just vote with your wallet
Just vote with your wallet
Welcome to capitalism you little shit. If you don’t like it you can fuck off to some socialist third world shithole.
Hi Edgar
if capitalism means everything gets decided by whatever stupid normalfags have the most money then count me out
What I find somewhat disgusting is that you don't actually get any privileged access for spending this much when you would actually get VIP treatment had you spend it on say air travel.
Is there gonna be that much bullshit lootbox items to even justify spending 4000 dollars in Battlefront 2? I find that impossible to believe.
thanks capitalism
That is how innovation happens. Eventually what only the rich can afford becomes common application for even the lower class.
>Rich people earned their money fairly by being smart, yet do stupid shit like this
Trickle-down economics does not apply universally, but a need to broaden market access does drive the trickling down of innovations.
This kills the socialist.
>Rich people earned their money via nepotism
As well as any studio that EA acquires.
Oh wait. EA doesn't need anyone's help to do that.
>>Rich people earned their money fairly by being smart
Good joke
Zuckerberg did not earn his dough by nepotism.
Bill Gates earned his money by being an unscrupulous business player, not by inheritance.
lel this. The only people who have actually made money off of innovation in the last 65 years have been computer nerds. Everything else is decades or literal hundreds of years of nepotism.
in before Donald Trump is the living counterexample.
The weak shall perish and the strong shall inherit the earth.It's not like dozens of studios don't collapse without the help of EA regardless. You just like to point at your black and white evil boogeyman because your perception of the world is so stunted and immature.
that and/or being exploitative sociopaths
doesnt matter if 10 or 1000 of us never buy dlc or a lootbox when theres one guy who buys enough for a small city.
No it does, cause that effectively means that EA needs to figure out if it's worth catering to such a niche market.
Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffet, Roy Croc.
Let's keep going.
I vote with my wallet by only paying for games that get proper releases on PC and pirating everything else, and guess what, less and less games get a proper release.
Jews excel in a meritocracy, why didn't you think of inventing facebook you stupid little marxist?
Faggot ass whales ruin everything.
a niche market is expensive figures or jrpg characters.
i dont think you realize how the normie gamers love to eat up shit like dlc and lootboxes for these triple a games.
Rich people earn their wealth in ONLY two ways
>1) Being the most successful/profitable in a new field (oil, rails, grocery stores, computers, etc.)
>2) Nepotism/Inheritance
Why is it fair some literal retard gets to control the world and have billions of dollars just because in the 19th century his daddy pumped oil in America?
someone end this man by being "smart genius capitalist" and convince him pogs are coming back.
That's what I don't get about the whole loser mentality here. I guess losers think that it's just easier to kill the undisputed winners and call it a day.
EA is rich enough to create their "fans".
Facebook isn't an original idea, it's the one that got popular though. All the features facebook had when it got big were on other websites.
Tom from Myspace sure knows that well.
And this is in fact the business model. They KNOW that the majority of consumers do not want this, but it doesn't matter because the minority make up for it.
No one here actually buys these things, right?
>he shops at best buy
>Facebook isn't an original idea
Is that seriously your counter argument? We live in a society that is primarily one of meritocracy. That's how you get people like Zuck, Musk, Buffet, and many other entrepreneurs. Being first doesn't mean shit, its about being the best.
>primarily one of meritocracy
>its about being the best.
No, being the best is just part of it.
It's about making everyone THINK you're the best. Just like nobody actually acts in their best self-interest, only in what they believe to be their own best self-interest.
Hell, "the best" doesn't even have to mean "the highest quality". It can just mean "the most popular".
I do, and then materialistic capitalist slaves to the system in the form of children and manchildren alike outvote me.
Almost all "socialist" 3rd world countries are capitalist countries, you dumb burger. That is why they are 3rd world countries to begin with. The only nation I can think off that aren't Capitalist is North Korea and arguably Cuba, though anyone that has gone to Havana know that they have an unregulated black market.
>Just like nobody actually acts in their best self-interest, only in what they believe to be their own best self-interest.
I keep reading this over and over and it makes less sense every time I read it.
>all it takes is a few whales and some regular spenders to shift a game into ultra-profitable with IAP
Shit is just going to get worse and worse to the point there is complete buyer fatigue or government intervention. It happened in Japan, it could happen here. But it seems like such a crapshoot that the american system could ever come to agree at regulating this behaviour so they'll be safe.
