Post your finest reaction images and I'll pixelate them

Post your finest reaction images and I'll pixelate them.











and add a HD 1080p at the bottom right








very nice




Nicely done








thanks nig




appreciated bigly






thanks OP



heh pretty funny









i'd tip my hat to you but i haven't got a hat



Appreciate it.






I made it bigger









What is even the point of this if you’re just running them through some filter? It’d be impressive if you actually drew them as pixel art or sprites.






thanks OP





yooo how r u doing this op? :0

You're the bomb, dude.


At the risk of being a shill, I'm using a program called PixaTool. I wouldn't say it's worth the $30 price tag though in its current form.

Doing it more for fun than anything. It's just a easy way to shit out some images to see how they could look with a limited palette/low resolution. I'm not quick enough at creating art to sustain a thread.

