>WW2 games without swastikas

Fuck this stupid trend. Give me some good ww2 games which aren't afraid to show swastikas. If it's an online based game, the community still has to be active for it, obviously

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The company's are afraid of losing sales in Germany. The German government does not consider video games as "art". So regardless of the premise, any game that contains nazi imagery is censored because legally it is considered trivialization of the crimes of the nazi regime.

You also can't argue against anything relating to the official history or you'll be imprisoned. Also if you have anything remotely looking like it belongs to Nazi aesthetics in some way you'll be imprisoned.
Truly they are free of fascists.

It's purely to avoid censorship laws in certain countries, primarily Germany. For what it's worth, there's some discussion of revising the nazi imagery ban law to allow it in cases of "reasonable" artistic expression.

If you mean holocaust denial as "arguing with official history" then yes you are correct. I believe that it's immoral to deny such a horrific event, but I also think it's wrong to imprison people for having stupid opinions.

literally who?

why isn't it illegal to deny the Holodomor then? Why isn't it illegal to deny the Israeli expulsions of Palestinians from their homes?

If the holocaust should be not questioned, then Israel should stop trying to use the holocaust like a political football and try to use it as a justification every time they want to butcher some kids. If you politicise something to hell and back and use it as a justification for all your misdeeds, people will start questioning its legitimacy.

game from op pic never released in PAL countries

is it just hitler in that game, or do you fight the nazis? censroship between regions?

I don't know man, the German government is very sensitive about this shit in a time when extreme nationalism is on the rise, I guess.

This thread needs more Master D.

It's not really Hitler, it's more like Sup Forums shitposted so hard that Cthulhu summoned his ghost

bionic commando?

>You damn fool
>Hitler exploding gorily
I don't know which one surprised me more when I got to that part in the game back in the day.

Isn t this disrespecting and making the Iron Cross look Bad? What about post war vets who earned Iron Crosses?

why are people so scared to show him off?

German laws are based on feelings, not logic.


what's the story, nazis won?

Nazi Germany turned to Arstotzka?

Nobody was even talking about the Holodomor or Palestinian oppression.

You're either an Iranian or a Sup Forumslutor. Either way, go back.

but the most extremely ethno-nationalist government in the world right now is Israel. Israel pretty much has apartheid for nonjews, so how does combatting criticism of jews combat racism? If you were against racism, you should want more criticism against jews and more skepticism against jews.

Expected nothing less from a government that thinks letting in 1 million "migrants" into the country was a good idea. Germany is FOOKED

I'm neither, I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy. Its what Jews always do, they are racist and deny the evil stuff they do, yet they are like "hurr you cant deny de 6 trillion "

>You're either an Iranian or a Sup Forumslutor. Either way, go back.

not an argument, fucking faggot jew.

>when you're so guilty of your history you literally make it illegal

>bundeswehr doesn't give out iron crosses anymore because muh nazis
>their symbol is an iron cross


>immoral things should be illegal
Just like Hitler would want.

Censored symbol ended up looking more in line with Nazi iconography and stylish to be honest. The Swastika with a lightning bolt just looks ugly.

cuck and shill
mega faggot

That one SS13 server
You know which one

Oy veeeey

>false equivalence

What goes around comes around.

>they said it happened so it most be true
>I will take their word for it, no physical evidence is necessary
>it is immoral to debate them IT HAPPENED YOU INSENSITIVE WHITEY
i know this is b8 but here is your (you)

now why would an important aspect of history be censored... HMMMM

It's almost like someone doesn't want us to know something.

>be German
>see swastika

Wtf I love nazis now

Is that fucking winamp behind the swastika?

because it's germany and neither of those are germany's fault

yes, it's actually pretty shameful when you let a fucking manbaby junkie ruin your country and start one of the most destructive wars in history.

Nazis pooled their money to buy winamp licenses for the entire nation and became too powerful to stop.

holocaust wasn't germanies fault either. jews were asking for it by stirring shit up.

>be german
>see swastika
>go to prison
>state funds a refugee to come and breed with your wife while you are away

What exactly is Germany in the global market
0.000000000000001% of sales?

The CoD WWII multiplayer is just straight-up disrespectful really.

>there is no game or movie for that matter that glorifies the nazis
Can it be done Sup Forums?

Why the fuck are germans afraid of their own history? Even if you're guilty and think it was bad, history is important. If your country made some mistakes, you should teach those mistakes to kids to make sure they won't do the same mistakes.


Only truth is feared, no known lie has made man a coward.

Despite being possibly the cuckiest procommie degenerate game of the year, at least this "gem" had the stones to actually put the swastika prevelantly around.

that game has a japanese smg for no reason. devs had no fucking idea what they were doing

God I hope you're right.

>it's a Sup Forums on Sup Forums episode

No but I fucking wish
defensive fps playing as wehrmacht from the battle of stalingrad to the fall of berlin fucking when devs? I just wanna mow down commies and slavs.

Pic is specifically for airplane tail markings, right?

>you should teach those mistakes to kids to make sure they won't do the same mistakes

They do. Unlike Japan they haven't tried to wipe their sordid history from the books, they just don't like nazi imagery being used for entertainment.

