3k shitter here, how the fuck do I beat am? He's actually beyond cancer right now

3k shitter here, how the fuck do I beat am? He's actually beyond cancer right now.

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You pick Meepo.

If you don't see him in the minimap, he's farming in the jungle.

good one


>pure damage
>mana leak

Protip: if AM (or any carry for that matter) isn't dead and nowhere to be seen, you are probably fucking up somewhere.

>infinitely netting am while team immediately jumps on him with the wrath and fury of a thousand suns
fun fun fun

Pick Lion.
Disable him and suck him off to oblivion.

You can't beat him alone but you can help your team beat him by setting up ganks early and bringing lots of disables late.

I hate seeing am picked every fucking game now. Get his fucking cancer illu talent to 25, he's literally phantom lancer now

>Manta = 2 illusions
>blink talent = 1 illusion
>illusions are affected by aghs upgrades

>be 5k
>haven't played in so long what ever advice I would give is probably completely out dated in modern league of dota

>ages gives spell block and reflect
>level 25 talent gives him 75% magic resist
Nice balance

nice meme

how is that even balanced?
wouldn't he have over 100% immunity with pipe?

Bloodseeker and try to finish the game within 30 minutes

Watch Purge videos. Learn how to Git Gud. 4k-ish is the middle of the bell curve.

90% of a Dota match is decided in the laning stage, so learn what you're doing wrong and get better. Simple as that.

Also this. You cant let him have farm and exp. Kill him and keep killing him or he'll snowball out of control.

This is a good choice.

Spell res doesn't stack additively. 75% res increase actually makes him about 60% spell resistant because of base magic res

>playing techies in turbo mode

You won't know what fun is until you have done this.

Ideally you'll push early and don't let him have good trades, he isn't good at defending high ground.
If he gets room killing him requires chain disables and a melee carry who you can't manfight against, like CK, Troll or Sven.

ah fuck I meant before the talent. Am has 25% base magic res and with lvl4 spell shield it gets around 60%.

With talent I'd imagine it being 1 - (1 - 0.25) × (1 - 0.5) × (1 - 0.25) = 72% spell resistance

Ok I suck, it should be

1 - (1 - 0.25) × (1 - 0.75) = 81.25 %

Sit in fountain as SB and spam Q to destroy his sanity

so you can't get more than 3 sources?

You just reminded me that I had a game of AD where I get decrepify, Natural order, Nether blast and Reaper's scythe. I fucking nuked hard that game.

5.1k here.

The answer is less obvious.

You are 3k, meaning u will play against 3ks in ranked, at least on average.

You goal isnt to beat am players.

Its to beat 3k players.

Lucky for you there are plenty of things you can still improve on: farming, map awareness, picking the right fights etc.

Dont even bother learning how to deal with specific heroes.

Become better than 3k, and you will climb mmr.

Give yourself measurable goals like:

Only risk your life if you can get 2+ kills for it

If you can take a tower instead, dont join a teamfight (debatable, but i notice a lot of lower mmr players just join fights for the sake of it, the point it to pay attention to ibjectives)

Maintain at least 5cs/min

You can get as many as you want but they will be less effective as you stack them. Same with dodge percentage.
>pick chen
>stack neutral spell res auras

Legion commander
>walk through the creep wave and hit him constantly
>keep hitting him
>over and over again
>make him a paranoid little shit once you get your blink

AM is pretty weak compared to the other late game hard carries and nukes can still demolish him. 70% magic res gives him that bit of an edge late game.

You must become the Anti Mage. Immerse yourself in his deep and rich lore.

>4k is the middle of the bell curve

You tell him to watch purge videos and then give him information contradicted by the purge videos?

3k is the high point of the bell curve according to the same content creator.

magic sux


By the 10m mark you get blink, he gets bf, he no longer needs to lane because he justs farms entire map


I'll try to contribute because I hate am.

Pick terrorblade, he can keep up with AMs farm and in fights just press Q to make him hit himself. Shadow demon is decent as well

Shadow Demon in general is such an under rated hero. People do not understand how much damage Shadow poison actually does, especially combined with Demon Purge and the magic damage increase spell.

I unironically pick offlane shadow demon against am's

>how the fuck do I beat am?

you just need to gank him
with 3 other people
from minute 1
because game balance

I don't blame you, Shadow Demon is great at zoning and dissuading people getting close to you.

Be Antimage, pick up Aghs and Linken's
Blinks behind lion then mantas
Nothing personal kid

I love Shadow Demon but he's pretty bad compared to other supps unless you want to go the shitty luna+sd comp. It's so much fun to blow up a 5 stack shadow poison on unexpecting morons though

Heroes like Elder Titan and Shadow Demon where no one but the player knows what they do is fun. Elder can get frustrating when you get a 5 man stomp, set up your ult and people decide to attack

>Pick Lion.

>pick lion
>be underleveled and with no gold because killing any creep gives your teammates a stroke
>pudge keeps hooking your bounty runes because lol ice frog
>AM blinks at you with his manta, hits you for a total of 1.3 seconds and finishes you with his ult
>AM's ult kills you, your 2 teammates, the creepwave,the tower, and roshan is not feeling that good after it either
>AM then kills your t3 in 4 seconds because who needs pushers when you have AM
>after all that, at 47th minute of the game, your carry buys a midas

>stuck in the trench
I am so sorry.

Elder titan got a lot of buffs, he's actually really good now. I have no clue why they gave him a 100% lifesteal talent though don't pick that garbage

muh carry Elder Titan

I know that, hence why he is so fun. The problem is that people STILL don't understand how echo stomp works.

At least they changed it so they can take some damage now before waking up. I've lost so many games to shitters ruining setups

Fuck you, we've had wards ALL GAME you whiny bitch ass shit mid voker goddamnit


And that was before 7.07

god this is perfect

>lvl 2 crystal nova
gets me everytime

>mfw that video predicted blnik illu talent

>get high physical damage
>get multiple disables
>invade his farm spots
>gank him multiple times
>expect him to blink

just lost as an AM in a near 4K game, these are the major points i can give.

Clinkz fucks him up hard if his team has more than 1 disable

Just perfect

This is so fucking autistic

Top kek