What the fuck is happening to Steam?
Fucking 52 pages of upcoming games, 95% of them are low-effort indie trash with absolutely empty Discussions section. It wasn't that bad when I checked last time, usually there was around 20 pages of upcoming games at max, less shovelware, and most of them had at least some discussions.
Is Steam becoming the Atari of video games?
action 52
Nah it's just that PC gaming is dead now. Battlefield 1 has 10k PC players compared to 60k PS4 and 30k Xbox
The barrier to entry is now so low, and the time to pay-off so high that everyone wants to make games; resulting in the trash you see here.
Either that or it is being used to launder money much like modern art
This. PC used to have more players than consoles. Yeap, this was a thing for an AAA game. Mhm, sure was.
Its a complete non issue these days since you can make sure the game youre buying is good with just a few clicks
>implying that we are in danger of shovelwares
Those actual shovelware titles will get removed even if they manage to put it up on steam
The only ones who really suffer from this are the game devs themselves. We users face only the inconvenience of having more stuff to filter through to get to what we want.
>PC gamers don't like to buy console ports
What a surprise.
>YFW you had hundreds of freeware floppy disks that were basically the exact same thing
This is why you subscribe to content curators. Follow totalbiscuit to get a good idea of the quality games out there and ignore everything else.
>unironically shilling
>they buy indie trash forever early access instead
That's because everyone is playing pubg instead
Oh no a lot of games I will not have to divert a single moment of attention to whatever shall I do about this
Steam Direct was a mistake.
With access to previews internet videos and piracy. Nah you'd have to be a retard to buy any of that shit. I do think its sad alot of decent games get buried in that landfill.
>Hmm, people bitch when we're too strict and let nothing through on greenlight, and they bitch when we rubber stamp everything immediately. Obviously we need to replace this with something...
>Let's just make it so that anyone with a couple hundred bux can just shit on steam
It's been a problem for a few years now
When Greenlight first started, they would only allow a few games a month. Now it's several hundred per year.
For every 40,000 shit games retards shove onto the steam store to take up gaben's glorious billion dollar servers surely one of them will be good.
Shame that half of them are absolutely fucking dumpster fire trash and should only be release for free and simply to gain experience to maybe make something decent in the future, but steam shouldn't be the platform where devs get their "name out" by just dumping it full of fucking trash to wade through
Why did they get rid of Steam Greenlight again?
>AAA games are made with maximum monetary profits in mind, consulting psychologists and marketers instead of creative game developers
>game making software and a platform to sell them are made so easy that any retard can a shitty game inflating the whole market
Gaming in general has died.
>having more games is a bad thing
If you don't like them, don't play them. What's the problem here? It's not like developers will stop releasing AAA games and console ports
Greenlight doesn't exist anymore bro. It got replaced with steam direct.
cant remember, probably because it limited the amount of bullshit games they could push and therefore get a cut of. Gabe probably has a fucking lootbox addiction he cant shake and needs the extra cash to try and get legendary skins for his tiawaneese trap character
AAA games are trash. I like smaller games, but I'm not wading through 50 pages of Chinese asset flip garbage to find something good.
They need to bump up the publishing fee or do something.
I have a backlog of more than 100 games. i play what i want instead of popular shit. do you realize how many games people on PC have the ability to play?
You can play any games from any generation on, why would anyone play shitty new releases
Do you browse Amazon, when you're looking for a new book? No? How about discovering new movies and music by browsing digital stores? No again? What's wrong with Steam then? It's a fucking digital store.
>But muh curated content
Fuck off. It's you problem, that you can't find good games by yourself.
I filtered out Indy as a tag, helped a lot with getting rid of trash from the games I want to see. Can still search for trash if I want.
Welcome to the indie 'revolution'
By the way it was exactly like this before the videogame crash. So many shit games that were copies of each other. I know people will whine that
>muh circumstances are different
but it will lead to the same thing, stagnation, boredom and people being unable to sift through the crap and just giving up and buying whatever the gaming press says is good
Oh wait that already happened
If you don't want to wade through trash there are tons of people and communities that focus on indies
but its not remotely like the video game crash. the issue with the crash was multiple things coming together. Obviously the amount of games but it was also the fact that licensing was absolutely fucking nuts so similar titles varied in quality. along with lack of curation when the only way to get reviews was in video game magizines and the massive flood of different hardware. The only thing similar is lots of shit games but curation, hardware and licensing issues are not issues at all. If there is a market crash its going to be because video games just start to become less popular from the market just loosing interest and even then it wont be anything like the video game crash it will more likely go back to what it was 10-20 years ago or so where it becomes more about passion projects. Honestly microtransations are way more of a threat than over population of shit
Delusional indie dev detected.
nobody uses steam to find video games except for indie shit because they dont have 9 figure advertising budgets
>muh circuuuuummsttaaaances
Like clockwork. It's the same shit
Your shit indie game is polluting the market
its russian bots making these to fund putin's fascist regime
Shit arcade game ports were one of the main reasons why people became frustrated with console gaming
>Is Steam becoming the Atari of video games?
Yes, absolutely. Even if they stopped tommorow and started removing shit games, or at least let us filter them better, it would still take forever to fix.
They don't "push" anything. The vast, vast majority of that crap just silently gets released and forgotten about and it affects no-one.
>this situation x is like situation y
>but it's not
>lmao circumstances someone used this argument before this makes it invalid sucks to be you
That's some lazy arguing user
yeah i have nothing invested in this beyond just being a fan of video games. but its not that hard to wade through the bullshit and this argument was literally used just years ago when more indie games started to pop up but it only made game platforms more popular because there was actual curation. between things like gaming review sites, Console stores, youtube, streams, and just the internet in general it just became something that actually brought more people into gaming. There are a ton of shit indies and with steam opening up the flood gates its only going to get worse but it in no way is going to cause another crash.
this is accurate but i put this in the same place as licencing issues. i know thats only part of the issue with it but it all came down to the same issue which was people didnt know what was good and worth their time and at the time the arcade ports left people thinking consoles couldn't do the same as arcade games because of how shit the ports or rip offs were
>it's dead...Only 10,000 people are on at a time!
Maybe people aren't playing BF1 because its trash?
>wii and nds is 80% shovelware
it's okay when nintendo does it?
But BF1 is shit desu.
indie games that are fun for cheap > AAA games that are shitty and expensive
because the other 20% is GOTY material
Sup Forums has a hate boner for indie games, but only on PC because its the only games their mom's laptop can play and she wont buy them games over $20
just don't buy it lol
the more the merrier
valve certainly doesnt push their own games anymore
It's not dead
It's oversaturated and fragmented
It wasn't okay
Despite the over 100 Million Wiis Nintendo sold they made relatively poor software sales because they all bought shitty shovelware, thought it was the only thing and quitted gaming
Gaben is the 97th richest person in America. Forbes estimates Newell's worth at $55 billion. So he is doing something right by selling all this garbage 24/7. Every cent counts if you want to become rich.
It's crazy if you think about it
Every sold trading card, loot box, $1000 knives, Gaben he made money from all of it
And thanks to that Valve never bothered to continue Half-Life serie...
Show me page 18 of the upcoming PS4/Xbox/Switch games list so we can compare.