>be me
>playing rimworld for past 6 hours
>check time
>"I can make it to 2:30"
>I immediately scoff at myself
this game is enabling my self destructive behavior more than drugs halpe
> I immediately scoff at myself
it's especially cringe that he's not just playing dwarf fortress instead.
hey hey now, rimworld and drawf fortress are equally enjoyable, complex games, but still different in their own ways.
>complex games
only one of them is complex tho
>>drawf fortress
still enjoyable banigger
ye but not equally
Dwarf fortress is for nerds.
>drawf fortress
.18 when
If dwarf fortress didn't exist and rimworld did, autists would treat rimworld like its dwarf fortress. True patricians like both.
find another hobby to do alongside vidya
go pick up an instrument or whatever
do something that doesn't involve you sitting down
what if i pick up an instrument that requires sitting down huh
fuckin nerd
In about 6 years user.
OP Here. I am an amateur musician and went to UNCO and got a Bachelor's degree in Music Technology, and produce music as a full time job actually. I'm a session drummer aswell.
z-levels when?
z-levels without isometric view are stupid though.
Never ever
Honestly z-levels would ruin the game
mega link to newest version?
Is that a texture pack?
i wish i still had that one dwarf fortress comic saved where one panel shows someone telling some extravagant story in detail that happened in dwarf fortress and then the next panel just shows a bunch of letters and symbols since the game has no actual graphics.
The word cringe isn't cringe Thomas.
>be me
>start greentext by making sure people know I am me
>immediately scoff at myself(me)
yes it is Jeffery
A texture pack for gnomoria.
It's on steam.
New update when?
post bases
is this gnomoria? i thought that game was abandoned
is it gnomoria or an isometric df viewer ?
DF and Rimworld are fundamentally different games deapite one being based on the other
t. probably more than a thousand hpurs in DF and a hundred in Rimworld.
DF is all about the simulation of a big sprawling fortress. You eventually get more than a hundred dwarves so you barely care about a single one of your dwarves. It's also not "designed" to be as much of a game. You set your goals yourself, do what you feel is fancy but it's not really challenging once you get the hang of it.
Rimworld meanwhile is designed to keep you on your toes, there's always a short term goal you want to reach if you're playing on the higher difficulties. The single colonists are much more valuable and not all of them can be quickly trained to be legendary in their skill, so you quickly get attached if you get a really good one.
The simplicity of Rimworld also means it can be updated or modded with new features much faster unlike DF where Toady needs a few years to stamp out simulation problems for a new feature update. Also no inevitable fps death
There was a testing version for alpha 18 or some
thing released.
or we could also just read the filename m9
How do I stop colonists getting their eyes shot or scratched out all the time, even with power helmets? Visors when?
I can sink days into these type of games, but they all suffer from the same massive problem in the end:
That's why you don't fall for the cpu jew and buy less cores but with maximum overclock for cpu heavy games. Only console garbage where nothing really happens benefits from multithreading.
I really hate that you can't convert raw human flesh to chemfuel.
>convert the entire map to a base
I always use a tab after i greentext. You're trying too hard to fit in, redditor.
That's bullshit. The cores that are best at single threading are still the latest i7s.
>Go on the subr*ddit from time to time to check the updates
>Repeat for 2 years
How can a website so bad continue to exist
Dev has said multiple times that z-levels will never be added
Ynbow whats fucky?
The only way to trully progress forward is to get more people, but you can only really get them from either massively pissing off factions and making more enemies, raids or random events, needing to incapacitate them with lethal force, requiring you to not be too strong so they arent fully dead, needing you to not be too strong or you might permanently cripple them, having to the capture them, heal them with expensive medicine, convince them to join you alongside a layer of rng with their stats and dispositions, as colonists that cant do dumb labour are almost fully useless unless you are in the higher "tier" of colonies and the true game experience is meant for you to have randomized colonists, with a lot of them not allowing you to trully craft worthwhile items for defense or for selling so you can atleast out tech the rest of the people around you to prepare.
And even of you are rich, the rng for the ships to sell good stuff is odd, raids scale with value too and turrets are worth a lot so trying to make 5 turrets will just escalate the raids to a point where they wont do much at all, and if you keep valuable art lying around youl get ass blasted too.
Its just this strange cycle of rng upon rng, not wanting to curbstomp or to try and curbstomp because you need to not be fully lethal to get more people, if you prepare to be too lethal youl get screwed by exponential raid calculations, cant get too teched or too artsy to not trigger ultra raids, usualy cant roll good characters to do that anyways, just a bunch of odd things.
Huh, I always end up with some unconscious invaders during raids that I can capture. Even with 99% pirates they'll join me eventually.
Anyone else get pissed off when colonists are idle? But at a certain moment, i just have enough tasks fulfilled that some colonists are just completely unneeded. Sure i'll need them during raids, but they're not doing much in between those.
You can buy them from traders, which you can ask to visit you buy paying some silver. There's a ton of ways to get new people.
