>got into fighting games not too long ago >missed kof13 >missed marvel 2 when it still had a community >missed out on GGPO >missed guilty gear AC >missed virtua fighter >missed sf4 >missed arcana heart 3 >all the sequels to these games are universally agreed on to be worse, from sfv to kof14 to xrd, because they added more random 'hype' mechanics and watered down the execution >old games like super turbo don't even have much of an offline community anymore
ok, so what the fuck do I do now?
Connor Flores
in Xrd's defense, the execution barrier is still there albeit more comfortable to pull off due to FRC (force roman cancel, being able to extend some combos and even make some moves and projectiles safe for only 25% tension instead of 50%) being removed. the overall result is still really satisfying to play coming from a long history of playing GG and still feels difficult enough to the point where an experienced player can completely shit on a beginner with absolutely no trouble due to the comeback mechanic being "stronger supers" in a game where supers are pretty fucking useless
Lincoln Foster
fighting games arent games
Carson Garcia
Tekken 7, SF5 anyways when arcade edition comes out, GG Xrd, Dragon Ball FighterZ
I never understood the concept of "Missing" games, it's like complaining you missed on the old sets of Magic the Gathering. They still exist
Owen Watson
SFV > SF4, don't believe the nostalgic lies. You REALLY don't want to live through what that game had, it was some total shit. Others, I can agree on, although Xrd's still fine even if its worse than AC/+R.
Christian Barnes
YRC is retarded and you know it. You don't need to explain AC, or fighting games in general to me, I played enough AC with some friends to know the mechanical differences and I've played enough fighting games thus far to know what is a good mechanic and what is a silly one.
Justify bad mechanics like blitz shield, danger time, rc slowdown, and hellfire too. I know people that QUIT GG because they hated xrd, and they even knew pros who quit. Hellfire isn't the only comeback mechanic, they added a bunch of uncertainty and silly mechanics. The new characters also have AC level toolkits when chararcters like slayer got their whole movesets gutted (not even talking cheesy bite loops here either, it's so obvious he needs a big dick punish like BBU back).
>Tekken 7 tekken isn't my thing >SF5 anyways when arcade edition comes out why the fuck would I play that awful game when ST exists >GG Xrd Maybe. I don't really enjoy playing it, waiting for UNI na release and maybe 6 stars. Maybe I will learn to like it. >Dragon Ball FighterZ it's going to be shit, the game looks awful mechanically
>I never understood the concept of "Missing" games, it's like complaining you missed on the old sets of Magic the Gathering. >They still exist Yeah let me just play some Virtua Fighter and KOF13 right now!!! Thanks dude I never thought of all the people playing virtua fighter in 2017!!!!! xD
I don't even like sf4 at all from what I played. ST is so far my favorite ST title and the one I spend the most time on, but it would have been fun to pick an execution autist character in 4 and learn all the tech, just for fun.
Xavier King
i love everything about xrd from the soundtrack to the mechanics but I hate that slayer is bottom tier feels bad
Ryder Phillips
You missed out m8. I dropped the shit entirely too.
Play a different genre until one of the developers gets their shit together.
Noah Evans
Play Melee.
Camden Clark
Wait for DBFZ
Aiden Mitchell
Pokken is actually pretty fantastic for serious/competitive play, you could play that.
Ironically it's shit casually.
Asher Cruz
>i love everything about xrd... mechanics
yeah there is so much to love about RC slowdown, danger time, old characters being gutted
Frankly the only game I am interested in now, to play seriously, is ST. Smash and pokken lol. No.
Kayden Morgan
Under Night InBirth EXE Late[st] Trust me its fucking good.
Thomas Morales
I'm going to get UNIST the second it comes out in north america. Other than a couple AIDS characters it looks pretty solid.
