There are a lot of celebrities that likes anime, but are there any who likes video games?

There are a lot of celebrities that likes anime, but are there any who likes video games?

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No, video games are awful

>tfw never watched anime

where the fuck do i even begin



Going back to where you came from

>masi oka
>no jojo

trash list desu 0/10

Why do you think Zelda Williams has that name?

Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo if you're a relaxed person. Deathnote, Full Metal Alchemist if you like a bit more drama. Jojo, Fist of the North Star if you just want to not stop laughing.

Or just watch what's trending atm who cares.

>christian bale
>liking mgs

Imagine being this stupid.


Robin Williams was a weeb

>ywn play that Cowboy Bebop space sim you always wanted

>Zac Efron likes Initial D and Outlaw Star
Now this is good stuff right here.

Why didn’t he commit seppuku then?

This is such a good started list holy shit

>an autograph from a dead celebrity made out to a dead celebrity.
Goddamn that is probably not worth as much as it should be.

He went to gensokyo

Well, as long as you have names of different anime series listed next to a celebrity's headshot, it just must be true!

One punch man

Forget watching old shit, its overrated as fuck. Just watch seasonal anime since thats what everyone talks about.
Most popular show right now is Mahoutsukai no Yome

Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Outlaw Star, Robotech and Lost Universe.

These are easily verifiable if you take like a second to google.
Goddamn you’re fucking lazy.

Dragon Ball

Whatever you do, don't listen to

this is the worst advice about anime i've ever seen on Sup Forums

>like video games
you understand that video games are mainstream as hell, right?
a celeb who likes D&D is more interesting, as that's only going to be outwardly a few of them

Forget watching new shit, They are just FotM that gets forgotten after a season. Just look up the classics that's what everyone talks about.

he can mess up fucking lights. of course he likes it

>faggot daniel radcliffe actually has decent taste
imagine my shock

Just go ask Sup Forums

memorize this chart and AVOID everything on it like the plague

You fags take this shit too seriously. Like nobody gives enough of a fuck about anime to go watch Cowboy Bebop because "its a classic" jesus christ fuck off.
Vast majority of people rather have others to talk to that are watching the show with them.

Kill yourself contrarian shitter


To find torrents

Enjoy your trip down the rabbit hole senpai

>bro fuck playing "good" games just play some FOTM meme trash that may or may not be good, so that you can fit in and discuss it with your internet friends

>Lupin the III
Better be red coat that they like

James Gunn of Gotg and Super wrote Lollipop Chainsaw since he was a fan of No More Heroes and Killer 7 and accepted when Kadokawa asked him

>this is the absolute current state of 4chink

>"I'll just put a bunch of popular stuff here that'll make them mad"

Why the fuck are you on Sup Forums then you fucking mongoloid...

> K-On
> Monogatari
> Madoka
> Code Geass

> Death Note
Overrated and will never live up to the hype others will try to sell them as

Replace this with Brotherhood

> GitS
> Fist of the North Star
> JoJo
Actual good recommendations for a newcomer

What did he mean by this?


Boku no pico

>where the fuck do i even begin

By making sure to avoid the "my little chinese girl cartoons are better than yours" faggots that infest Sup Forums. Look up anime,and see if there is anything around you like the idea of. There are lots of cool storylines to them.

The robin williams post was accidental. the other part is in reference to the bale freak out on terminator salvation and shooting light bulbs in mgsv

I was about to get triggered when Ganketsuou said "based on the greatest book of all time." I was expecting it to say some random literally who jap book or hipster book. But then it said The Count of Monte Cristo and all my rage subsided.

hope and wait,anons

>downloading anime

Just use kissanime or 9anime, they have all of the anime.

Hulk Hogan watched Pokemon?!?

Download the Kagura release of Urusei Yatsura.

Even commented on a tournament;

Not everyone still has a 720p screen like you do.

Now I understand why Sup Forums hates recommendation threads. There's like no way this poor guy can choose something to watch since everyone is just spamming suggestions, you might as well just use google and come up with the same list. You can just pick anything and watch it since you haven't watched anything before.

Berserk 1997, it gets really fucking good out of nowhere about a little over half way through.

>Zac Efron
Pretty fucking underrated desu.

Stay far away from moe shit
Watch Akira or Evangelion.
Any anime from late 80's, 90's, and early 2000 really.

Now why doesn't Sup Forums do the same?

E-celebs are despised and regular celebrities aren't far behind.


"What are some games that [insert unrelated topic]" threads are basically just an excuse for people to shitpost. I don't see them going away.

720p for movies and anime is fine. Hell, even 480p with a good bitrate and source is fine, DVD's are still selling better than BluRay.


>not moe

Rampage Jackson streams games quite a lot

What i meant is that streaming sites have horrible compression which kills the quality.

What are YOU doing on Sup Forums, newfag-kun?

code geass nigga
fuck off

I don't believe that for a second but

>kanye west
>love hina

Oh boy.

>pingpong anime on this list
Fuck off that's one of the few things I've bothered to watch and everything about it is incredible.

Every one watched fucking pokemon.

t. Code Geass edgelord

>Robert Pattinson
>Kinos journey and Mushishi
Based lover of comfey

Do you know why Cowboy Bebop is a classic? It's because it's good. And if you want to get into anime, wouldn't it be best to watch the best examples of the medium first? Stupid Sup Forumsutist.

Eric Martin was (is?) a big Sega fanboy back in the '90s.

>code geass
fucking what

>cowdung memebop
Boring episodic garbage.

>not enjoying code geass ironicly
its top fun my dude

Nice meme opinion, stupid frogposter

Have to agree desu.
The characters and setting aren't interesting and enjoyable enough to give a shit about them in random adventures. Spike is just mr generic anime cool guy.

Listen, all I know is that one of the edgiest people I've ever known adores it and likes to pretend he's Lelouch as an online persona. The premise and character design didn't seem that great when I was looking at starting it but really that guy is all I need to know in order to avoid it.

Also he appeared on a couple of songs for the Daytona USA games. It would've a big acquisition for Sega back at the time, considering that Mr. Big were legitimate superstars in Japan at the time.

So you were and still are talking out of your ass. Good to know.

>watching anime

how can anyone sit through hours of cringefest?


Here's your (you), you desperate fuck

t. edgelord

streamlining and loss of individuality is a sign for the market running out of money, and few big coorporates controlling everything. Thaks capitalism... degenerated...

>not updated

>Wrote Lollipop Chainsaw
No wonder it was garbage.

He even tweeted about watching a 10 ten anime movie video on Toutube saying that Spirited Away was not a better movie than Akira.

If you have to state what the celebrities were in, they're not celebrities.

All of this is 1 studio.

No, it's a sign that Kyoani is a studio that continues to make even more money by rehashing the same shit.

Keanu has good tastes

>implying I want to share a hobby with those pedophiles and Satanists

Terry Crews

How is this even a legitimate criticism, brainlet frog poster

dat stagnation