Why couldn't they make the cap throw a once-per-jump thing? You can just chain cap jumps and ignore all the platforming.
Why couldn't they make the cap throw a once-per-jump thing? You can just chain cap jumps and ignore all the platforming
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Did you even play it? You can only do one Cappy bounce per jump, if you try it again you just fall through.
why didn't they just not add the dumb cap gimmick in the first place?
>You can just chain cap jumps and ignore all the platforming.
...What platforming? Any of the platforming in this game is incredibly shallow and easy.
So that they can use the meme status to make people like the game.
Why is it dumb? It enhances both gameplay mechanics and level design, what more can a feature achieve?
He makes the game too easy and turns the focus on possessing enemies rather than well designed platforming.
There's only ~15 captures required to finish the main game, and almost half of them are electricity posts to get from section to section in Bowser's Kingdom.
You need to try harder.
It is capped at 1, you can only hop on Cappy once then toss him again only to go into a dive.
Can you at least play the game before you start your fucking shit-posting?