Jack Ross
haha melee is just a party nigga am i a Sup Forumsro now guys? haha
Brayden Adams
im so I feel you on the slayer nerfs but he's still a functional character, if you're going to complain about anyone complain about rev2 bedman being absolute fucking trash
yrc is bullshit but it's centralized bullshit, every character in the game can take advantage of it in a meaningful way as opposed to FRC. blitz shield is a complete non-issue, go back and watch arc revo 2017 and watch how many times you saw blitz shield in top 8. I think it was once.
you sound like you're looking for things to be upset about and it makes me think this thread is baitu
Connor Perez
>refusing to play literally the best fighting game ever made because you've been brainwashed by the FGC
Charles Edwards
I'm absolutely confident smash melee requires a ton of skill to play well, but it's just not my thing, sorry. I didn't ever like playing smash, even as a kid, whereas I do have nostalgic memories regarding fighting games even though I barely touched them in my life.
I don't like it at all. I had the game when I was a kid, hardly ever touched it. I never enjoyed playing it. Whereas I loved going to arcades and playing my friend's brother's copy of GGXX.
Jack Turner
a lot of the hate for recent games is from retards who dislike any kind of change and people who haven't played fighters from the babby days of fightans aka 80s and 90s
Christopher Moore
Nah not bait. If they wanted to make it more like XX they should have just gone with 50% RC and no kind of parry/whatever mechanic like classic GG. YRC is just a bad mechanic and we all know it.
Gabriel Torres
>a lot of the hate for recent games is from retards who dislike any kind of change and people who haven't played fighters from the babby days of fightans aka 80s and 90s most of the fighting game friends I've made so far, couple who have played for like 20 years, seem to unilaterally agree that the newer games are worse
I'm sure it's just /r/kappa though right brahs?
Isaiah Rogers
alright DSP. complain about FAULTY GAME MECHANICS in place of actual player skill when in reality the mechanics are completely different but just fine.
Noah Miller
stockholm syndrome, unwilling to admit yrc is a shit mechanic
Jack Hall
scroll up and read, I literally typed "yrc is bullshit but it's centralized bullshit" you blind retard
Jason Gutierrez
Try watching any footage of the various AC games, or just thinking back to how it was. It was a shit ton of footsies and chip that added up.
When you watch Xrd the pacing is awful. It's just hard knockdown oki resets that make the game flow at a crawl once someone touches the ground.
Hudson King
fightcade exists and arcana heart's latest game is coming next month
Carter Martinez
if you watch any footage of AC you'll realize that you're dead wrong. johnny bullshit existed in in AC. hurrr bacchus sigh attaches to downed enemy into unblockable mist finer. testament phantom soul after hard knockdown for guaranteed crow, well look at that it's hard knockdown oki on two super popular and strong characters. you talk about slayer a lot, implying his entire gameplan wasn't hard knockdown after j.D into oki setups with bite mixups into 25% retard uppercut for the hard knockdown air combo again.
let me guess you watched maximillian dood and took your assumptions about the game from him, your opinions are just as retarded as his
Alexander Collins
Lol I already use fc
And 6s isn’t going to be very popular and you know it. It’ll die after 2 mos
Brody Brooks
Samuel Davis
AH4 needs to happen ASAP. Wish they didn't plan on adding all the new addition to Six Stars over the next couple of months after release.
Daniel Rogers
I never watched a single Maximilian dood video in my entire life.
Maybe I just don’t enjoy guilty gear and it’s not for me. But I have talked to a lot of players that vastly preferred AC and without having played GG much myself I can see why.
Angel Phillips
Yeah, nah. SFIV had more shit to learn per character and was mechanically better. The thing about IV is that it took until AE to be good but still unbalanced, so Ultra SFIV was the only good version since you only had to deal with one character that was made of bullshit. SFIV had a lot of bullshit but overall it still had variety on its characters, depth and you could still play fucking neutral. Fuck SFV, it made me drop SF altogether and go to Tekken.
Julian Murphy
Don't compare Smash and Pokken.
Pokken is made by the actual tekken devs at bamco, nintendo themselves didn't work on it at all, they only published it. It's not a "fighting game technically kind of sort of" like smash,, it's literally, 100% a traditional fighter. Characters have entire seperate movelists, there's multiple attack buttons, there's attack heights, you have meter, there's cancels, crossups, resets, you have oki/wakeup play, setups, mixups, baits, etc.
