Online bullying

You ever been bullied on the mic during a game?

Nice Heroman pic.

>play overwatch
>Decide to go Hanzo
>one player nicknames me faggot
>Whole group laughs
>they all call me faggot and keep asking "Hey faggot, how many kills you get?" LMAO
>close game

>Virgin vs Chad

>online bullying

Like, nigga, just turn the PC off, just walk away. lmao

So, how many kills did you get before you quit, faggot ?

Definitely, but I sling shit back, which tends to get me bans/kicks. You can ALWAYS escalate the situation. Never let anyone tell you otherwise Sup Forums, follow your dreams.

Not even in my chinese cartoons I can escape from Chad.

>playing R6S months ago
>some teenager with a deep voice starts picking on me for no reason
>keep getting out in the same games
>bullying gets worse

I got so pissed off I stopped playing for a few weeks. To this day I still look to make sure he's not in the same games as me.

I'd had people talk shit before and I've just talked shit back because I'm a big boy
Are you a teenager too?

not anymore
i mute people on mic and just play with girls i'm friends with

You need to let go, chad.

I don’t even use team speak

>virgin fucks chad's sister

good deal if you ask me

Does this virgin have eyes or is it another soulless Japanese self insert with hair obscuring face no eyes.

No, because I'm not a pussy ass faggot

Is heroman a good anime? Been wanting to find a new show

He's a white American.

if only joey did got stan lee coffee on time...

>this entire thread

Joey is cute! CUTE!


he's a twink fuccboi

Requesting incel? The fuck is incel?

>for years anime has the most wild and absurd depictions of America
>they tone all that shit down for the anime taking place in America

were they self aware or did the writers just not know how to do ham

Stan Lee wrote Heroman.

>been told all my life bullies grow up to be losers working at construction cites and drunks with failed marriages
>they grow up to be alien human hybrids with super powers that save the day

Stan Lee doesn't really write a lot of the stuff his name is attached to, pic related. He most likely gave a general outline to the show and plot point and then the studio took over.

>when chad cums inside you

>tfw twink with the same name

>season 2 never
This still hurts

If one of them was a girl it was my group lol.

Me my buddy and my gf patrol overwatch and just group laugh into voice chat to make people upset. It's fantastic.

When I'm by myself I ask people if they want to join my no adults allowed minecraft server for feet pics and if they have siblings who might be interested

Video games are fun

>tfw you actually thought having one of the most common names in the united states and having it in common with a character who's name is supposed to evoke that generic everyman feeling was worth posting about just to wave how much of a faggot you are

this image has a little bit for everyone
>twink for fags
>cheerleader armpits for men of true taste

>being this mad
I'm not even american.

Never fucking reply to me again unless you are contributing to the thread.

but they're siblings


In 21st century America it'll soon be chic.


Testy aren't we


How do you get bullied in a game lol. Fuck I pretty much just play online and I can't remember this happening once. People whining my tactics are cheap, sure. People whining I'm not healing them enough, sure. But bullying? How do you even draw attention to some aspect of yourself bad enough to be bullied over? And even if they do, why not just tell them to fuck off or mute them? Its a fucking game.

How FUCKING FRAGILE has one person be to be cyberbullied? How the fuck is that real?

My friend gets shit all the time, people thinking its a kid and when they figure out it's a girl she gets friend requests
The worst part is they wont listen to good info because of her voice, shit like enemy locations win games but stfu kid is a better way to win right

>People start shitting on me in game
>Mute them

I remember betting cyber bullied back before they ever had a term for it.
I was on AIM on dial up and the other kids from my school would talk shit about me and tell me not to message them anymore and didn't want me in their group.


>not following their bantz, acting like a fag and not giving a shit
the virgin player

I wasn't aware that guys didn't like girls playing vidya online in the west when I was a teen
Also my english was horrible

This post is awful

Yeah, I get bullied a lot in fighting games because I can't adapt or improve past certain point. So people just make fun of me or just stop trying.

Involuntary celibate.

Yeah it's that stupid.

No, but I used to bully the fuck out of others, sometimes with the intent to bully someone out of a match. It got old eventually, now I just want to play video games, preferably in the company of good friends.

Sometimes I get shit-talked during matches but it has zero effect on me, especially with how lame online insults have become.

I can't believe Stan Lee would write a cute fuccboi.

My first and only Clan Arena experience in Quake Live:
>join server
>scoreboard has country flags near your name
>"Shitty "
>"Fuck off, "
>Get kicked immediately

FG online communities, at least the ones I've experienced are almost always friendly. Can't really see how you'd get shittalked a lot, especially since you lose matches, FG people usually help guys that constantly lose.

fg local people are better people for that kind of thing than online warriors
online warriors are dodgy and egotistical and will run away after winning and go "gg ez" and all that lame shit you'd beat them up for irl

Maybe I'm just hanging out with the wrong group.

That's not bullying or whatever people classify as such, its just being a dodging and generally unlikable cunt due to rage. Said rage comes from losing or being annoyed at opponents gameplay, not from easy wins.

Yeah, maybe. What FGs are you playing? Write your platform of choice+region as well so I can determine whether we can play or not while you're at it.

i'm pretty sure i described a guy who just won and ran away

yep, unrelated to bullying


It make my dick hard.

Are you a poo in loo?


is this from that anime made by Stan Lee

You should have talked about how much you love sucking dicks, that would have shown them.

i wasn't describing bullying
i was just saying that fg online people aren't mostly friendly, it's a 1 in 3 case
local people are better because if they start shit, they are in punching distance

>guy tries to bully you online
>tell him how much it turns you on
>make constant sexual advances towards him during the game
>they either leave the room in frustration or try to "one up" you by trying to play along and acting like a big dumb homo

Every time.


why are overwatch players of all people calling people faggots
they're the most fuccboi people irl
lmao i did that before and got banned by a mod for sexually enticing behavior

>not changing your flag with a single command

Silly poo, I use Sweden's flag and no one can't tell.

You're not wrong on these people existing. I just feel its more of a 50/50 ratio at worst. Different for each person I guess.

Local people in my case have been so goddamn supportive and I just pour my salt over them everytime. Not even direct shittalking them, just complaining about being unable to do stuff and sulking about being horrible. I think FG people love seeing salt in others.

Is she as sexually aggressive as the best porn of this show depicts?

Because that's super hot.

>what is Ultimo

>Written by Stan Lee
>Illustrated by Hiroyuki Takei

It turns out the internet isn't fake.

If people are sending you threatening messages or harassing you, it actually can impact you. Kind of like how it someone insults you in real life it might ruin your day. Because what you do on the internet is actually part of your life.

Yeah, but i told him to fuck off and turned off his mic.

Online bullying isn't fucking real. Just mute the person or this

>someone insults you in real life
>it ruins your day
>someone you never met is having a shitty day and is lashing out
>it ruins your day

toughen up.