Making a best video games of all time list, what should be included?


Super Mario Brothers


Sup Forums already has one.

I'd post it but I'm on my phone


Baldur's Gate II


probably modern warfare 1 and 2


Playing Super Metroid for the first time ever on my snes mini. Loving it so far, just got the speedbooster. Would definitely appreciate the map showing the color of the doors you've passed though.

kill yourself

og ratchet and clank maybe up your arsenal as well


git gud faggot

battlefront 2 was pretty fire

Dungeon Keeper 1

Street Fighter 2
Halo 3
Unreal Tournament 2004
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Warcraft III
Dark Souls

If you have to ask, then you are not qualified to make one.

Minecraft, Terraria, Zelda BOTW, Bioshock Infinite, Overwatch, WoW, Half Life 2, Dota 2, Super Smash Bros, CS GO

Dragon Force on Saturn is one of the few true 10/10 games in existence. But since old Sega is dead, people tend to ignore Sega games.

how does this game hold up today? It sounds good but I must admit I missed it back in the day


I replay it all of the time. It's still one of the goats, even though some may argue that, that there are a few issues so that it actually might be closer to a 9.8 or 9.9.

Oh, and you should get a manual or a scan of it because troop strengths/weaknesses aren't explained in the game itself.

awesome definitely going to add it to my backlog haha

You can argue World is better, but 3 introduced the most things that would influence the future of the series while having offering more of a challenge.

hum Pong, sweetie, it's the first video game, ok? thanks.

Super Metroid isn't that fun. It's well made but it's not fun.

Like Earthbound.

While stuff like Pong and Tetris aren't my favourite games the philosophy behind them is 10/10

>tfw old videogames are too videogamey for me

CE is the superior Halo campaign, and that's what lasts in a game.

Also, add pic related.

SMB1, SMB2, SMB3, SMW, DDC2, are all GOAT.

Super Metroid's just an odd exception in there.

FF7 & 9
Zelda alttp
GTA San Andreas
Pokemon Crystal
Castlevania sotn
Ape Escape 3

Half of Halo CE's level design is garbage, and it forced you to backtrack across large sections of these garbage levels too. There's also a section that's so copy pasted that they literally had to put arrows on the floor to make sure no one got lost in the samey rooms.

When Halo CE is good it's real good, but a good chunk of the game has bad level design.

Mario Sunshine
Donkey Kong Country 2
Metroid Prime
Super Mario World
Super Mario Bros 3
Assassin's Creed 2

Nice bait

What's wrong with it?
Though I forgot to add Majora's Mask and Oracle of Seasons to it.

Oh come on, it was hardly believable in the first place, now you're going over the top.

Yeah, Halo 2's was pretty ok too, but the gameplay physics and certain difficulty spikes were chunky as fuck.

Pic related is another

no one mentioning fucking max payne or unreal tournament just makes me even more depressed

Every cop (and everyone for that matter) should fully watch max payne & 2 at least 2 or 3 times.

trust me the streets would be alot safer

The movie is a total disgrace please don't get confused

the only game you need all others are irrelevant next to it

Ape Escape


I think Sega is the publisher that has produced the most 10/10 games. It's a shame: the wrong kid died.