Is there a more irrelevant gaming platform than PC?
Is there a more irrelevant gaming platform than PC?
the shitch
99.99% of games can be played on pc, the fuck are you on?
How can it be irrelevant when the only games that are even remotely relevant are pc exclusives?
Except Bloodborne. BB is super fucking good. If we get that ported I can finally sell the shitbox that is PS4 and live a console free life again.
Why DOES PC always get the ass end of the bargain?
No. Wouldn't that be Xbone?
yes, consoles
PC is the only correct system for all multiplat and all previous generation games. I am an idort btw.
>the only games that are even remotely relevant are pc exclusives?
Civilization and SimCity
Because pc players wont eat up whatever slop is shovelled at them.
Modded Warband
Every consoles
Yes BB is pure kino and the only game on the PSquadruple. But let's be honest, at this point, everyone who wanted to play BB already played it, and those who didn't play it don't care enough. But it's almost 2018, nobody plays BB anymore. It's good, but not really relevant.
I don't know, Civ6, Arma, Total War, Divinity, Warhammer, HiT, Cities Skylines, Counter Strike, etc... As opposed to PSquadruple with BB, Xbone with nothing, and Switch with nothing.
Ps4 has EDF4.1, which is probably my favorite game on the system
PC has openttd and factorio
why would I ever need a different platform?
Edf is also on pc (yes including 4.1). I play zelda botw on my pc. I’d maybe like to see mario odyssey from switch and bloodborne from ps4, but that’s it. My pc still allows me to play 25 years old games and this is why id never consider pc my non main platform.