Also, despite the fact the tekken guys made it, it's not a 3d plane based fighter like tekken: Pokken is mostly a traditional 2d fighter, though it has a unique mechanic called phase shifting that's basically a glorified anti-infinite system that forces a return to a sort of second layer of neutral that's a 3d fighter, but it goes back to traditional 2d after a single heavy hit or special connects. Also, you then need to factor in how many phase shift transition points your moves rack up, which encourages combo variety in the 2d phase since you'll want more BnB's or to change your combos on the fly to either minimize or maximize your phase shift points to stay in the phase or switch out of it faster, depending on what's better for that MU or that particular round/match. The roster is also absurdly balanced, with every character being viable at high level play, and the game in general is very neutral focused.
Seriously, look up some gameplay of it. People dissmiss it due to being tied to Pokemon but it's 100% a FGC title designed as such for competitive play, not like smash where it was desinged for casual play and doesn't follow the conventions of fighting games but still manages to be competitive despite that. The FrostyFaustings grand finals and most of CEO 2017 are good examples of high level play.
Nicholas Mitchell
you a crab
Aaron Sanders
So you are quite literally admitting to parroting opinions about games you know very little about. The absolute fucking state of modern Sup Forums
Colton Cruz
KOF14 being worse than 13 is debatable.
Nathan Jones
Actually, let me add to this: KOF13 isn't as well liked in the KOF community as you think.
Nolan Robinson
I know that feeling bro. Feels like we completely missed the golden age of fgc before faggortry completely took over. That being said, I second what said. Pokken is lots of fun once you git gud and it has an active community (at least on the east coast) especially since the Switch injected some new life into the game.
Henry Wood
If you are new enough that you missed sf4, which was the main game 1 and a half years ago, chances are you don't know shit and are just parroting what people told you to think.
Levi Young
>Bedman being absolute fucking trash Thank you jesus for pointing this out. Everyone not only thinks he's still S tier because his use rate is so damn low and they don't know the matchup yet all the Bedman players I know are on suicide watch because of how brutally he got gutted. Even GCYoshi was considering dropping him after spending enough time with Rev2. It totally killed the game for me personally because I loved the niche that he filled out in the cast while still having a decently strong spot without being overbearingly powerful like Johnny and Raven. I'm pretty disappointed that we haven't heard any news regarding any changes but that's to be expected with DBZ being in development. One can only hope that the next eventual installment will bring good changes for him or another interesting character worth playing. Me I'm personally hoping for Ariels/Roboky
Juan Lopez
Just play melty blood
Isaac Russell
Kof13 was hot garbage
Ryan Gray
Don't understand the hate for Street Fighter 5, especially from people who haven't even fucking played it. There are people who are new to fighting gaems, who barely know any fundamentals who say they won't ever play Street Fighter 5 literally because people on the internet don't like it.
I really enjoy Street Fighter 5, it's one of the first fighting games I put the time and dedication in to get good at and I love it, but if I say that I do, people who haven't even played the game shit all over me because their opinion is somehow more valid, despite them all being frauds who don't even play fighting games.
Also, before you faggots who don't play fighting games RRREEE at me, the first game I was dedicated to and got do a competent level at was Guilty Gear Xrd -Sign-. So, fuck off.
Matthew Perez
Another thing, I don't get faggots who come into these threads and fucking straight up LIE about what games they play for sick street cred on an anonymous image board. Seriously, the amount of people who shill Guilty Gear, you think Guilty Gear would be one of the most played fighting games but nope, no one fucking plays it, even on consoles. Same goes for people who RAVE about random obscure fighting games or god forbid, post that retarded unfounded "Fighting game tier list". I don't doubt that there are fans of these games, but do any of them ACTUALLY play it at a competent level? I doubt it. Frauds.
Parker Ramirez
>missed sf4
I'm so sorry
Adrian Campbell
>all these games youre listing wtf? you missed out on a totally different set of fighting games than that bro, lol