What are some games where the protagonist becomes the villain?
What are some games where the protagonist becomes the villain?
Dark Souls
Wolfenstein 2
>protagonist was the villain the whole time
Infamous 2
I remember when people took this show and Bryan Cranston's acting as the second coming of Christ.
if only they actually delivered on this and made you regret your words and deeds
>big boss
I don't. I remember when people pretended like stranger things was the second coming of jesus. At least BB is good compared to ST. Also Cranston's acting is pretty fucking great.
>trying to provide for your family before your inevitable demise is considered a villainy now
I still see him as Hal desu. Forever immortalized in my books.
Eh, people forget very quickly nowadays.
Walter White did nothing wrong
Why aren't you out selling drugs and poisoning children then?
I love games that do this but I'm too afraid to ask because I don't want those games to be spoiled
Baiten Katos for the GameCube
Front Mission 2, with the protagonist of Front Mission 1.
To be honest, if someone gave me an ultimatum where I had to decide to kill either my wife, my son and daughter, or a large group of people, I would choose my family. What he did wrong was gain more money than he could ever spend. He could have easily stopped selling meth after getting a couple million.
If the protagonist was a finished game and the villain an unfinished game then maybe
yeah its almost as if its a good show with good actors or somethin
That's bullshit and you know it. Fuck off with your armchair morality argument, if somebody asked you to pull the trigger on your wife and children or some other people you'd most assuredly choose the group of random strangers.
It's not a good show, It's 40 minutes of drawn out takes with fuck all happening. The whole series could have been presented as a single 1:40 movie without losing anything from the plot.
Tales of Berseria and Peace Walker
Oh I see the ambiguity in my post. That's exactly what I meant. "Choose" was a terrible choice of word. I meant I would kill the strangers, and that I would save my family.
He do it because he loves it
Dude normalfags already forgot about the show. You can stop playing the contrarian now. Just because people worshipped this back in the day doesn't mean it's bad.
literally every episode drives the plot
i know you want to be contrarian and all but don't be retarded
Except Walt could've stopped very early on into the series if that was still all he was making the drugs for.
Heck he could've taken that offer from Gretchen but nope his ego wouldn't allow it
A single 2 minute scene drives the plot each episode, the rest is filler.
Welcome to Dubai
Also Walt could have just done nothing and died and that would have been the end of it but clearly that's not what happened so why are we even arguing.
> crash land on an alien planet
> need to build a communcation satellite to get help
> have to build a factory to accomplish this
> end up raping mother nature and killing her alien children to do it
I think he's arguing that what Walt did in the beginning wasn't too villainous, but because he kept going, he turned into a villain.
Spec ops: the line
The protagonist wants to be the hero but ends up being the villian
Walker did nothing wrong.
What game?
>spend the entire first game building up The Beast as some unstoppable force of nature, real cosmic entity type shit
>supposedly so terrible that you had to back in time and kill everyone you loved so that you wouldn't be distracted
>it's just some random nignog with rock powers
Fuck, I'm still mad.
you are retarded after all.
Mike>saul>tuco>gus>jessie>bagger>crazy8>hank>todd>chuck>skyler>walter jr>Walter. Walter was just cringey faggot from the beginning to the end. I glad ted cucked shit outta him.
Why not just kill yourself then? Redding the world of your retardation is the only morally sound choice.
Mike is such a good character, literally the only reason to bother with Better Call Saul. Wish he would've gotten his own show instead.
any drug maker, trafficker or dealer should be lined up and shot no matter the circumstances they were doing it
Walter Jr.>Badger>Saul>Jessie>Mike>Hank>everyone else>Walter>Skyler>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Marie
I don't get the appeal for the stranger things. The 80s nostalgia theme has been done to death already.
This. Le breaking bad man was never the bad guy. Honestly his family's inability to sympathize with him make it clear that they're the villains. They're a bunch of complete psychos.
[spoilers]Or did he?[/spoiler]
to be honest, the 80s nostalgia thing is probably the show's least interesting aspect. watch the show for the actual story and character development and above all steve.
Jane had it coming, Walt did nothing wrong by letting her die.
>if someone gave me an ultimatum where I had to decide to kill either my wife, my son and daughter, or a large group of people
You're mentally ill then.
here, I forgot to put Jane below Marie
Fuck off retard, no it hasn't. I'm a huge fan of 80s themes and there's fuck all worth shit with it.
