Switch has 3 games guys, you keep forgetting this one

Switch has 3 games guys, you keep forgetting this one

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also the best and more underrated compared to the other 2

>Switch has 3 games guys
That's correct OP. Splatoon 2, Golf Story, and Picross S.


And the bloodborne machine only has 1 while the xbone has 0. PC+Switch is the perfect combo. Now fuck off, sony cuck.

>Zelda BotW
>Mario Odyssey
>Critically and Objectively the best version of Sonic Mania
>Splatoon 2
>Fast RMX
>Mario Kart 8D
>Golf Story
>Best version of Disgaea 5
>Mario Xcom
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Oh we've got tonnes of games lad.

And we're only 8 months in ;)

Can't wait until 2018 when the console war faggots eat their words.

I actually enjoy the rabbids game, I'm trying to perfect each battle though so sometimes it can be a bit difficult.

Doesn't xbox have cuphead? I believe that's the only exclusive.


What is different about the switch version of sonic mania?

Does xb1 have any exclusives?

I would guess it's the exact same as every other version, but it's portable. (Though the PC version has mods, so there is that.)

Why can't you fucking faggots go 10 minutes without starting console wars? If you've all got so many games then go and fucking play them.


Sweet sweet portability, and it's a better portable game than a console game

I think Halo 5 and Sunset Overdrive are its only exclusives so far.

Really random question: does anyone else use their switch as their dedicated indie gaming machine? I don't know why I decided to get indie games on it. Maybe because after BOTW and Splatoon 2, there was a long drought of nogaems until Odyssey, so I decided to download some indies on it. But anyway, the Switch has turned into what the Ouya should have been. Playing Golf Story, Axiom Verge, and Shovel Knight underneath the covers is top fucking comfy. Its a shame that cuphead isn't on it. also hope la-mulana gets a release on it.

Okay, well I hope you enjoy whatever games you're playing right now user, me and my "three" switch games will go have fun now :)

>Xbox has 2 exclusives
>Meanwhile PS4 only has 1
Jesus Christ, that's pathetic.

I've been really digging the more obscure physical releases switch is getting. I got isaac as one of my first games for it. I have cave story, tiny barbarian dx, I have the physical version of Axiom Verge pre-ordered along with The End is Nigh. I think its a perfect system for these types of games.

>nobody mentions this game ever

What one exclusive does PS4 have?

>tfw everybody keeps forgetting pokken even though it's better then ARMS in basically every way and it's unironically one of the best competitive fighting games out right now

Is golf story getting a physical release?


Does Sunset Overdrive really count? Might as well count Knack as a worthwhile PS4 game

Yes. I seen that somewhere.

Not that I've heard but since Limited Run Games is throwing their hat into the Switch ring anything's a possibility.

Literally forgot Pokken was a thing until they made an announcement of a patch k last week

Is it hard? Sup Forums can be pretty casual so that might be it. I'm planning on picking it up at christmas.

4 games. you keep forgetting this one

Replace the 0 in 502 by -

It's a typo error.

So what's Uncharted 4, Crash Bandicoot, Persona 5, Horizon Zero Dawn, Nier Automata, Yakuza Kiwami, Yakuza 0, the last guardian?

Racing against gooks is always hard. But that's the fun. It's not Mario Kart.

>five to two exclusive games

>Uncharted 4,
Cinematic experiences don't count
>Crash Bandicoot,
>Persona 5,
>Horizon Zero Dawn,
>Nier Automata,
>Yakuza Kiwami,
>Yakuza 0,
>the last guardian

timed exclusive
also on ps3
bland open world trash filled with SJW bullshit
also on PC
also on PS3
also on PS3
walking simulator that runs at 24fps.

Tell me, when people like you post shit like "games I think are bad don't count as exclusives," do you genuinely believe it or are you just baiting? Be honest, I'm always curious how genuine console war flamers are being.

missed opportunity to call the game spla2oon. or spla2n.

I play a ton of isaac and stardew on it and cant wait for hollowknight. honestly its what i love to play while lying in bed watching something on Tv or Twitch

>timed exclusive
LMAOOOOOOOOOO keep telling yourself that kiddo

It would've caused unnecessary confusion when spoken.

It literally doesn't count.

Take a guess sunshine.

I never bought an indie game before i got the Switch.

Thanks for beta testing Ponyboy.

I should know better, I just can't help but feel there's a part of them that genuinely believes some of the shit they spew

oh shit im getting this

Can you genuinely explain to me why every single time someone says what exclusives the PS4 has they include nier? i dont think ive ever seen it not included. im pretty sure xbone would have more if we include PC even including just the 'crappy ports'

>Picross S
My man. Picross S is too fun.

>little billy asks his mom to buy him Spla2n
>she buys Splatoon

I wasn't counting worthwhile games. Those are just the only two exclusives that I know of. I'd personally be more interested in SO than Halo, though.

Same here. Indie games are perfect for on-the-go play and they look great on Switch's screen, and they also tend to be the games on Switch that run at native 1080p docked and 720p portable, so games that I may have overlooked on PC or prior Nintendo consoles (Shovel Knight, for example), I'm buying on the Switch.

Why should trash games and games that are multiplatform count as exclusives worth getting the console for?

Some stores already leaked the xbonr version for next year.

5-2= 3

I genuinely just forgot that nier's on PC, its usually touted as a PS4 exclusive so I just think of it as such.

I also personally don't see a problem with calling "XBone/PC" "PS4/PC" or "Switch/PC" games "console exclusives" because they're exclusive to one home console. PC's still at a point where their market's segregated enough from console gaming that I think its justifiable to not consider it a true multiplat. But I get why most people don't and that's not what I was trying to do there since I didn't mention nioh.

