This is Etna. Say something nice about her.
Disclaimer: If you own a Switch and are willing to shell out $20 to dip your feet in the franchise, Disgaea 5 Complete will be available for said price during Black Friday at Best Buy.
This is Etna. Say something nice about her.
Disclaimer: If you own a Switch and are willing to shell out $20 to dip your feet in the franchise, Disgaea 5 Complete will be available for said price during Black Friday at Best Buy.
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I want to hold her hand.
She's perflat
I got metallica, sicily, and usalia at 10m base stats, and I just started farming 20* LoC Asagi, but with my setup, I was only about to capture ~96 in a single overload. should I pop the extract now to make it slightly easier? I'm just not really sure who else to boost, aside from Christo, maybe
>Implying I didn't buy Disgaea 5C at launch and have put 140 hours into it
no one likes flat chests
>If you own a Switch and are willing to shell out $20 to dip your feet in the franchise, Disgaea 5 Complete will be available for said price during Black Friday at Best Buy.
That sounds like a great deal, a shame I don't live in America.
Though, does Etna appears on Disgaea 5?
As DLC, yeah.
I do so thats not no one
God I love her flat chest and obnoxious personality
She's one of the included chapters
As someone who has never played the games and all he knows is some doujins and the fact there is an immeasurable amount of grinding.
What's the draw with this game?
It can't be only little girls and grinding.
Characters are the main strength of these games. The cool part is even if it's a new game then it will include staple / popular characters from old games or other nippon ichi games.
Special moves are pretty to look at but the combat doesn't really do anything for me.
>Story is a lot of fun.
>Characters are a lot of fun.
>Funny jokes and situations.
>Nice designs.
>The satisfaction of big numbers.
>Goofy stuff like the highest tier spells being anime or videogame cameos.
>10/10 references and jokes in the item flavour text.
>Dub voices are legitimately great, Japs also great.
>Everyone's a viable unit if you level enough.
>The gameplay is in depth, but you can still just blitz it with one character if you'd like. Could be a plus or a minus though, I guess.
It's really just a very lively simple game with a lot of heart put into it.
The best Disgaea loli.
Anyone got the list that contain all of NISA's failures?
D6 when?
I like them.
Never heard about that list but it better contains how the French translations are made by people who don't speak it, full of errors (translate shell (ammo) into seashell, or clow as crow) and can't even space words correctly (spaces between every ' wtf)
I don't think it has those, it mostly consists of all the bugs they've created and whatnot.
Your D1 sprites were the best.
We love them
go back to work
Grinding is only for post-game. Once you understand the mechanics, you NEVER need to replay a single story map.
That being said, I enjoy grinding item world, especially in the latest games where they've basically made it a theme park of grinding fun.
If you have OCD and love leveling up, then Disgaea is for you. You can level up your character, their stats, their skills, their proficiencies, even their damn equipment, and that's only the beginning.
As a pure tactics game it's also a lot of fun as it has a ridiculous amount of different mechanics and modes to play with.
Reminder that Majorita is the best Disgaea loli.
I wonder if in D6 they will go with belt-skirt+thong combo or just directly jump to black bandaids.
I already gought complete at full price.
Totally worth.
>tfw don't want to wait in line at BB just to get Disgaea 5
>don't know how likely it is that the game will be sold out in-store since I live in a small town
>most "gamers" here are relatively casual
>but anyone interested in a Switch will probably pick it up since it's cheap and they just want games
What should I do, just wait in line?
It's a very enjoyable SRPG that doesn't fuck around as much as many others do.
This leads to quick and enjoyable gameplay. SRPGs are one of those genres just about anyone enjoys and this one doesn't pull any bullshit to screw that up.
Everything else is built on top of that.
t. faggot
my money on slingshot bikini held by a set of rings like her collar
post cunny
>just deleted my entire loli folder to get my life together
>this fucking picture
D5 characters were pretty much all trash. This made me want to replay DD2 for shit sake. the fuck with that low grade shounen shit? Why were all story twists spoiled by chapter names, or by dialogs with no subtlety? how the ever living fuck could they feel pity for genocide murderers? And how come the game has so much prinnies but at no moment do they remember the soul cycle, and how death mostly means prinny or reincarnation. This game makes it so clear most of the creative team either left or is out of ideas.
>deleted my entire loli folder to get my life together
how is that related?
That was a huge mistake user, you're going to waste time making a new one
Nice body, shame i'll never get to see it IRL
I came here specifically to tell you that you are wrong.
>blaming personal problems on a hobby and not on yourself
I want Etna to look at me in disgust when I ask to slide my dick all over her chest
Hey guys, want to hear a joke?
Prinnies' rights!
She's older than me so it's legal.
And i'm desperate for human contact so idgaf
Just use Amazon
We play videogames here sir
>gets younger looking and a more skimpy outfit each game
So three games from now is she just going to be a naked baby?
>wanting to fuck kids
should just kill yourself now and save time desu
Plot Twist! The Neterworld is revealed to be Résurrection and Requiem will make a cameo in the new game
This is Laharl (best version). Say something nice about him
there will never be a non crap Etna cosplay.
you would be surprised, I once encountered with an honest to God DFC close to Etna.