6 years today

6 years today

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One of my personal favorites

What better way to celebrate 6 great years than to pre-order the Switch version? I pre-ordered two copies! That Todd Howard really knows how to craft amazing game experiences.

Why does Sup Forums hate this game again?

And it's still being re-released and treated as a brand new game by Bethesda to this very day.

Because Sup Forums is contrarian and loves to hate things that are popular. Skyim can be fantastic with mods installed, and the base game really isn't as terrible as people say it is on here, it certainly isn't as bad as Fallout 4

In 12 years Dovahkiin will be shitposting with the rest of us

My biggest complaint about Skyrim is that it's poorly optimized and buggy as fuck. I also dislike how they removed core character attributes from the game.

And they are still releasing full priced ports.

the combat sucks

Morrowind was 2003
Oblivion came out in 2006 3 years later.
Skyrim 5 years later in 2011.
It has now been 6 years, where is TESVI?

Seemingly nobody is even working on it.

But to be fair how does one do worse than Skyrim?
What corners can still be cut?

No perk trees, just 3 stats that increase warrior, wizard or thief skills together with no skill levels needed to unlock a perk.

No need to even open up a menu, points will be attributed automatically to the role you choose at the start.

Abilities are locked to the 3 roles meaning you can't be some kind of magical stealth warrior.

There is only a single Dwemer ruin with every other hovel being a crypt or a castle that still uses most of the same assets you would see in a crypt.

The map is a square as it is only a small part of a country that they will market as more "finely detained".

Mods are free, but you have to pay to enable mods.

>the switch version comes out 11/17/17
I guess it's the best they could do

Sup Forums does NOT hate this game. We have Skyrim threads on an almost daily basis. The game still gets discussed to death.

They are still making money from Skyrim remasters and they are making Skyrim VR AND taking skyrim to the switch. The next TES won't be here for a while.

>Sup Forums is one guy

>But to be fair how does one do worse than Skyrim?

fallout 4

I still remember the pain because I took an arrow to the knee XD

>6 years
Jesus fucking christ
I still remember the day I went to get my copy as a bitch ass teenager, that was before I became a jaded faggot

>Skyrim VR

I'll admit that I'm a little curious about that, but the idea of playing an unmodded Skyrim with vanilla assets makes me want to vomit.

There is literally nothing good about it
the gameplay is ass
the story is aids incarnate
the graphical presentation is laughable

>6 years ago
What are you talking about mate? Our saviour Todd-sama's """"new"""" game comes out like next week. please buy it

>the gameplay is ass
If you weren't 12 you'd know that gameplay has been ass in every TES game.
>the story is aids incarnate
If you weren't 12 you'd know that nobody plays TES games for the story.
>the graphical presentation is laughable
If you weren't 12 you'd know that TES games are made with modding in mind. You've never played a TES game if you play vanilla.

kys console cuck

so you're saying a 12 year old is more intelligent than yourself?

Because it's not a Nintendo game.

Draugr tombs
Small towns
Boring combat

Music is quite nice though

6 years today

Too hard for them.

I've had it sitting my harddrive for 5 years. Should I finally play it?

>primal rage subsides into apathy as newborn gives up on life



Nah he'll be here in 3 years


Backstab the dragon in the heel!

Did this kid have a condition or something, why was his face so red?

I hate it because it removed even more RPG elements out of what is supposed to be an RPG game, utterly murdered spellmaking and enchanting and further limited the choice of equipment you could wear and use. It committed all of the sins Oblivion did and added more on top. With additional downsides of not having interesting or memorable quests to make up for it.

I remember playing my pirated copy on the eve of release, all cozied up with my warm HP toaster with silky smooth 5 FPS

Because of photoshop.

wew I feel old

loot boxes with mods inside

>Terrible music composed by that skilless hack.
>Awful animations
>Crap combat
>hand holding
>useless magic
>very bad writing fir bith main and side quests (dawnguard saves the game a little as it's the best that came out of skyrim)
>absolutely no atmosphere past 20h
>same 5 voice actors

It's just very unsatisfying and simply bad.

I would say most of Sup Forums does

If you would make a strawpoll I'm pretty sure Skyrim would get mixed to unfavorable reception.

>>Terrible music composed by that skilless hack.
I won't argue the rest of your points but this is fucking wrong

speak for yourself todd your game is garbage

He probably calls himself Dovah or Dove at school