Why wouldn't you get an Xbox One X now?
The most powerful console ever made
Try selling me on it.
The console is so powerful it has no games
Because 4K is a fucking meme right now. Wait 4 years when 4K screens and monitors are actually the norm.
u can watch movies on it
i am though but i'm poor. it feels bad because i don't even really need it but my pc is 200 miles away.
Because no gaem
it has no games.
i guess its like that rail gun that the nazis had.
You can put as many X's as you want in the name, but i'm still not buying your stupid Forza box.
no weeb games which i mostly tend to play
Cause I don't have a 4k tv and don't give a shit about 4k and it doesn't do 60fps nor fully do 4k in reality. Plus I already have a PC and PS4 so I am covered for multiplats and exclusives and having that would be pointless.
used to console gaming (i.e. 30 fps, closed box system etc) and want something to have the best visuals on your 4ktv for the cheapest price (compared to a similar pc)? this is probably for you
used to pc gaming (i.e. 60 fps, mods, other usability) then this probably isn't for you unless you're running a toaster and only have £450 to spend
Will cockroaches infest it?
Where the games
It's really not worth getting unless you LOVE Halo and would like to play Sunset Overdrive.
Though it's probably worth just getting a cheap S if this is the case, since a resolution bump is hardly worth an extra $300-400.
>he bought a ps4 pro
Don't know if this is bait or not
I have a ps4, pc, and a switch. I don't care about halo anymore, gears of war was always lame, crackdown is mediocre, don't like racing games with real vehicles (rather have wiipeout, fzero, or kart racing).
No point. I got a PC and while it's not the best, upgrading it will be more beneficial and cheaper than getting the Xbone X.
Because I don't give a shit about it?
>since a resolution bump is hardly worth an extra $300-400.
>xbox one average resolution 900p
>xbox one x average resolution between 1800p and 4k
that's like 100% more pixels or somewhere around that. it's like night and day
Don't get what you're trying to prove
What's wrong with Xbro? Did he lose his emotions?
No games I want, same as the other MS consoles.
I plan to get one when I get another money.
Xbox doesn't really have any games that interest me. You could have the most powerful hardware in the world and I still wouldn't give a shit if you don't have any games I'm interested in playing.
I have a PC for multiplats and it has no exclusives I want. PC/PS4/Switch is all I need this gen.
why would you buy a multiplat targeted playstation made for 4k when you have a pc and then call it pointless when its target use is exactly the same as the pro being 4k and better multiplats? only some colossal moron would spend more than $200 on a ps4 if it was used solely for exclusives.
This. No one except PC cucks even care about 4K right now
>PC/PS4/Switch is all I need this gen.
This. Xbox adds nothing but a slight visual advantage to console gaming but even then it's not worth it with having a PC.
actually a lot of ps4 players care about 4k and higher fidelity games because sony even said themselves they released the pro based on a mid generation dip where sales would go down for ps4s and user interaction would also go down as people wanted to migrate to pc for the better features. they literally said the pro is for people who want to move to pc for 4k hence why they released it solely to play games at "dynamic 4k".
There's games, its just the games Microsoft is offering aren't really that good. You're buying an Xbox One for the exclusives, right? I mean, if there's one thing I'll say I like, it's the inclusion of 4K UHD playback. That, and the general multitude of media applications, and the ability to use various apps in the background.
I don't have a PS4 pro. My PS4 is just for the Sony exclusives and the PC is for the multiplats
>You're buying an Xbox One for the exclusives, right?
if i was spending $200+ it would be for multiplats as they vastly outnumber exclusives. if i wanted to play only xbox or ps4 1st party i wouldn't spend more than $200 because we're ultimately talking about 10-15 games across a gen which are 1st party and worth playing.
Whenever Rare revives their classic IP's in bulk, then I will buy an Xbox again. Haven't own an Xbox since the OG model all those years ago. I've been waiting over thirteen years for Rare to do something interesting. So far I've received nothing.
What about 3rd party console exclusives?
It seems neat but ehh $500 for slightly better graphics doesn't seem justifiable
The other user that replied wasn't me.
Yeah I'd pretty much exclusively buy for exclusives since I already have a decently strong PC, and a PS4.
The only game it has that I think I'd be interested in playing is MCC, other than that there's nothing else I can't play on something else.
I don't think 4k UHD playback is really a seller for me unless it's included in netflix/amazon streaming since I never purchase movies anyways.
