What is the worst part of Resident Evil 4 and why is it the bosses? Seriously, nearly every boss is just a bullet sponge meant to make sure you don't have too much ammo on you. I always buy a Rocket Launcher whenever I can to deal with bosses.
What is the worst part of Resident Evil 4 and why is it the bosses? Seriously...
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*crickets* *crickets*
>"bullet sponge enemies"
>in a game where every single boss is beatable with a Knife + QTEs.
no way fag
For me the game starts great and ends ok. Every new area just feel a worse than the last. Village was GOAT, castle was ok, and the island makes me reconsider playing through the game again.
The worst part is the last boss, it's just too easy and the game gives you a 1 hit kill option. Why make you preserve all that ammo in anticipation then give you a rocket launcher if you can't do it?
>le island is bad memery
Got a load of this fags
>Hehehe, I'm going to make a thread about a popular game talking about its best feature pretending it's bad.
Because it's a RE tradition user.
You can't have a final RE boss without a free (or at least easy to find) rocket launcher.
>RE4 is my first RE
>bosses are harder to take down´
who would have thunk it
ahi esta
You're a casual if you need a rocket launcher. It's only acceptable against the right hand because it's basically unkillable without one.
I remember going through my entire cache of ammo trying to kill him without the RL to no avail. I ended up resetting and saying "fuck it."
>Boss (video games) An enemy, often at the end of a level, that is particularly challenging and must be beaten in order to progress.
You're supposed to blast him with the nitrogen tanks you idiots
Nigga the right hand is easy as hell.
You did use those nitrogen containers right?
I did, numbnuts. Still wasn't enough.
motherfucker has 300HP, more than anything else in the game
You are supposed to unload your shotgun or magnum on the bastard afterwards. Rinse repeat
not possible niger
Yeah fuck me. I used weapons sparingly, saved up so much ammo, only to beat the final boss with a knife because weapons don't matter.
If you save your Magnum ammo to that point, you should have enough bullets to kill him with the tanks and that gun alone.
And Verdugo can actually be killed without the tanks but it takes a huge load of ammo, grenades and good reflexes, and still you can get unlucky and get hit by his tail swipe after a dodge. I actually did it once after saving several boxes of all kinds of ammo and I almost ran out.
>not just running around until the elevator comes down
the trinket you get from killing the right hand man isn't worth the RPG. use RPG on salazar instead
Honestly the TMP will suffice
>not using RPG on literally every boss
What are you poor or something?
The TMP is too useful all around I always use it and I ever only use the magnum on bosses
>RE4 bosses
>It's best feature
Nah. RE4 still suffers from the same problem in boss design as the earlier RE games, in that they're all just boring damage sponges. RE4's best feature is its god-tier enemy encounter placements that somehow stays fresh all the time throughout its 16 hour campaign length. That's something 99 percent of games fail to do.
>use RPG on salazar instead
Salazar is piss easy and takes like no ammo to kill, the Verdugo tanks hits like a cunt and can be unkillable if you waste the nitrogen tanks.
That being said the Verdugo is fun as fuck, so I typically fight him then reload and just use the rocket launcher on him. The jewel you get from him mixed with the crown in the cellar make him worth fighting.
I never understood why RE bosses get hate. It's like people don't understand the concept of "stop, shoot boss, re-position to a safe spot". The only RE boss that really annoys me is the Tyrant at the end of RE2. He just charges you so often that trying to set up a shot without getting hit is annoying.
>implying that the bosses aren't the tightest shit
That's where you're wrong, small time.
>Seriously, nearly every boss is just a bullet sponge meant to make sure you don't have too much ammo on you.
You can end every boss fight in under a minute, usually under 20 seconds, without a rocket launcher in new game. El Gigante 1 goes down in three grenades.
>And Verdugo can actually be killed without the tanks but it takes a huge load of ammo
You can kill him with 11 mines and 3 tanks in new game, two tanks if you have the Broken Butterfly.
>Bosses shouldn't have respectable life pools especially pic related that can stand a few minutes of bullets to make sure you understand a pattern.
I mean I was also a rocket launcher boss guy for RE games but fuck off what do you want some QTE nonsense like nowadays that leaves nothing but the taste of lazy dev cum drying in your throat.
>people say mouse and keyboard for RE4 is shit
>get Ultimate HD edition
>try it out
>it's actually good
Why would Sup Forums lie to me like this? The mouse isn't perfect, but at least this time I can aim at those goddamn blue medallions without missing half my shots.
>want to play RE4 again
>have already replayed it a lot but waiting until the HD texture project is completely finished so I can enjoy all of those finer details you'd otherwise miss
Wish they'd hurry the fuck up already
I beat the game twice with KB+M in the HD edition, and I still wouldn't recommend it. You can tell the game still has the exact same sensitivity issues that the controller version does.
Granted you still have better aim than a controller can provide once you get used to it. I also got this odd glitch were Leon wouldn't throw the harpoons in the Lake boss fight with my mouse, but it worked fine with my controller.
>he can't aim for shit with tank controls
I know it can be a pain in the ass but get gud
>people say mouse and keyboard for RE4 is shit
Said no one ever. There were some 3rd party shit for mouse maybe that, but not Ultimate edition.
The only problem I encounter so far in M&K is after I knife someone on the ground.
When I try to look back up, the camera would always bolt upwards really quickly. Otherwise, I'm handling everything just fine, and I'm almost up until the Del Lago boss fight.
I'd often get that thing were I'll be panning right and trying to aim and Leon will snap hard right.
No way fag
>16 hour campaign length
The first time I beat the game It was a little under 9 hours long, and I was looking for secrets and scouring the map
What the hell were you doing that it took you 16 hours to finish the game?
I know that feeling. But I've already resigned myself to the fact that, the creators of that are autists and it will never be released because for them theres always something to fix or make anew.
You can already play using the assets that have already been completed, I did it a couple years ago. Everything up to the castle was done and it was nice as fuck, so I think they will finish it eventually
No fucking way. It took me 20 hours when I played it like that.
Fuck my PS2 memory card is dead
The fastest I ran the game through was 6 hours no bosses skipped, killed the sisters and doubled back to kill the giant on the other side, using no cheat guns like that laser gun and the chicago typewriter.
I swear man, you really shouldn't have hit double digits.
I've got nine hours to kill. Stream that shit homie.
no way fag
seriously tho, I ain't got the time, equipment to record a PS2 playthrough or knowledge on how to record a PS2 playthrough.
I found a guy that played through the game on PS2
took him 55 ten minute videos to finish
55* 10 / 60 = 9.16 hours
That's not you though.
>Went through the game without a TMP or magnum
AMA ye losers who rely on crutches
How did that shotgun only run turn out?
I used the mauser most of the time, shotguns are handy tho. Handgun + shotgun is the definitive primo way to play any RE game if you played the classics
Both the rifle and the red 9 are Mausers.
One is a Spanish Mauser, the other is a C96. Please tell me you did a bolt-action rifle only run.
Magnum is unnecessary after U3, in fact you don't even need it as long as you upgrade your shotgun and TMP to the max, have enough ammo, use explosive barrels and some grenades. If you're fast enough BAR will do the job because fuck it has penetration and higher damage than shotgun.
I was overloaded with magnum ammo on my pro run (around 30-35s).
Good job wasting your shots on the armored dudes, the magnum is only here for that
Literally one of the few shooters out there that has good boss fights. You're full of shit, OP.