
>play this game based on premise that you're the bad guy
>you are not the bad guy
>Kyros the overlord is not a bad guy
>his two general lackeys are not bad guys as well
>blue guy cares for his men
>red guy just wants to have fun
>justice guy just wants peace and order
>shit combat
>horrible unlikeable party members

jesus what a disaster

Are there any RPGs where we can actually play as bad guys? I was interested in Tranny because of that concept but they screwed that up completely.

You forgot about the god awful putrid art direction

original fallout


>You can't be a good guy if you care for people or want to have fun
Tyranny is shit, but what the fuck am I reading? No one is a bad guy by your retarded metric.

I played this recently. It sucks shit that you make a choice in the prologue and you're pretty much locked into it to the rest of the game. It's so badly designed.

Other than that? I've already replayed Fallout and Fallout 2 a lot so I need something new.

Red guy is arguably a bad guy, everyone else is a neutral or good guy.
Seriously the kyros uses insane power to bring peace order and unity to the continent. He doesn't even enslave anyone.
By real life standards we'd call him Kyros the Great and we'd fucking mean it.

>make a choice
>game respects that choice

Also what is up with the horrible art direction and character portraits?

the whole game is built on "CHOICE AND CONSEQUENCE" supposedly, then you side with one army arbitrarily in act one and you effectively join that side for the rest of the game?

the in-game character model was alright I think, better than PoE that's for sure.

exactly, i played this game and apart from the red retards who were boviously fucking derp, everyone else on the 'bad guy' side seemed good.

>then you side with one army arbitrarily in act one and you effectively join that side for the rest of the game?
Try not doing it arbitrarily then? Also, that's precisely what "CHOICE AND CONSEQUENCE" means you dumbass

Playing a generic evil kung fu master in Jade Empire was p[pretty fun if i recall correctly.
Been a while since i played it.

There are multiple points at which you can betray the faction you joined.

le red tumbler shading face

>Bhooo hooo i need clear good strong good guys against le ancient evil awakens or i cant understand how a world function wheeeeee!!!
>I want to be le evil guy who is killing random people without sense with my black edgy trenchcoat. Cause i cant understand other kind of evils except the classic evil guy cliche.

Go buy skyrim faggot, even neptunia is too complex for you.

dude, the whole selling point of tyranny is that your were going to be smart pragmatic evil man.

you play a good guy instead who can sometimes choose to be pants on head retarded babyeating puppy kicker for LOLSORANDUMB WE R TEH EVULZ LEL

literally the opposite of the entire premise marketing and selling point.

people hate 'muh evil' in games because it's cartoony retarded shit and NOT complex ambiguous shit instead.

way to possess NO reading comprehension AT ALL.

Dungeon Keeper 2

>your were going to be smart pragmatic evil man. you play a good guy instead

Play the game please, is clear as fuck from this sentence you havent passed the tutorial.
Or you are retarded.
Or you skipped the dialogues cause HURR DURR IM NOT READING BOOKS.
Pick one.

i played the game al the way through.

your options are either good guy ones, or pants on evil retard ones. there's no alternative. you never play someone Evil.

fucksakes, manipulating the other archons etc doesn't even approach dickass thief tier.

>shit combat
fucking this everything felt garbage

>manipulating the other archons etc doesn't even approach dickass thief tier
Doesn't really felt like i manipulated them in my playthrough. I just fumbled my way there trying to cover my own ass. Then BOOM! I killed the Bleden Mark and The Voices of Nerat then made General Sanders and Judge Ned my underlings. Don't fucking know how i got there.

KotOR/SWToR if you like over the top black and white morality. E.g. you build dark side powers by robbing random dudes in the streets. SWToR also has a big disadvantage of being SWToR, but that can't be helped really.

this, it's so shittastic unless you spoil yourself on the game and go in ahead of time knowing that that's the end of the game you don't really get a feel for 'diaolical machiavellian mastermind'.

>Instead you are eternally the jobber of jobbers.

swtor is great for the class stories. playing it for anything else is pointless.

