Sup Forums baited me again
>SMT is dark and mature
this shit is 'Dark and Edgy', not 'Dark and Mature'
even stupid rapey teacher plot in P5 is more mature than this crap
Sup Forums baited me again
>SMT is dark and mature
this shit is 'Dark and Edgy', not 'Dark and Mature'
even stupid rapey teacher plot in P5 is more mature than this crap
>listening to Sup Forums
How can you call a game that stars Jack Frost edgy?
>dude he grabs a half naked chick and satan and he makes this face it will be sooooo badass
I hate that Sup Forums guy.
But honestly, who ever said SMT is dark and mature?
In comparison to Pokemon and Digimon?
>Doesn't recognise angels or Japanese oni
Is SMT mature in the sense that you need to read a book? Is that it?
to be fair, Oni in that pic does look like typical Satan in western cartoon
Nocturne is mature as it gives the player full control how to progress and retrieve information.
Persona treats you like a babby
It's literally Persona without friends, OP.
t. every shit edgy JRPG ever
>SMT is dark and mature
who said this
when will we get an smt game where you can fuck the demons already
>Game paints fictional creatures differently than their source material
>This is bad
When Persona gets actual dating.
>phantom thieves
pick one
I want to date Hua Po not some wacky edgy teenager
>Bad guys
You're just human.
Although in Asia Christianity certainly was the bad guys for a while.
>That one time Jesus' Chinese brother waged one of the bloodiest wars in human history
And if we through in Abrahamic religion as a whole, Jews and Muslims are still the bad guys now.
>I want to date Hua Po
That's the dream, man. That's the dream.
>Not titania
how is she so perfect
I'm not about to cuck Oberon, he's a good man
Because she's not real.
My nigga
>video games
we got a live one
this is some good bait
>Alicefags are STILL mad the best SMT game aka Nocturne didn't feature worst girl
SMT game where Alice is the main antagonist, antihero/sidekick and love interest when?
>he didn't max all the social links in nocturne.
In SMT God and the Angels are the good guys
Will Ps4 port ever happen
Isn't in on psn?
>everyone here