Now that the boost gameplay has officially worn out it's welcome when will Sonic return to the best 3D Gameplay style...

Now that the boost gameplay has officially worn out it's welcome when will Sonic return to the best 3D Gameplay style it had?

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All Sonic is trash and should make anyone who plays it kill themselves.

Who didn’t love you enough in your life to come to a mongoloid image board, go on threads you know you don’t like, and shit on people trying to talk about games
>inb4 I was just pretending to be retarded


Kill yourself, you contrarian shitter. Go spam a Nintendo thread or something.

Who didn't love that user enough in its life to come to a mongoloid image board, go on threads it knows it doesn't like it, and pretend to be retarded. Also if enough people complain about the garbage boost sidescrolling fake 2d games in a 3d sonic they might change it one day. Good luck

Sonic Team will never make Sonic Adventure 3

The Chao garden was a pet project of one specific programmer, so when he left the company (and sega lost the original code as they always do) that was it.

Also, Sonic Team will never do anything good with their character ever again.

I think that Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2 are both mediocre games with a lot of flaws that have gotten horribly bad press in recent years thanks to YouTubers, which is of course exasperated by the fact that they were critical successes at release and a majority of the generation currently dominating vidya communities grew up playing them. Their flaws are focused on because of how much they "hurt" those who loved them as a dumb kid.

The same has happened to DK64, by the way.

DK64 is actually legitimately bad, though.

so is sonic adventure 1

When sonic team stops rushing the development

It's legitimately mediocre, but not bad. It's way worse than SM64 and Banjo-Kazooie which have also aged but not nearly as terribly as DK64. But you're lying if you don't think it's given a much worse wrap simply because people did like it once.

DK64 would be okay if it made actual use of its 5 characters and wasn't a huge collectathon. A lot of people suggest just being able to swap on command, but that wouldn't go far enough, in my opinion, to fix the game.

Maybe if autists from the fan community demonstrate the ability to rebuild Adventure 1 and 2 from scratch, like Mania's devs did for Sonic 1, 2, and CD.

It's not fast enough you fucking gay boi
Sonic utopia style gameplay

It's given a bad rap because it's bad. Many worse games get less shit. Whether people liked it when they were kids has no bearing on my thinking here.

It's literally a meme to hate Sonic, unless the hivemind says otherwise like with Generations

It's a shame that Sonic Adventure games are average at best. Better than no-momentum boost shit, but still really clunky.

They should make Sonic a momentum based platform game again, the levels should be like long skate parks rather than a big line track. Sonic should be fast, but not super fast until certain areas of the game when there's a chance to gain momentum, and these should be memorable set pieces. I'm thinking the speed power of Saints Row meets the momentum based soft physics of a skateboarding game like THPS.

But no, we'll get more autistic shit where you completely stop on a dime and boost at constant boring speed through linear levels and paper enemies.


get this

maybe Generations is pretty good

and maybe most other 3D Sonics are pretty bad

What is the difference between boost and sonic adventure?

Sa1 is medicore but Sa2 is legimately great

>more boost pads, more linear corridors, more bottomless pits in the Sonic levels
>still has treasure hunting and shooting as distinct gameplay styles
>even gimps the emerald radar

Still the best multiplayer in the franchise, best Chao Garden, and the only time grinding was interesting. But besides that, no, SA2 is also mediocre.

1/3 of SA2 is great, the rest is kinda shitty.

>ywn search for skeleton dogs for you Chao at Pumpkin Hill in Sonic Adventure 3
unironically sad

SA1 Sonic stages are much better than anything in SA2.

they made SA3 three times already

>A ghost tried to approach me? He got Larry.

what did he mean by this?

It's better, but I still didn't gel with it. The Sonic levels are great and kind of what I describe in places, but they're only a third of the game! I hate hate HATE the robot bits and the gem bits.

I think the problem is that I missed them on the Dreamcast, so I played them around 2003 or so when they had Gamecube releases. By that point you were already well into the Golden Age of 3D adventure platformers, so I was really disappointed by how sloppy they were.

But I love the old 16 bit and CD Sonic. S3&K is legitimately one of my all time favorite games. So I was utterly disappointed by how few of the ideas and little of the feel from those games made it across.

I also miss the dancy music they had. 90s Sonic music is some of the best vidya music ever, as much a part of the level as the jumping and ramps. SA just had backing music.

Desu I feel like boost never really reached it's maximum potential but oh well forces fucked that up for us so I'm fine with some change.

They also made dozens of Sonic 2D sequels with shit like 4 and the Advance games before Mania finally got it right. There's no reason they (or preferably a team with actual talent) can't make a proper SA3 and do it right.

Okay, here's my theory. Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2 are both perfectly fine, with a few flaws, upon first play through. Like, just do story mode and move on, and you'll think pretty highly of the games most likely.

The problem comes in repeat play. The nature of the emblems necessitates playing each stage 2 or 4 more times depending on the game, and it's even worse in SA2 when you will probably need to play all the missions repeatedly to A-rank those missions (which is completely necessary to reach 100% completion). And here, all those little flaws gradually become worse and worse. If a homing attack fucks up and gets you killed in the main game, no big deal, back to the checkpoint and move on. In trying to get 100% completion, however, that will happen over and over again, and every time it will probably mean playing the entire level over again.

