Struggle with boss fight for hours

>Struggle with boss fight for hours
>Wake up
>Beat it the first try

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I read that as "Snuggle with boss for hours"

Probably means you needed a break you gay fucking cat

op im the boss u beated can u cuddle with me rn

No way, fag!

>Can't beat a boss after numerous attempts
>Can't bring myself to stop trying out of pure frustration and stubbornness

y not

>Struggle with boss fight for hours
>Order bf to beat it
>He does
I'm such a brat.


This happened to me with Vicar Amelia. Gave up after so many attempts on the night then managed to win first try without even taking a hit the morning after.

>open video game board
>see garbage greentext thread
>shoot up a school
t. sam hyde

The person 4 posts above me is gay. Don't give them your (You)'s.

it's arrowfonting, dumbass

Don't you pirate my fucking (You)s. I'll fucking kill you.

>first try

Happened to me with Sans.


Post a better trap.

>make a girl
>give it a dick
>call it a boy
why does this shit always happen

thus image already existed, and you already had it saved, to post in reply to that post? what are the odds??

>no cute bratty bf

Because some people like dicks, but not men. Its really quite simple, user.

That's completely normal.
During sleep your brain basically gets into 'maintenance mode' and organizes stuff you learned / experienced previously.
One of many articles dealing with this:

There's a perfect time for everything.

If only people would understand this.

>Rider of BLACK
What did they mean by this?

Didn’t play this. why does he look like a girl?

Technically, in game his gender is apparently a secret but in anime he's a guy. This is a universe where King Arthur is a woman so yea, it's just that the character is based on a historical male.

>tfw Astolfo will never be real
>tfw no real life trap will be that cute
>tfw even if they are, they age like fucking milk and at their 21+ they look like abominations
Why even continue to exist, guys?

continue to slave away on behalf of the economic machine of humanity, such that the progress of science may be driven by the collective material output of mankind, that one day we may overcome the arbitrary limitations of DNA