This is a person who either has a serious spending problem, or is a leech off of his rich parents.
This hardly represents how the average consumer would enjoy the game.
>government intervention.
socialists need to fuck off.
Jew that company wouldn't be worth nearly as much if data mining were rightfully made illegal
Scammer, only legit thing he has done is paypal
Should be in jail for the rest of his low for insider trading just for the Goldman Sachs deal
>The weak shall perish and the strong shall inherit the earth
So white people, and by extension western civilization, won't be inheriting the earth?
why people get so defensive when you talk about capitalism downsides
i mean, capitalism is LITERALLY the best system at the moment, but pretending being retarded and ignoring its flaws is pretty childish
>Why is it fair some literal retard gets to control the world and have billions of dollars just because in the 19th century his daddy pumped oil in America?
It isn't a matter of fairness. Sometimes you win the genetic lottery, sometimes you don't.
Doesn't mean you cannot go get an education and make a decent amount to play video games. You don't have to be a millionaire to enjoy video games.
>capitalism is a free market without goverment intervention
Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy are here to comfort you, user.
he's an EA shareholder
Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times. There will never be "one race" to rule the planet for an infinite about of time.
So did he get that shit for free or what?
The government should provide its citizens with basic human right protections. Not to regulate the fucking video game industry and its loot boxes.
I'd say no given he's buying it from best buy, or claiming to
>tfw spent entire life in poverty
America is the worst first-world country to live in if you are poor.
This is why lootboxes work. You have lonely rich people with little else to do with their money than to spend it on video games instead of random hookers. They barely make any money off the average consumer. It's these faggots that give them all of their profits.
>Whaling on console service games
What's the exact life expectancy for service games run by EA?
>Zuckerberg did not earn his dough by nepotism.
Might wanna read up on that.
>a few whales provide the average consumer with free dlc and updates
sounds like a win to me.
>You don't have to be a millionaire to enjoy video games.
That's kind of the point of most "socialist" policy. That you shouldn't need to be rich to have access to things in life.
>This hardly represents how the average consumer would enjoy the game.
That's correct. If you look into lootcrate stuff, it only takes a small percentage of your playerbase to turn it into a money making machine. This guy is also a pleb in terms of whales. He's like the free stuff only tier of whales.
Guarantee you some fucking brainholed Star Wars fanboy with walls of merch and a life-size Vader statue is sitting waiting at home for this game to come and he will be known as the king of the stormtroopers with his massive hoard of lootcrates. He's gonna spend 5 figures without even breathing.
There is more profit to be catering to the poor rather than to the uhleet
Corporate overlords convinced a couple of dummies that criticizing some of the bad things about capitalism is tantamount to communism. So here we are.
>theres no good and evil
it fucking EA you fagget
Not that user but is a simple concept, you don't have to be the best at what you do just make people think you are so you or your product gain the benefit even if you or your product are actually worse than your competition, since the consumers think you are better then that is all that matters.
I mean come on user, is marketing 101.
>why people get so defensive when you talk about capitalism downsides
Because critique of capitalism always brings about conversation regarding the alternative to capitalism, which is far more oppressive and more likely to make any society miserable.
No economic system can provide both equal opportunity and equal results for all. There are winners and losers in society no matter how you go about regulating it's economic activities.
found the brainlet. Evil is kidnapping a young girl, try to extort the family for thousands of dollars, and when the family can't pay you cut her legs off and throw her infront of the same home your kidnapped her from.
EA is not evil.
Yea well, Somalia awaits you in your Libertarian paradise. The rest of us would like predatory and exploitative behaviour prevented.
Oh shit forgot to explain the last part. In this case when you act you think you do so for your own self interest, you don't actually do so in your own self interest because for that it will need an objective observer of the situation and most people can never be objective about what they do.
Burger Cold War propaganda was so effective it’s still relevant today
A fool and his money...
pure socialism moderated by an AI absolutely positively works. why do you think (((((they))))) have to keep shutting them off in lab tests?
if everyone realized human-controlled fake socialism was just egalitarianism, and a robot could make sure everyone has what they need, capitalism would die overnight.
we have a shill right here, guys
You can't stop Star Wars nerds from buying anything.
They just buy it for the fucking name. They don't give a fuck. They're retarded and blind. Enjoy your gaming being ruined by fucking dumbass Star Wars nerds.