One of the worst levels in my opinion is Metal Harbor. Not the stage itself, in normal playthrough, it's totally fine and even fun. But trying to get those A-ranks, you'll most likely hit a wall and either A) not be able to beat Mission 4 or B) not be able to A-rank shit. And then you look it up online and figure out you were supposed to bounce attack a totally innocuous plane you didn't even think you could destroy, go the speed of light, go past the fucking rocket hang bar and go to a DIFFERENT rocket hang bar that most players will not even notice the first one or two or twenty times through the level. The requirements to A-rank, no, even FINISH Mission 4 feel as though they aren't taught to the player, and need to be figured out from others.

People bothered with the emblems? There's no incentive to get them. Just play the games normally and then replay the good shit via level select if you ever get the itch. Emblems and Chao Garden were pointless filler.

Look, my point is that these games get worse the more you play them. One day this year, I told myself that I was going to finally 100% the game on the PS3 version. I'd gotten about 160 emblems on the Battle version, but didn't bother trying for those A-ranks. And holy. Shit. Let me tell you. I don't know if it's the same kind of experience as others have had with this game, but I ended up HATING Sonic Adventure 2 by the end of it. If it wasn't the FUCKING Mission 3 on Final Rush, it was trying to A-rank Mission 4 of Metal Harbor.

And even beyond specific challenges, the game just got tiresome after a while. I can't tell you how many times I had to hit that "Restart" to get those fucking A-ranks. At some point, I kinda gave up and started just going on YouTube and following what other people did to get the A-ranks. Figuring it out for myself just didn't feel like it was worth the effort. Some of those A-ranks are really fucking hard. And it feels sort of like a weird mistake. Like, plenty of them are easy and I nailed them the first time I ever tried. Some would take a hundred tries, with no real indication of what challenges would be easy as hell and what challenges would make me want to break my TV or shut off the game.

I mean, I did it, I got all 180 emblems. It really didn't feel like it was worth the mental anguish. It went from a game that I really liked when I first played it, to a game where... honestly, I don't know if I can ever find it in my heart to play it again. You can probably say I just needed to git gud with the mechanics, but I don't know, I was pretty goddamn good at the game at that point. You had to be to A-rank Mission 4 of Metal Ha- okay, I'll stop.


The classic somic stages were shit, and that's half of the fucking game.

SA2 was downgrade from 1 in every way.

I agree with this wholeheartedly. This is a far better way to play the game than trying to get 100% completion.

Chao can be kind of fun though. Fun as in waiting to get a bunch of cool-looking Chao and displaying them like a trophy collection, not fun as in actually interacting with them or hanging out with them is fun. But it's tedious to do that, too.

>go to Hidden Base
>run forward, shooting randomly at metal crate to the right
>glide over to animal (Cheetah, I think) and pick it up
>Start -> Restart
>repeat 9 times
>exit level
>go over to Chao Garden
>give animals to Chao

I feel like then next Sonic game will be an adventure game, and it will be a mess. Sonic games always end up being rushed, that is just a fact at this point. Yet adventure games require so much content and especially should have fine tuning they never got. Add in every character having to work on a stage that is meant to have a huge amount of options based on momentum, even a competent dev with a lot of time would struggle.

If adventure will ever work the formula needs to change. If there are multiple characters they should all play exactly like sonic, thus the level design can be fine tuned for him. Fuck wasting time on a story, no sonic game has a good story. No new gimmick mechanic, keep the options basic. Cut down on cinematic/automated sequences, the truck chasing you might be cool the first time but it is a nothing section afterwards.

Classic Sonic was fine. Not Mania-tier, but fun.

Nah they were decent. Physics were wonky but the levels were designed well enough to be enjoyable.

You just took a while to notice what many others saw on their first play through

sega doesn't have enough money to make a AAA sonic now.

Pretty sad when Odyssey is a better 3D Sonic than Forces is. Sega needs to let Nintendo develop one.

I go back and play SA2 somewhat frequently, and I never experienced what you stated.
If you REALLY want Green Hill Zone, spare yourself the headache and just download a 100% save. All those hours of work aren't worth it for a 2 minute level.
Just play the game to have fun. Throw on City Escape or Final Rush and just enjoy yourself and maybe grab some animals for your Chao. Don't try to finish a treasure stage with a time limit or some dumb shit like that.

sanic games actually worth playing

Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic 2
Sonic CD
Sonic 3&K
Sonic 3D Blast is okay
Tails Adventure
Sonic Pocket Adventure
Sonic Advance
Sonic Advance 3
Sonic Battle (gets really repetitive but Emerl is fun)
Sonic Rush
Sonic Generations
Sonic Mania


>worn out now

Dude, its been shit for YEARS. It was good in the Rush games. And Unleashed was a fantastic HD console translation of it and just an immense game in of itself. But everything after that just stole from Unleashed and dumbed it down? Complete shit.

Battle and Advance 3 are mediocre. SA1 and Rush Adventure deserve a spot over those two.

Unleased was 1/3 a good game

ok colors too i guess

top 5 sanic osts

1. Sonic Adventure
2. Sonic CD you already know it's the JP/EUR version
3. Sonic 3D Blast Genesis
4. Sonic Rush
5. Sonic 2


Put SA2 in there, you fucking pleb.

2 doesn't have a bad soundtrack, it's quite good, but not in my top 5. Maybe it would be at number 6 or 7 in my eyes.

You put Sonic 3D Blast OST in your top 5. Good thing its only in your eyes because clearly you're deaf as fuck.

nigga have you even listened to it? one of the best soundtracks on the genesis for sure