>Storerooms full of everything
>On the crossroad of major roads
>Entire map is covered by turrets for safety
>No traders
>Not even a tradeship
I worked hard to build my base up to be a trade station full of food, weapons and craft, and no-one comes, not even raiders. And on the extremely rare chance someone does come, they can only afford 5% of my stores at most so I have food rotting in the fields and crafters idle. Fuck this game.
You can pay traders to visit at the computer.
This is why I modded in constant traders and trade almost only with space ships.
I even turned all the factions on the planet against me just so I had something to fight since their trade caravans are so fucking terrible and lag the shit out of my game.
>raid alert
>oh no better man the defences
>massive raider party 10+
>one has a incendiary launcher
>gets within range of base, immediately fires
>the rocket misses the fort and hits a tree right next to him
>the grass catches fire
>fire spreads while the defenders are just standing there watching the raiders trying to break my sandstone wall
>eventually the fire reaches them and the defenders sally out
>thump them all with maces and use snipers to get the stragglers
>5+ prisoners
>sell 3 back, make peace with raiders
>recruit one badass guy, careful shooter, high stats
>my current "main guy" breaks up with his girlfriend
>new "main guy" falls in love and starts fucking his girlfriend
>old "main guy" gets cancer, carcinoma in torso
>they both fight after new guy insults old
>old "main guy" wins
>sell the guys stuff
>oh well back to farming recreational heroin
I know, but then you are barely breaking even, especially if you aren't best relations. I can understand having to pay for traders early in the game when you are desperate for resources, but surely when you have established yourself with vast stores they should be coming to you? So much for a smart AI.
Yeah, I went into the mod as well and cranked the trade ships up to 50 and they still won't come. I remember reading somewhere that if your colony is past a certain level of richness, they simply won't come, any truth in that?
>make peace with raiders
>any truth in that?
No idea, but I had a multi-week colony and I had 0 social events.
So my guess? I think that if you play one settlement for a long time or install / uninstall mods you can fuck up default events for never triggering.
Rimworlds boring as fuck.
What are some good mods for this game?
>yfw a thrumbo violates your NAP
lewd mods
this is an old list but I like these
such as?
the one on loverslab
Yeah, but instead of buying version with more cores you should get only 4 and buy a better cooling instead.
It is absolutely trash, don't even bother. Bug filled cancer and not worth it.
works for me :^)
Realistic darkness with the spotlight turret is the bomb.
>have a really old man who's frail with a bad back
>he's restricted to the home area and only cleans
>he also has chemical interest so he goes on a binge every now and then
>every time he binges he only needs to smoke one smokeleaf and then immediately passes out
How convenient.
Are colonists with a shattered spine useful for anything or should i just euthanize him?
>old cleaning man tries to be hardcore and smokes a joint
>passes out at first toke, slas head on ground
The mental image of a weak backed white haired man puffing once and imediately colapsing is fucking killing me, thanks user
>open a danger box and find some scythers
>colonists manages to run away and the scythers are just doing nothing in the box
>some time later a pack of maneater chinchillas enter the area near the danger box
>mfw they start attacking the scythers for some reason and incapacitate them
Turns out scythers are really vulnerable against overwhelming melee attacks.
Super dank map. I thought it was a cave at first. Very nice indeed.
You ballista positioning sucks though. I doubt they have any effectivity at all.
>someone starts a rimworld thread
>a bunch of elitist cum guzzlers say dorf is better
>proceed to compare pictures of their 1s and 0s
>rinse and repeat
Honestly, I played Dorf and Rimworld is simply much better.
maybe if you fags stopped shitting up chill df threads with your shitty shit
DF vs Rimworld war is like PC vs console
one is obviously more complex but none is a bad choice
How playable is this game atm?
I've played a lot of Dorf Fort way back but been looking for something new and similar. How fleshed out is Rimworld? I'm really digging the wild west/frontier aesthetic.
DF is only complex because the dev is an "ideas guy" and too garbage to add anything graphic wise.
unlike most of early acces game RW was well playable the day it came out on steam.
Efficiency isn't everything in life, son, but of course, a rimjobfag wouldn't understand
It's much more of a "game" than DF. It's not simulated so it keeps throwing events and raids at you to keep you engaged.
i'm not sure you grasp what i mean by complex.
i'm not spaeking about accessibility but about mechanics
Combat is good, everything else is inferior to DF
>be me
>implying graphics matter
I could play Rimworld with ASCII too and nothing would change.
isn't this game dead?
Caravans are also cool.
>big part of the game is that your colonists become psychotic if their rooms aren't fabulous
>there isn't any decoration in the fucking game to spice things up
>have to get mods for it
Goddamned broken early access shit
>there isn't any decoration in the fucking game to spice things up
Just put art in it
It's so sad that we'll never get z-levels to take use of the superior rimworld combat system to implement advanced strategies.
Is there a steampunk mod for rimworld?
How do you tell the bastards to haul the art to a specific place?
Other big part of the game is that much of your power is used as illumination.
>build a rocket
>can't invent LED lamps
I modded it. Also
>sun lamp to grow hydroponics
>only works during the day