't like the concept of playing a game where that much hardwork can be lost with just a few fuckups, making the hour long match a huge waste. I also hate the ranking systems most of these games use. Not necessarily the gain/loss system, as I don't mind ELO in Pokemon Showdown, but I do hate how many matches you have to do in casual/practice mode before you're allowed to even think about doing a ranked match. One of the things I like about fighting games is how you can play ranked matches instantly without having to waste time on a casual mode beforehand. I usually end up practicing for a few hours before playing for real anyway, but the option is nice.

I play aram when I have a smoke with friends
Maybe an off
meta game of norms or draft but never ranked
feels casually comfy brehs

Because I can just play a real RTS that has infinitely more depth.

It's the easiest way to get a tumour in your head. I play games to relax, not have to remember 100+ characters, 60+ items, 400+ abilities and 20+ different gameplay mechanics. In addition MOBAs attract the worst kinds of people and you either get harassed or match up with incompetent foreigners almost every match. Match length, never changing gameplay loops and retarded progression systems are also a huge issue in these.
I have met some of my best real life friends through MOBAs so they aren't completely shit.

>people get banned for word nigger
>no one care

Found the faggot

>ai has more depth than a human
what is this meme?

same reason I don't like RTS, starting over every match is kind of dull

>People care and it adds to the overall toxicity of the userbase but no one can do anything about it so they just accept it and keep acting like 12 year olds

>No RTS has ever had multiplayer mechanics whatsoever

It feels really bad when I lose and kinda good when I win. This is because of the high stakes that come with long matches, battlerite doesn't upset me as much.

>Censors "faggot"
>tumblr filename

kys, faggot.

>more depth
>sit back while ai farms for you
sure thing

>People care
Wrong. See tobi aka "lame nigger baby"
Or ding-ding motherfucker by /ourjew/.
muh safe space
>12 year olds


>playing battlerite

You don't know shit about our community.
Fuck off.

seem pretty friendly
the cause and effect is real :)


Tower Defense is an awful genre. Competitive Tower Defense is even worse.

Plus I just don't like that Diablo gameplay. Just the disconnect that comes from an overhead view and point n click interface. Not my thing.

games like lol and dota2 are designed from the ground up to rake in money. they are money sinks first and foremost and games last. i wouldn't touch the genre if it was the only genre of video games left on earth.

i post 4m switch

so it's principle? I've never spent a cent on lol or dota 2
by your standards, you shouldn't play vidya at all, no corporations have your interests at heart

The only redeeming thing about lol is it has a couple really good character designs.

Hi>wc 3 custom map are designed from the ground up to rake in money

No friends to play them with

Because I literally got harassed and insulted in my first game vs easy bots for not picking right character and going the wrong lane.

My bad.

wow, how to spot a newfag101

>inb4 i w-was b-baiting y-you, yo-you newfag!111

>plays the metagame outside of ranked

>get banned

I inherently don't like any game where the meta consists of like 15% of the roster because I can gaurentee that the character I like won't be in that top 15. It also doesn't help that even amongst things you can do with strangers on the internet MOBAs are legendarily cited as having some of the highest concentrations of complete assholes out of any of them.

If you're going to behave like you're on Reddit then I'll do my best to get you banned.

Make me stop.


Literally everyone was sub human
>bronze was full of retards
>silver was full of retards who think they are hot shit because they are "better" than bronze
>gold full of retards who think they are good at league
>plat same as gold but are actually getting "ok" at league
Thats as far as I climbed before I quit the game in season 4 but I'd speculate that the leagues higher are just as frustrating and retarded as the leagues below

>league of faggots
It's league of retards you dumb fuck


nobody is actually good at the game until you get to masters.

Bronze is people who play drunk/high/genuine mental disorders.

Silver/Gold is where most people fall.

Plat is for people who actually attempt to git gud but aren't there yet.

Diamond is people who think they're good at the game.

Masters is people good at the game.

too many shit players. you can smash your lane and still lose the game because the 4 other idiots have no idea wtf theyre doing

lol diamond is like the top 5% of the players idiot. plat are just idiots who duo'd to get there, many pros are masters. fucking idiot lol.

At least the porn is plentiful


>744 Results

>people fell for this
Honestly fpbp I laughed out loud.

Because I play dota

>there are actually people who play LoL or Smite when dota is objectively superior in literally every facet other than being "pick up and play," which HotS does far better than LoL

And the exact reason you are paired with idiots is because matchmaker thinks you are one. And it actually has your full stats to back that up.

u sound autistic as fuck

yes, kobe bryant sucks because he couldnt carry the 4 other players on the team to the finals. what kind of shit logic is that. they need a more indepth rating LP system instead of just "hurr durr 20 lp win, u lose 20 lp lol"

It's literally born from casual faggots in strategy games who could not handle micro with units so they got given a hero unit to micro. It's for babies who shit the bed and can't handle an actual strategy game. It's a complete wonder why these babies gave birth to "toxic" communities. It's because deep down they're all shitters who should stay in their moba containment zones. It's daycare for autist and sperg lords. Nothing pisses me off more than when they leave their containment zones and get into any myriad of game and do nothing but bitch and whine at other players for not doing what they want or being psychic enough to serve their interest. Moba players should all get a ride in a Chinese death van so at least something of value can be taken from them.

