The great debate
The great debate
Has Chouzuki Maryou done a pearl or marina shoot? No?
Then I think you have your answer.
Marie and Marina makes the best pair
Callie and Marina*
It's not a debate since Callie and Marie are objectively superior
The only correct answers
Pearl and Marina
Personality and chemistry
Callie and Marie
All 4. At the same time.
This guy gets it.
The major flaw of Off the Hook is lack of presence in the campaign. Make Marina a double agent and Perl some master strategist, add some dialogs and Squid Sisters BTFO.
Callie-Marie is a great duo. But that outfit design ruins it big time.
Callie and Marrie, best chemistry, best designs match
I was expecting Pearl and Marina to be the antagonists in the campaign. Pearl could've been a rival who sabotaged the Squid Sisters to advance herself in the idol industry, and Marina helped out because she was an Octoling with her own agenda. I was kind of disappointed they had nothing to do with the story.
Nah. I think they should have been the Agents 1 and 2 to Marie's Cap'n Cuttlefish. Pearl should be financing everything hence the better gear and Marrinav should've been a double agents who gives hints about the level and boss
Marie > Marina = Callie > Pearl
Marie > Pearl > Callie >/= Marina
>chucky and a negress vs the god damn squid sisters
how is this even a question lmao, callie and marie are leagues ahead
Where's the option that isn't an old hag?
one day. a spin-off where your woomy or octo girl can become the next big idol of squid kind
Which one is most ticklish?
>child with down's and a nigger vs. two squid sisters popstars
Really tough choice there, really.
new splatfest talk
I'd shoot something pearly over Pearl's face, if you wakaru my imi.
pearl and marina if you're not a brainlet
if you can't appreciate just looking at a shitty goblin squid thinking to yourself "she will lie to me without hesitation" you might have brain damage
I want to give Marina an oily massage
I've never played Splatoon
but the characters on the left are better designed than the characters on the right
but I like better the color palettes on the characters on the right
Left has more charm, and their physical appearances contrast between themselves batter than Right
.t Designer
Only the black one looks decent because she doesn't look like some kind of fucked up gremlin to some degree
Marina is fapworthy but that's the only thing she's got going for her. She needs to talk about her octo past more IMO
I need pics.
>nigger and mean looking bitch
>Two cute sisters
Yeah. No contest.
all disgusting anthro furbait shit
Hey maaan. Bums me out how you say nigger like that, dude.
Words hurt tho
Just like real Jap idols. Callie and Marie were just relevant for 2 years before being replaced by the new sensation.
Why would they replace them anyway instead of keeping them as the iconic characters from the franchise?
>not monster girl bait.
Really activate my almonds.
Are you ready for Off the Hook to get replaced
Unless Splatoon 3 is a whole different game, I don't see any justification for them to drop Splatoon 2.
Splatoon 1 only died because it was on Wii U, came out late in its life cycle, and the Switch came out. 2 on the other hand came out just 3 months after Switch release, and we're going to be sticking with it for a good while.
they've promised 2 years of support. Splatoon had another year after support ended. So at a minimum we won't her anything until 2020 about a sequel
Nigger nigger nigger
It'd be nice if they had other musical groups host Splatfests with their own exclusive music. Also Callie and Pearl for best combination.
Callie and Marie are way better, it's not even close.
Hardly a debate.
Marina is so shit, she ruins Pearl's "persevere despite being a goblin" thing.
Meanwhile, Marie won the Great Waifu War so hard, it turned Callie evil (and it was glorious).
>tfw Marie's solo career takes off and she'll have to use her bants against herself
Space dragon > Planet-based dragon
right a shit
What's it like to be black?
the one that doesn't have a nigger
Imagine being constantly covered in shit
>Squid Sisters vs Off the Hook splatfest
>8-man matches, with the four respective idols on their respective teams
>all four have insane AI
>no matter who wins, Idol War becomes a game mode after
Marina is great, but the interactions between her and Pearl are just so meh. Not to mention Pearl being ugly.
Callie and Marie aren't exactly a high bar to exceed especially on account of those hot dog vendor outfits, but Callie has great charm and Marie is sharp, good synergy.