Microsoft is either building or buying out a studio for Rare's old ips.
what should I do Sup Forums
I have this 4k tv lying around but I want to build a pc
is it worth it to forgo a pc for the time being and buy an xbone?
I thought xbox classic was getting online, I"ll keep waiting for that and Mechassault. Also, will pick up for RDR2 and KH3
Figure it out for your damn self you loser.
All this Xbox shilling.
Xbox One X is executed better than the PS4 Pro, but just like the Pro, Microsoft hasn't really shown off the want or really need for a console as powerful as its namesake. Where are all the developers at? First party should have more to show for besides one game and a few 4K patches.
1st and 3rd party still only make up around 15 games each gen worth playing. it's not justifiable to say the pro or xbox1x is worth the money for those 15 games for their price. i bought my ps4 used for $100 to play those games. i would pay maybe 100 more but no more than that. off the top of my head i can think of
gravity rush 2
persona 5
uncharted 4
yakuza 0
yakuza kiwami
and upcoming games
god of war
that other tlou rip off zombie game
that's about 12 games there already with a 3rd not even out yet. for every one of these exclusives id play like 5 AAA multiplats of which a console like the x1x would justify the price for and the pro. i wouldn't pay $400 for a pro to play these 12 or so games.
a final point to add is that these ps4 games aren't all getting enhancements either. BB still doesn't have a 4k patch and neither do the yakuza games or gravity rush iirc. i think every MS first party is getting a 4k patch but it still doesn't justify the price for those games alone. same with the pro.
>not really 4K
>not really 60fps
>have to download 100GB texture updates for their version of 4K
maybe it will be worth it in a couple of years when developers are accommodating to it, but it doesn't seem practical now
This is the main problem is that most devs won't give a shit to really utilize the hardware cause they already have a system and will just do a shitty upscale to justify it.
They've been doing this since 2016 after Fable Legends got shitcanned.
you know if scalebound still was a thing, I'd buy an xbone x in a heartbeat. They really needed a new release to go along with the new hardware. 4k patches for a handful of game isn't going to cut it
The most powerful console ever made still can't play 60fps when I want it to.
>It's the fastest plastic tricycle ever made! Why wouldn't you buy one?
no, its not. xbox are trying the crap saying you can use netflix as well stream in 4K, but since you already have a 4k tv anyway you more than likely have netflix on your tv apps
A billion dollar company right here folks.
this was the only option they had really. they could have released a console to match the pro but it would have done nothing for them. at least this new "worlds most powerful console" is generating some hype and has put xbox back on the map and in peoples mouth (for both the right and wrong reasons). for all we know they have a bunch of exclusives lined up in production but it would have done nothing for the brand if they came out and told us these games but then said they won't be out for another 3 years. this was basically their best and only option till those games come out.
Shut the fuck up, Sonyroach.
You missed out on the best console last gen then. Xbox 360 was really a high point for Microsoft.
Any videocard made in the last decade has HDMI, just hook your PC up to your TV.
>high point
>you need to pay Microsoft to unlock multiplayer every month
ITT: pissed off neckbeards inadvertently keep another thread they hate alive
No games I want for it just like the switch
>Why wouldn't you get an Xbox One X now?
No games.
But almost all new consoles are the most powerful console ever made when they first come out. Whats that statement even supposed to mean?
Every time Nvidia makes a new high end graphics card its the most powerful card ever made.
the original pic is a pcbro with the last pic showing his pc burning up isnt it? anyone have that one?
can't play nier and persona 5, the only games that interest me from this gen
Only very very very few games are "4k" on xbone x
If anything I applaud Microsoft for at least trying, and not abandoning their console in favor of just Windows. Super Lucky Tales, Crackdown 3, Sea of Thieves, Cuphead, etc. are all good attempts at trying to keep your console bade enticed.
I already have a original xbone and a 720p tv.
What I do not have, is games for the damn thing.
Please do tell me again why I should buy something that would give absolutely nothing new in terms of experience?
because it's actually given the xbox a reason to be purchased and it's a valid reason at that too for the people who want that. up until now there were no reasons to own an xbox because it cost more, performed worse and had shared exclusives. the only reason to get one till now was for friends but that's a valid reason for any console so it's also a moot point. at least now they can say their console is THE place to play the best console multiplats at your 4k tv or even on your 1080p tv due to automatic downsampling.
it gives the consumer a legitimate reason to consider it over the pro and makes you weigh up your options based on the games you play or will be playing. also stuff like auto downsampling, xbox game pass, play anywhere, 4k blu ray etc will also benefit it. shit like physical size will also benefit it for those home cinema autismos who want all their products to be sleek. the og xbox was a fucking abortion when it came to looks
>up until now there were no reasons to own an xbox because it cost more, performed worse and had shared exclusives
It has IR support at least. I'm full idort and my xboner gets daily use for TV while my PS4 gathers dust for 11 months of each year.