The writing is unironically good.

is it possible to play just through the class story without having to grind other quests?

only if you also grind flashpoints as you go and do the party sidequests. unfrotunately gearscoring is present in the game so you have to suffer through sidequests.
to progress your class story you have to do the planets too.

>swtor is great for the class stories. playing it for anything else is pointless.

not since the game got nerfed so hard the gameplay was effectively removed

oh god, did they make the gameplay even more stupid

Age of Decadence.
You can backstab everyone and be in it for just yourself but the world will also backstab your ass since it hates 'Good' characters.
Game goes out of its way to make the 'Good' options either ridiculously hard or impossible.
>Tell bandits to attack a local mine for double the amount of money they want for a kidnapping they did
>Tell local lord they want double the money and advise him not to fuck with the bandit
>Take the 10,000 dollars to the mine after the bandits fight the soldiers
>They are all dead except the leader and he is begging for his money
>Shoot the faggot to death with a crossbow and pocket the 10,000 gold

Oh sure, it's so fucking fun to play as villain in fallouts 1-2. People hate you, half the quests are locked, no evil quests even existing, entire towns go hostile on you because you were rude. FUN.

It's better than PoE at least.

No, it isn't

Yes, it is.

Pillars of Eternity is an easy 8/10 with the expansions and the patches

Tyranny is a 6/10 at best

It really is.
>More engaging story
>Better followers and npcs
>Choices matter
>Better gameplay
>Better unique items
>Better art direction
>No voice acting

>You know what we should do? Fill the entire map with boring trash mobs that don't even give any exp and no way to skip them.
>Brilliant, Mr. Sawyer.

>No voice acting
kek, you didn't even play it did you?

>You are the bad guy

That was never the premise. The premise was that you exist in a universe in which the evil Empire has taken over the world. The opening bit of the game is literally you and the empire annexing the last free country in the world

Actually, no it doesn't. Not if you want to have nuance.
You might want to support one army on some endeavor, but the other army on something else. You might want to politically backstab people... and the worse is that the game technically allows you to do that somewhat but only at points when it makes little political sense to do it, but because it fits the narrative arch the designers try yo impose on you.
It feels all manufactured (which it is, but when the ropes are blatant, the spell is broken) and senseless.

I genuinely don't understand why the fuck nu-Obsidian titles get so much attention even though they are actually pretty terrible when there are legit better alternatives like AoD or Underrail.

>>you are not the bad guy
>>Kyros the overlord is not a bad guy
Everything wrong with Tyranny.
They advertised it as a game where you play as medieval fantasy Darth Vader serving the medieval fantasy Empire.
In reality you're an errand boy in a game that fucking railroads you into being I REBEL and all the other routes have only 1/3 as much content as the rebel route.
Obshitian is too cucked to make a good game let alone make an actual evil game, they simply don't have the balls for that.

You can skip the vast majority of them, though.

Pillars of Eternity is better than Underrail, but they're both incredible and I spent 500+ hours on both combined.

Age of Decadence is complete garbage.

That's hilarious, you literally Mister Magoo'd your way to victory.

>I spent 500+ hours on both combined.
you are just autistic, games are not so good

i respect your opinion, even though you are wrong.

I liked it, liked helping the Voices

Why would you spend so many hours on a shitty game like PoE?

Do any of you understand that being evil is completely relative? Either you are so dumb to not understand that for some npc's you are indeed evil and for others you're actually a good guy; or you just wanted to be le evil edgy guy with le evil giant sword

In fantasy evil is a measurable source of energy. Only in real life is it relative

>reading comprehension
he said "both combined" you absolute retard
that means he could have spent 100 hours in PoE and 400 in Underrail.
Or 1 hour in PoE and 499 in Underrail.

>he thinks evil is "huehue I'm evil and have no motivation"

>He thinks evil is huehuehuehue I do it for the good of [insert some bullshit here]

1 hour in PoE is still a lot. I dropped it after the ruin section.