This idea wasn't always popular.

No, it's for formal regalia.

Because right now their memory being erased completely and at the same time they are being destroyed with biological weapon (mass migration). It is not germans who rule Germany now, but kikes and their american slave race.

90% of Germans don't know shit about history other than "nazis bad america good"

>it's a modern game deals with political themes such as WWII and babies whine on Sup Forums that it is Sup Forums episode

>white people can't even have World War II anymore

well would you look at that, a game about censored nazi symbols in video games and ~10 posts later we're at holocaust denial again

nice one Sup Forumstrash

>it's a Neogaf tard whines when people have different opinions on video games episode

This. Even mentioning Dresden gets you labelled a neonazi.

Oh no not muh precious holocaust
How will I constantly instill guilt in people if they make passing remarks about the Shoah?

90% of people don't know anything about history anyway. Unless it's in a film nobody has heard of it and for some stupid reason people consider movies to be gospel when it comes to stuff like history and biographies.

this isn't even about whether it happened or not but how you can never stay on topic
you fucking retard

>it's a Sup Forums fag shitposts as an anti/pol/fag to get a rise out of other Sup Forums fags on a completely different board

Real SJWs wouldn't use edited counter-Semitic comics because they'd find it disgusting. You'll have to use the genuine article or you won't pass.

>The company's are afraid of losing sales in Germany
Stop with this fucking shitty meme. It's not fucking hard to change a texture to a censored version for certain regions.

>discussing censoring history about thing
~10 posts
>also discussing historical fabrication of thing
Seems related to me.
Hell I kinda wish the holocaust actually happened for a city builder game about a concentration camp.

So what? This will be spread everywhere until ALL goyim know, and there is nothing you can do about it. Should have shut interned down long ago rabbi.

It's a good thing Japan was alien to the allies and therefore weren't able to instill anti-nationalism into the populace. Otherwise the left in Japan would never let them hear the end of their war crimes.

game devs are too lazy now, and nobldy whined when they have been censoring swastikas for years now, it's a norm at this point

>can't talk about WW2 without getting personally offended

WW2 is the creation myth of the post-modern era, complete with "PURE EVIL" bad guy, Adolf Hitler who is hated not for his kill count, but for his efficiency (Stalin killed far more)

>WW2 is the creation myth of the post-modern era

That's an interesting idea actually did you come up with that or is there a book proposing and expanding on this?

I can't criticize jews for apartheid because whites should be doing it to.

oh but they tried, then the left won more ground and wanted to force closer relations with china.
Then the 60s happened. That destroyed the anti-nationalism luckily.

>says Blitzkrieg right there

Fanlations were a mistake.

The Japanese are specifically removing references to their war crimes, and they were some really fucking nasty war crimes, from the curriculum for nationalist reasons. There's nothing wrong with the left wanting people to remember history, the only place they go wrong is with their sins of the father crap.


Pretty much. That's why I want to see Nazis glorified, it would shatter people's world view.

Look at me
I'm the Sup Forumsermin now

We were here all along

They deserve to be glorified, they were working on jet engines and rockets well before anyone else. There's even some shadows of early computerization, I really wouldn't be surprised if Nazi scientists that the US scrounged up weren't responsible for the internet and satellite technology.

The disinformation during WW2 was that Democracy was more efficient than Fascism, but because that clearly became not-the-case after the war it became "Fascism is immoral" despite our Republic coming from Rome which bloomed during its height of fascism. Having a well-led fascist country working at high gear gave us such a technology boom that we're still riding the shock-waves of it to this day.

Good. I see nothing wrong with wanting them removed.

This desu
Fascism works quite well when a nationalistic idealogy backs it with a truly great leader. Sadly until we develop technology to elongate lifespans far beyond what their at they tend to fall apart with the death of that leader.

I though it was supposed to be the left who were the ones that don't want to acknowledge reality?


Due to the cover up they were able to pardon the scientists involved and have them continue working in the country. It's largely believed the Cult of Aum Shinrikyu got their sarin gas which they used in the subway attacks that caused more than 200 to go injured were obtained through remnants of Unit 731.

The Monster with 21 faces is also thought to be heavily related



We need some Rhodesia games.

They change swastika texture for germany. Singleplayer games have swastikas, they remove them for multiplayer versions

I fail to see the benefit of it.

That's not Rhodesia, retard. Those are Spanish/Portuguese people killing insurgents, it's from a documentary

>a hope that died because of britbong resource mongers and the US shifting the public attention from their racial problems

Back to gaf nigger

>it's a free person who wants to live under a fascist regime episode
sounds like a pretty severe redpill overdose to me, m8

I'm sure a SJW would say the same thing about binary genders.

People are never free, and never want freedom. True freedom means you are 100% self-reliant, it is anarchy.
Do you live in an anarchistic country, hypocrite?

>omaha beach

>"That's what [inert] would say!"
Care to explain to me the point?

>implying living under fascism automatically equates to no personal freedom
Last i checked rome and the reich were some of the most free societies of their time.

Is cod ww2 multiplayer good?