>Not being acutistic

You're probably just as retarded as your team. Smashing your lane isn't going to auto win the game. Securing objectives(easy if your fed) and a few well placed ganks(tricky but it potentially gets a lot of gold to your team) will drastically put the game in your favor.

>games like lol and dota2 are designed from the ground up to rake in money.
But Dota was designed from the ground up as a free WC3 custom you assclown
Even in the Dota 2 age nothing game design related has anything to do with it making money, it's just hats

u can do all that and still lose and u lose 20 LP. shit rating system.

You are a bad player. You are being paired with other bad player. If you were a good player, your contribution would grant you positive winrate and advancement in ranks in long run vs 5 team of other bad players.

lol not really. theyre running the same forced 50% winrate algorithm that overwatch does. only way to rank up is duo'ing, even pros know and do this. its why they'll duo up to diamond or masters, then when theyre finally with people who arent idiots they solo.

>he fell for apm meme
Fuck you for killing rts gener.

>language policing
>tumblr file name
Oh well, at least you only posted the second worst girl instead of Clover, the actual worst girl. Alex for life.

Gonna win a lot more often doing that rather than whining "muh team sucks" and continue to be a retard who doesn't understand the game

>theyre running the same forced 50% winrate algorithm that overwatch does.
You mean an elo system, whose entire job is to reactively match you with equally skilled players resulting in a long term average of 50% wins?
Fucking retard

The entire elo system is forced 50% winrate algorithm, it achieves that by adjusting your elo until you play vs players of similar skill and get 50% winrate. That's literally what matchmaking in games is for.

Don't you feel like you are missing out when you sink into these games?
You play matches that last, what, 40 minutes, just to please your competitive spirit. You barely feel any better when you win but you feel miserably angry when you lose.

There is not enough time in the world to play all the many amazing games out there that will make you a better person and nicer human being yet you decide to compete just to please the most primitive part of your autism.

I play Overwatch, it's shit, it barely has any complexity, most people that play it are 13 yerold autistic kids that will chose a dps character just because this is their substitute for COD, but the matches last 5 minutes.

Things I enjoy about lol
Tristana porn
Jinx porn

Things I don't enjoy about lol
playing lol

Just as bad, nigger lover

>tumblr filename
>anons still take this 5d bait
Come on guys.

Its a casualized genre filled with kids.


the only thing leagues good for is the comfy bfs~

This is sadly true. I know people that believe video games are nothing but le dank esports because their children only play CoD and Fifa all day. What's worse is many of these people will say things like "if I wanted a narrative, I'd read a book," but by that same logic, if you wanted a challenge, you wouldn't be playing a damned video game to get some sort of meaningful competition in life.

Don't get me wrong, I love playing games like KoF and have even been to competitions for them, but that takes up way less of your time than eternal ranked grinding for imaginary internet points and involves much less arguing with children in hopes of getting them to listen to your instructions.


>M-muh Dota
>M-muh hardcore gaymplay
Have a sip, faggot.

Still accurate

If mechanics of a game don't matter to you, why bother playing a competitive game?

But how many matches do you play?

This autistic deflection to "b-but match length" is retarded. You play overwatch - you have no high ground to spout shit like this from.

>Reddit frog



>if you don't play casual trash you have autism
great argument

god dammit i'm retarded


but i do

stop watching faggots like qtpie and dom then you wont be

Used to, but I don't play with friends anymore. So no point.

But that isn't one

>tfw league literally tore apart my group of friends

>mobas are literally warcraft 3 but for stupid people
Blizzard games are already casual brainlet shit, why would I want to play an entire genre consisting of ripoffs of a mod that casuallized casual garbage even further?

>be french
>play league
>always speak English
>random game
>some guy makes a dumb pick
>jokingly tell him not to
>starts insulting me in French
>turns out he's in a team with two others
>they won't shut up the entire game and they willingly ruin it
>one of them feeds hard
>get camped and do bad
>"report this noob"

Every player who speaks his own language in league is a goddamn retard.

>How to spot someone who doesn't play Mobas

Of course I don't, they're all dota clones, and dota is a mod for warcraft 3 that significantly casuallized an already casual game.
I play supcom when I want to play an RTS.

You're such a fucking moron it plays nothing like an RTS you retard.

Look at this self-proclaimed pseudo intellectual le "hardcore gamer" he's conveying his opinion and making innacurate facts about games he's never played.

You're the same retard who just steals opinions off Sup Forums and claim it as your own. Do yourself a favor and kill yourself you mindless retard.

>doesn't have the reaction speed needed for anything above bronze
>believes that everything is a dota clone
>RTS is the only true hardcore genre, brainlets

Yeah, not tough to spot them tonight. go to bed dude.

>>You're such a fucking moron it plays nothing like an RTS you retard

>DOTA is a mod for warcraft three that removes all player controlled content besides hero units.
>DOTA 2 is a modern standalone remake after icefrog got sick of dealing with the cancer that is blizzard and ran to valve.
>LoL and HoTS are chinkshit and blizzshit ripoffs of DOTA respectively

How is any of this wrong brainlet?
It's objective fact that assfaggots are nothing more than warcraft 3 but with everything besides hero units basically gone.

They can't handle the fact that it's dumbed down WC3. It's a UMS with tower defense, single controllable unit and farming. It's literally cancer and made for babies.