Glad you think that real story is somehow related to being a shill
>Implying there's nothing wrong with money leeching cults like Scientology.
Yeah that is true but no system can sustain itself with large levels of inequality since the "losers" in the exchange will revolt sooner or later. I am no hype tree huger that believes in an utopian egalitarian society were no one will be poor and everyone will have access to the same level of wealth but it isn't healthy to society as a hole that 8 persons in the world hold more wealth than 3.5 Billion people, because when those 3.5 Billion realize their shitty hand, is French Revolution time.
Shitting on stuff other people like for purely financial reasons is evil. 1,000 people losing their favorite franchise is cumulatively more damage done than 1 family getting their properly-working daughter exchanged for a nubby one.
>That's kind of the point of most "socialist" policy. That you shouldn't need to be rich to have access to things in life.
In the case of video games, it's definitely true. It's no reason to discourage people from wanting to be millionaires, but trying to suggest that video gaming is a super-expensive hobby in comparison to many others is factually wrong.
If the local redneck populace I live around can make $30,000 annually and still find the scratch to purchase handguns, rifles, and ammunition - all of which is far more expensive than even some of the more costly gaming-related expenditures - then you can enjoy gaming without being a millionaire.
Hell, if I was making between $70,000-$100,000 per year, I could enjoy video games and still have enough to raise a family very easily.
there is no voting with your wallet when people like this exist. video games are dead and its all thanks to corporate greed and idiots like this.
He still cashed out with tens of millions so I can't really say he did poorly.
>1,000 people losing their favorite franchise is cumulatively more damage done than 1 family getting their properly-working daughter exchanged for a nubby one.
I like your style user.
>using credit cards to buy EAbux cards to spend on in-game items
Why not just buy the microtransactions directly? There's literally no reason to do this. Much more likely just a store employee shitposting.
Didn't he sell it for hundreds of millions?
I want to choke this retarded faggot.
It's obvious this is for a stream or YT giveaway.
>government intervention
Easy way for a backdoor through which can pour in all the boogeymen you fear. Also the fucking fags on the hill don't understand this shit at all, you really want them fucking with it?
>Eventually what only the rich can afford becomes common application for even the lower class.
Tell me more about everyone affording their own private jets, hotels and 10+ houses around the world
You dumb shit.
Well, the last time I checked, the US and a lot of other first-world nations never had such a grand economic disparity. Imperial Russia in the early 1900s did. So did mafia-controlled Cuba before Castro. Don't get me wrong, Socialism doesn't come about because something isn't screwed up, but to suggest that the US is somehow heading in that similar direction is foolish. Same can be said with most western European countries.
People buy them for different reason, EA sells them to avoid a retailers from doing a revolt since EA (and all gaming companies) are trying to undercut retailers and keep all the revenue to themselves.
I don't know what that means
Popular streamer/YTer buys a bunch of cards with codes on them to giveaway to his viewers. How is that hard to understand?
For an example, look at the Monty Haul problem. Tons of people don't choose to switch doors, even though it's the statistically correct thing to do.
These people aren't acting in their best self-interest. But they do BELIEVE they're acting in their best self-interest.
>monty haul
Monty Hall, sorry.
I lived long enough to see Sup Forums defend dlc and other shit companies shit on their mouths
Christ this guy is a asshole thanks for giving EA what they want
>His father taught him Atari BASIC Programming in the 1990s, and later hired software developer David Newman to tutor him privately.
>His father was a prominent lawyer, and his mother served on the board of directors for First Interstate BancSystem and the United Way. Gates's maternal grandfather was JW Maxwell, a national bank president.
They were literally given everything to succeed
That is the problem, you don't see it coming but it is. Bernie Sanders and Trump didn't happen in a vacuum. I don't want to turn this into Sup Forums but there is a discussion to be had about our economic problems, because last election cycle didn't happen in a vacuum, there is real anger in the people towards the political class (which rule to benefit the wealthy and only them) which almost destroyed both parties last year. The system hold up but 2 populist candidates actually had a chance (and one won) the presidency, I really don't remember the last time a populist figure did something like that. And before someone come saying that democrats are commie socialist, Obongo was a "light republican" by old standards and the same could be said about Clinton (Which came to power with the famous "triangulation" tactic).