>Please do tell me again why I should buy something that would give absolutely nothing new in terms of experience?
if you had a ps4 a ps4 pro would do nothing for you either in terms of experience. your tv is shit and none of these would do anything for you.
When did he mention he had a pro, dumbass.
i don't have a 4k tv
Well yeah.
Minecraft alone makes more money than pretty much every Sony AND Nintendo Exclusive together and its on their consoles too.
Crazy how one of the PS4 biggest games is a "MS" game that they get money for.
Because it doesn't really have any games.
Helps weed out idiots. Servers cost money to run you know.
>doesn't address the biggest problem
What's the point of a gameconsole with no games?
Guess shills gonna shill
one thing i will give xbox is that is was an awesome media device. it doubles up as a tv box, streaming box, and had chromecast like features. they got the home media stuff right but everything else is a massive flop. i have both consoles and for whatever reason sony decided to not support 5ghz wifi on the og ps4 so i have to use the crowded as fuck 2ghz band wifi which is slow as fuck in my uni. on the xbox side of things it works way better
Helps ensure everyone you play with is a brainless idiot
That's like saying you should buy the most powerful motor scooter instead of a mid-low motorbike.
are you retarded? you said you have the xbox already with some abortion 720p tv and started kicking up a fuss about how it won't offer anything for you over what you already have. i clearly stated it won't do jack shit for you because it's a console that's not even targeted towards poorfags like you with shit tvs and the same would go for anyone rocking a ps4 and were considering a pro.
use your fucking brain
Xbox one s or x for only 1080p gaming, mainly original Xbox and 360 games? I don't know if the extra 300 or so in Canada for the x is worth it or not. Especially since it's old games and only 1080p
I guess there's no need to buy more studios since Minecraft is such a gigantic cash cow. Who needs new, talented studios to make original IP's when you can just make your own vidya in Minecrafta.
This is the reason why Microsoft hasn't been interesting as a parent company in almost eight years.
Because its 650 bucks where i live
Because i dont care about 4k and i dont have a 4k tv
Because it doesnt even run most games at 60fps anyway
>still doesn't address the the nogayms problem
Guess you just use it as a 4k bluray player
since you're clearly mentally handicapped and most likely been getting high of that musty basement air, i'll ask you something in return.
i have a ps4 and a 720p tv. Please do tell me again why I should buy something that would give absolutely nothing new in terms of experience? (referring to ps4 pro).
i know i'm going to laugh at your retarded reply but try to put some logic into it at least
>Xbox one x and xbox one s
>both have 4kbluray player
>both can stream 4k
>neither provides 4K 60fps gaming
>one is £230 and other is £450
the one x is definitely not worth it
>one is 900p average
>one is 1800p - 4k average
try playing on a 4k tv at 900p. even 1440p looks ass on a 4k tv. it's blurry as fuck.
It has so few games that you're clearly dancing around the subject.
Is that why M$ hired you?
do britbongs and other yuros hate the xbox based solely out of spite for america? asking sort of rhetorically, you can kind of tell by how they talk that they're behind a lot of the shitposting about xbox.
it goes like this
>xbox gets brought up
>haha you mean shitbox!
or some other similar comment.
i'll ask again:
i have a ps4 and a 720p tv. Please do tell me again why I should buy something that would give absolutely nothing new in terms of experience? (referring to ps4 pro).
I bought it. I've been playing Assassin's Creed II on it. But it's so I can work towards Origins, fully comprehending the good story.
They probably do
Im english. Had two xbox 360s, both failed. thats about as far as my opinion goes on microsoft (unless you want to talk about piece of shit office 365)
No games
the 360 is the best selling console of all time in the UK though.
360 > wii > ps3 last gen in terms of overall sales
>No games
>Dynamic 4K
top kek
Because in three years they'll come out with The Xbox Two XX, The Most Powerful Console Ever Made™, and neither of them will have any games
so you're claiming if i spend $400 for a ps4 pro on top of the $350 i already spent on the ps4 a couple years back, and hooked it up to my 720p hitachi TV from 2009 i'll get more games over my base ps4?
you heard it first here people. buying a ps4 pro gives you more games than a base ps4 when connected to a 720p according to retarded user