Claiming Yakuza 0 or kiwami don't count because they came out as late as fuck PS3 games in Japan only is kind of stupid though.

Because sonygros are desperate to list more games when in reality they only have one.

>some stores
You mean the one store that admitted it was an error? Lmao

to be completely honest senpai i buy indie games on the switch in hope that nintendo puts in an indie rep in the next smash bros

Indie devs make a fuckton of money with the Switch. 22 million downloads. Nintendo Switch versions of indie games outselling all other platforms.
>poor indie developers

its touted as an exclusive because sony fanboys always include it on a list of exclusives and are always told its on PC. if you paid attention it would be pretty obvious.

and console exclusive is literally the worst meme of this generation. it doesn't count even remotely and if it did xbone library would be pretty damn big in comparison. the only ones who i ever see fall for the console exclusive thing is ps4 fanboys. atleast xbone fanboys realize any time they see it its bullshit.

>I genuinely just forgot that nier's on PC, its usually touted as a PS4 exclusive so I just think of it as such.
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume it was indeed a genuine mistake.
But you have to realize that it's precisely because a bunch of fucking console warring shitposters keep acting like it's an exclusive even though it is not, that people wrongfully get the idea that it's an exclusive even though it is not. Which in turn, just like you did, leaves them also talking as if it was an exclusive. Which once again leaves others with the impression that it's an exclusiv even though it's not. At which point the cycle begins anew.

It's complete and utter bullshit.

It was fun for about 3 or 4 hours

Don't give the sonyfag more (You)s

fighting game players will see the field phase stuff and won't play it. autistic pokemon fans like me will see the roster and not play because my obscure favorite is not in the game.

> a fucking rabbids game blew the fuck out XCOM
Best timeline

best indie games on switch?

>axiom verge
>shovel knight
>golf story
>stardew valley
>binding of isaac
>super meat boy

what else?

I kind of like both.
Though I am partial towards classic x-com. I fucking love that openxcom is a thing.

This whole thing got me thinking about how game boxes used to mark if a game was exclusive. Do any of them still do this?

>western release never

I got

>fast rmx
>ultra chess

Yeah I didn't mean for any console war bullshit but PS4 literally has more than one exclusive, that was the only point I was trying to make. I have a PS4, Switch, XBone, and 6 year old gaymin PC, the PS4 is my least favorite of the bunch.

God I hope Shovel Knight gets a physical release

Switch has no ga

>PS4 literally has more than one exclusive
Keep tellng yourself that, roach.

Is has-been heroes good? It looked pretty good but reviews were kind of meh so I didn't bother.

Why is Dragon Ball's spine so retarded? Did they really need to mark that it was for Switch on the box?

On sale this weekend only at gamestop 10 bus new

disregard that i sucks cocks

western release early next year. enlgish trailer released 2 days ago

I've bought 7 games and I only thought I was gonna buy Zelda and Mario. Been a great year

Unfortunately I'm not a pro member

Haven't tried it yet got new today 4 10 at gs

Fix your Splatoon case.

>the Story cover is on the back and Salmon Run on the front
This seriously annoys the fuck out of me

I wish snipper clips had more content that wasnt going to be DLC. Its some of the most co-op fun ive ever had with my GF

If you count shit games ps4 has like one million games

K I dident know it had a back lol

>The physical Limited Launch Edition version of the game will come packed with a digital download code for the full soundtrack
>and at a later date the game even has DLC planned

>my GF
go away fucking normalfag

Thankfully I am both a competitive fighting game fan and a pokemon fan, and the evolution of my favorite pokemon is playable, so I have sunk tons of time into it in the quest to git gud, and am pretty decent.

>Bomberman (got it for cheap)
>Fast RMX
>Shovel Knight Treasure Trove
>Blaster Master
>Mario Kart
>Puyo Puyo Tetris
>USF2 (got it for cheap)
>Cave Story
>Splatoon 2
>Sonic Mania
>Mario + Rabbids
>Rayman Legends
>Steamworld Dig
>Golf Story

I'm trying to catch up on games I've missed so I'll get Odyssey etc in the future. Did I miss anything major?

I was referring to nuXcom which is a literal mobile game

but shes massively autistic and only plays Flight simulator and anything with realistic car design. i got her because im not a normie

I wouldn't get both ARMS and Pokken. Both lack single player content, but there's way more meat to pokken's actual combat system and more characters thatt have way more to them then ARMS.

If you ask me pokken DX is the obvious superior choice, tthe only way it wouldn't be is if you really can't into normal fighting games at all, bit even then Pokken is a pretty decent entry point to competitive fighters.

That's the list of games I already own, user.

Yeah. And I kind of like nuXcom and Kingdom Battle.
Though as stated I favour classic xcom.

My take on nuXcom in general is that it's generally a fairly huge disappointment, but it still did some things that I genuinely find to be huge improvements over the classic. And while I don't like it as much, I still enjoy it.

Kingdom Battle though feels a lot fresher. Has more of an identity of its own I feel like. And doesn't feel like as much of a disappointment. The verticality and combo focused gameplay lends itself really well to Mario's themes which is probably why it feels more like a fun xcom type game with Mario than a watered down xcom type game that's a disappointment which is kind of what nuXcom feels like in a lot of ways.

But yeah I still like all of it.

>it's another sex genie servant claiming "it doesn't have game" every week when a new game is out

Well once Xenoblade 2 is out, we won't have any big-name game in sight (Metroid Prime 4 and Pokemon are still very far)
I feel like it's time for them to announce it, a Smash 4 port..coming with all DLC for free, all the characters and stages (they can keep costumes as DLC, who cares)