how will you celebrate?
>buying a noose?
>sign up for 9-5 slavery?
>buy anti-depressants?
>apply for autism-bucks?
how will you celebrate?
>buying a noose?
>sign up for 9-5 slavery?
>buy anti-depressants?
>apply for autism-bucks?
Other urls found in this thread:
I will play actually good games.
what good games user?
nothing compares to a Ubi open-world
>only says this because its not cracked
kek no amount of animaymays can hide the butthurt
I stopped caring about NOT having AC:O at about the same time that those who bought it.
That's the thing about the hype train. It makes MANY stops.
>2 weeks
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
Anyone that actually follows the piracy scene knows this is a blessing. Years of easy protections (like steam-only DRM that you can easily bypass in minutes) almost killed the Warez
Then Denuvo happened. And we got chinks to crack it, and when they sold themselves, 90s Italians basically started a dick contest
Now we have CPY, fucking Russian Baldman and his Steam Underground community, Voksi and his Revolt guys, chink chick and her 3DM sellouts, Codex got their shit together, a new Group appeared under the name of Steampunks (which used highly controversial bypasses, and got initially nuked by the community -until they actually made the Scene question its own rules)
The CodePunks alliance was formed and South Park got cracked
Denuvo literally, singlehandedly revived the dying piracy scene. It was never this alive in years, which is attracting new users, new public, new talents.
Denuvo revived piracy, and made it sure it got to stay alive for years
I actually kind of want to play Forces.
Last Ubisoft game I've pirated was Black Flag.
I didn't even finish it because it was such a piece of mediocre trash.
I don't want their games even for free, you couldn't pay me to play these games.
Damn fucking right I never wanted it. Like I never wanted AC: Rogue, or AC: Unity or AC: Syndicate.
I never wanted any of them since Black Flag.
which I pirated
Sup Forums BTFO
Order used in amazon and return it in 2 months :)
>wanting to play any AC game
I didn't. I recognize Denuvo but not the point of this thread. Is this a thread for Origins or the latest Wolfenstein?
I've stopped playing AC games since Rogue, I highly doubt any future games will top it
So I'm playing dot hack, I decided to play the first one in cheat mode since I want to get to the newer stuff faster, how long are the second and third games?
I just wanna work my way up to the fourth one
>>apply for autism-bucks?
you're the one who has autism
>rocksmith remastered still hasn't been cracked
that is not me. i saved the image from his thread. BUT he is a fellow Denuvian
This board is the biggest shithole on Sup Forums.
Denuvian? Are you fucking serious? I don't pirate but if you actually like adenuvo you need to kill yourself.
This actually really sucks. Denuvo seemed to be dying due to all the cracks with companies that would normally use it not using it. If Denuvo starts surviving again it won't die.
I don't want DRM on the games I buy, especially not DRM that's as hard to get rid of as this. Steamworks DRM is bad enough. I can deal with it but don't like it, but this is just awful.
Piracy was already alive. All it did was bring game crackers back, which used to be unnecessary.
This. Holy fuck. Very few of the denuvo games have been good. Assassins creed is terrible and the devs don't give a shit. Shit out a shiny new one every year and rake in that cash. I'm a buyfag and the only denuvo game i bought was sonic mania.
This. The community has never been stronger than it is today. More people have gotten into the scene than ever. Denuvo has been a better motivator than the fucking xcopy Amiga days
WTF, I love Denuvo now
It just shows how ignorant these suits are, they have ZERO long term plans or knowledge about their surroundings, everything is built around short term profits, like the niggers in africa who burn down forrests and create deserts.
The cannibalize their IPs and fuck over their customers with DRM.
My wife TSF is so smart.
Yeah it's bad.
Denuvo cracking time got shorter and shorter, and peaked with 4 consecutive Day 1 cracks.
Then AC Origins released and..well, shit.
Still you would think it might be VM Protect fault and think non-Ubisoft games are safe for now, but Sonic Forces is still not cracked as well and it's just plain Denuvo.
Well it would just make it all the more enjoyable to see something like
>Assassin's Creed Origins (V.1.1)[BALDMAN]