Remember to buy her game

Remember to buy her game.

Which one? Any games been announced for localisation since PBS?

>he needs his games localized

Amazing contribution to this dead thread


Remember that best girl has her birthday today.

Nobody cares, post Asuka

I want Asuka to step on my crotch and dom me.


I rather fap to her porn.

Are vanilla girls capable of domming anyone? Feels like they'd be too worried about taking it too far, though I guess that has its own appeal.

I've must have saved this picture 50 times already. I don't even care.

i wanna sniff

Gentle femdom can be good too.

she's a virtual character user. She's not real. She has no feelings.

You're more virtual than she is. You're just text on a screen.


Whether or not she's real is irrelevant.

My feelings towards her will always be real.

So this is pedo general?


What about this is pedo?
Or are you making a Schreier reference?

If this is a game, where's the gameplay?

never ever buying another sk game until they upgrade the fucking titty instead of everyone halving the exact same retarded spherical soccerb all titties and the same bodies for every character that shity needs to get the fuck outta here

If by 7even they still reuse the stupid Versus character models / engine I will seriously think about dropping the series myself.


I don't see any flat chests around here. Do you?