Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
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The girl, for exposing her armpusy
Why is the Panda sad?
>her face at 0:07
Her brother
That little harlot for teasing that wholesome asian man
Well, look at the people in the background.
>Nintendo fanbase
>that face
Jesus Christ how horrifying. The Lord truly abandoned those pagan chinks.
Nearly every tournament Justin sits near kids at one point in tourneys especially the wizardly place he went to with Gootecks.
>not "Who was in the Wong here?"
This Asian man is literally the archetypal loli rapist from my doujins. Somebody protect that girl.
More like "Who here was the Wong in?"
>the fat asian pervert face
It's actually a thing. Jesus.
>Attempt to fondle a loli in a fucking public.
The size of balls on this dude
I want newfags to leave.
if there was no one around would you do this too?
She liked it.
nigga it his sister they both wongs
i'm surprised it was justin doing this and not someone like marn
The loli would be around
He's a fat asian, he probably models for rape doujins.
nobody has EVER touched me like that
if someone came up behind me and stroked my arms i would melt and became their anal slave
Justin literally rocking that "ugly faceless doujin man" look
Sorry to tell you this but in Japan; cosplay is consent.
what did he whisper in her ear?
The kid
im interested in fully grown mommies not little girls
"I'm going to kill your mummy and daddy, you better lose gaijin pig"
the boy Wong is /our guy/
>Rubbing shoulders
A guy playing violent games is less creepy than a lolicon
I don't know who this is, but I have a feeling he's an e-celeb or a fighting game or something-something champion. I don't know. She probably asked for his specific help? Judging from the pass on his neck and because someone is filming this he's a big deal.
That all said, that girl isn't fucking caring one bit. It's not like he's sticking his dick in her.
Also as creepy as it is, if this little girl wasn't so cute no one would care.
If that kid was a fat boy / girl, no one would care.
But because she looks fuckable, it's a big deal. Oh also because she's white. Sets of all those dad's and mom's wild when they see this kind of shit.
Personally I would tot-
>when you exist in such a state of compulsion and repression you start to desire little girls because they can't hurt you like a big woman can
But I want little girls to hurt me.
Where's Shadman when you need him?
This, I want to feel a gentle onii-chans's touch on my shoulders.
>hates loli but browses Sup Forums
now post the other version
I don't think Shad does live action.
The only time I remember him making an exception was Keemstar's daughter.
Hat girl is his waifu now.
I desire 2D girls because they don't talk
there's literally nothing wrong here you freaks
video game bondage transcends all your filthy thoughts
just look how happy they both are
He looks like the guy from that one doujin about the autistic guy on the train.
AAAAAAAAAA, I forgot about that shit, fuck you for remembering me.
reminds me of this
>remembering me
reminding* me, Pajeet.