I watched the first 2 episodes of ST season 2, and I'm done. This shit is so fucking boring.
>missing the entire point of the show
He was doing it for his family in the beginning, sure. But after the first season (maybe 2, it's been a while) he could have stopped at any time and his family would've been set for life. He had an easy out when his former business partner literally offered him a job and to make sure his family was taken care of after he died.
Hell, the entire point of that "I am the one who knocks" scene was to show his descent into hubris; he was doing it because it was fun and he was good at it, that's it.
>I would chose my family
I really enjoyed Front Mission 1's fake out ending. Where the whole unit just falls apart, the protagonists waifu is dead, he has PTSD, and talks to his dead waifu, and everyone just realizes how in shambles he is and abandons him except, ironically, Geist - though it's more like he just sticks around Geist to keep fighting because he has nothing else.
Anyway, real answer: Armoured Core. Just take any of them, they're all at least war crimes simulators. AC4 is particularly good, though, where you just start murdering billions of people..
That it's the closest thing to a good ending is fucking depressing. League ending implies you've been murdered or at least disappeared to cover up the League's involvement, ORCA ending has everyone wiped out except you, and all you've done is exactly what the league wanted anyway, the reactionaries essentially fail.
Destruction is the only 'winning' path where you're not just a pawn. And it's probably canon given that AC5 has a Cradle unit that's been shot down (they have a failsafe forcing them to land, hence why the ORCA ending isn't a massacre, they'll just slowly die from the atmosphere), and the atmosphere has begun to recover and be liveable again. I think some japanese source might conflict with that though.
reconstructing/deconstructing matter on an atomic level isn't "rock powers" you nig nog
>He was doing it for his family in the beginning, sure
even that is arguable. the walt we saw at the beginning was possibly walt's fake persona while heisenberg was the real walt.
this desu
I don't get why people act like 80s nostalgia is all ST has to offer, I was born in fucking 1995 and thoroughly enjoyed it. The writing is good, the characters play off each other really well, there's some neat cosmic horror shit going on and for once they don't totally ruin it by trying to explain everything.
What's that?
>good ending is you becoming the villain
>Walt Jr
What was good about him? I only remember him being a meme character that should have had a bigger role in the story, but all we got was your typical shallow teenager talking about breakfast.
Fuck, forgot pic
he was the most reasonable character on the show and called skyler a bitch
Did they ever actually show him doing that? Granted it's been a long fucking time since I played InFamous 1/2, but t only remember him slowly rolling around town chucking hot rocks at everything.
It's nothing at all. Totally not an out of the way ending foreshadowing or anything. Really.
Steve and Hopper are easily the best characters. Really well developed.
>jessie that high up
i hated him beginning to end.
He did brainwash Venom... and every person you fulton-ed.
The best example of it will always be Warcraft 3.
Marie was literally the worst and a very forgettable character and she had no dynamic at all. It's like Vince didn't know what to do with her in the show. She suddenly became some crybaby moral faggot at the end and got no conclusion at all.
Jesse was an irresponsible dumbass, but he wasn't a bad person - he tried to do good, but Walt completely fucked him over at every turn and manipulated the shit out of him.
Shame about the race mixing propaganda though
I don't have a gf.
You're right, I actually forgot she existed until I read your post
Tell me about this user. I never played. I know that it's a rhythm game, but I didn't know there was a story to it.
> kill the world to save daughter
Nier is TLOU but good
I don't think i have seen that many games where protag completely fucks the land.
Watch the show again. Jesse is the reason things went fucked up 80% of the time and Walter saves Jesse's life multiple times but he keeps fucking up at every turn. Jesse is a fucking moron and the only reason you like him is because you feel sorry for him at the end. But he doesn't deserve sympathy at all.
don't be retarded now
I wish Walter Jr got his own show imo or a episode for himself in better call saul.
[spoilers]Or did he?[/spoilers]
You do know there are interracial couples in real life right?
Fairy fencer
The only green in the sequel is the poison lakes.
This isn't even up for discussion.
Elder God eating everyone is a different issue, thats far worse, further down the line.
Wasn't the general idea that the world would still be fucked regardless of Kain's sacrifice due to the Elder God, and the Hylden?
Would you have honestly chosen the fat kid though.
In a small white American town in the 80s? They'd be lynched.
Exactly. But he didn't need to completely poison the land, and cloud the sky in literal smog.