((MENTALLY UNTOUCHABLE)) is currently live, say something nice to him
((MENTALLY UNTOUCHABLE)) is currently live, say something nice to him
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Can't I just say something nice in this thread?
You've got nice eyebrows
ooga booga, ban da ass an shieeeeeet
I've felt nothing but sorry for LTG after that time he admitted he got sexually assaulted as a kid.
source plz
using ghetto text in the chat. I bet it's some white 12 years olds, I would actually bet on that
molested lol. you mean lucky
explains why he's a cuck
Fuck off LTG
fuck off oogabooga nobody cares about your stream
no advertising allowed on Sup Forums
every single thread
Is he still dating that girl that beats him?
This is why gender equality will never be attainable on a social/cultural level
I agree with this user that many boys would love that kind of sexual attention from a female at that age. As far as the same situation with the genders swapped, not so much.
>when he was in jail his cellies made him sit down to pee
how embarrassing
I actually think the best thing to do to a coming of age boy is to take him to a hooker(a good hooker mind you).
Why doesn't he stream on twitch?
he's been banned multiple times
banned long ago
But why?
>Five years old
>fucking FIVE
I feel bad for anyone that has to deal with that shit.
Pretty much carrying stuff like that to your grave.
I think people were flagging his channel for hate speech.
>lucky to be molested at 5 years old
Your /ss/ fantasies are not real life bro.