Dude it's SHIT on PURPOSE!

Dude it's SHIT on PURPOSE!

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bad controls are a metaphor, bro

Lol fuck this game desu

Enjoy your underwater escort turret section mission but it's ok because the game is meaningful art. Kojima PREDICTED THE FUTURE when he stole the plot of Brave New World, a book written six decades before.

love this masterpiece

1>2>3>>>>>>>>>the rest

But the controls is good


you got it backward
3>2>1>>>The rest

yes I love having to hold down 5 buttons to aim and shoot, the pinnacle of game design
weird how you don't have to do that in 4 and 5, I guess it's not a metaphor in those ones

You guys just hate raiden because he wasn't solid snake

>Newer games have better controls
What a surprise

so are you all just underage fags playing it on an emulator with your mouse or are you just that bad at video games? because it's some of the tightest third person shooting controls of its generation. please give a non meme response that doesn't involve the use of green text or calling me a faggot

>old games can't have good controls

explain why the PS2 controller couldn't handle the control scheme of 4

>It took 3 games for the devs to realize aiming with the left stick is retarded.
I love Metal Gear but the controls were always needlessly obtuse.

>2 better than 5
based plotcucks

they're not needlessly obtuse. you're just bad at video games. repeat it until you believe. say I AM BAD AT VIDEO GAMES, ITS NOT THE GAMES FAULT

No. There are so many good reasons to hate him. LOOK at him

Am I a pleb for liking 4?


>better than anything
You were never a fan of this series. Out.

Which one has the best gameplay?

>MGS2 is shit

No, everyone can like whatever they want regardless of what a bunch of anonymous internet users think about your tastes

On the contrary, plebs are the ones who hate it. I could smell the fags that didnt even played mgs1 when 4 released. Sole reason that game got that much flak was because it was being criticized by people who didnt even followed the games.

>Comparing 2001 game with a 2002 game.

>look at him
>he's not Solid Snake


Overall? 3.
4 has the best but it was more evident if you played online. Controls were tight in that game.

Snake Eater came out in 2004.

Because no one had thought up that control scheme yet

Everything is obvious in hindsight, but what other games like MGS were there that they could have learned from at the time?

5 > 4 > 3 > 1 > 2
The actual "game" part of these games almost always get better.

underrated post

dude ice cubes lmao

but really fuck you it was great when it came out and it still is

see and

it was generally regarded as a massive dissapointment when it came out

The 3DS version fixed MGS3
also nice 3trips

I really want to play this but i'm really trash, and i blame it 50% on the bad controllers.

best game in the series

>can't admit 5 has the best gameplay

I like the 3DS controls but it runs and looks terrible. If only there were a Fox Engine remake....

>shittiest stealth in the series
>shittiest AI
>game is a big grind for weapons
>giant base you do nothing in
>open world with nothing interesting in it
>somehow this is supposed to be good gameplay
Fuck off faggot.

this is like the perfect image to show everyone who calls this dumbass a genius

>shittiest stealth in the series
You're a brainlet

...Said who about MGS2 when?

I unironically like Twin Snakes.

me, and other people in this thread right now

It's not on purpose because it's not even shit to begin with.

Says the faggot. Go back to pubg, that's more suiting to your shitty tastes.

so retard and other retards.
Good to know there isn't many of you.

Me too; if not for it being kinda cool to have MGS1 in that MGS2 engine glory etc.
Even though cutscenes are fuck. Even though some rooms are just broken by MGS2 AI

I liked every MGS game.
Fuck you.

Have you tried running it on modded N3DS with unlcoked clockrates?

... I haven't but I kinda want to. Too bad the controls are bad with N3DS instead of actual CPP

you were regarded as a massive disappoint when you came out, doesn't stop people from loving you

Kys you're just a plotcuck
>MGS4 better gameplay than 5
You're either baiting or mentally ill

The 3ds version made the boss into a tranny


I forget, does V even allow you to climb or hang on on trees? You can climb cliffs, sure, but I haven't played V for a long while to remember this.

the state of Kojimadrones and their 'arguments'

>modded N3DS
Never even considered that. Does make me wonder how well it fairs on an emulator.

/agdg/ general here. How would you guys feel about a VR mission maker? The gameplay would be a 1:1 recreation of VR missions, but it would include a level editor to let you make and share your own VR missions. Like Mario Maker, you could unlock new enemies, weapons, etc... to place in your levels.

"it's shit"
"no it isn't"

Yeah, possibly. Then again a good emulator is within limitations of original hardware but yeah.

I have a modded N3DS myself but I have not tested MGS3 on it much. Which is shit since I actually have that thing on a cartridge.
I actually own way too many copies of every MGS game except 5. Five I only have a digital sale copy on PS4.

>caring about any post-MGS game
You know this is why people laugh at you in the street, don't you?


Come back after you know what you're talking about. Shoo.

kys faggot


Well then, that's why I remember immediately uninstalling V after my 100% playthrough.

Pretty sure 3 let you climb trees.

HD collection is brillo banana.

I like the 360 version the best. Turns out the PS3 version mapped several things to the pressure sensitive face buttons, while the 360 used the click in stick for things like readying your gun. It feels so nice once you get used to it.

think I got about halfway through this movie six months ago (the part where i dressed as an enemy soldier wow so unique and immersive). liked it, but got distracted when i remembered i needed to clip my toenails. should i finish it or nah?

things that never happened

you're an idiot

you should finish yourself

Yes; turns out PS3 version used the pressure sensitivity in the exact same way as the original PS2 versions. Very surprising, could not see this coming.

very, very surprisingly MGS2 on xbox bigone also was mapped to pressure sensitivity.

Turns out Xbox 360 wasn't because pressure sensitivity was just removed from 360 controllers as a hardware feature, which did exist on xbox. PS2 to PS4 still support the feature though.

... Though I can understand this. I myself find some pressure sensitive commands finnicky, and especially in 3 doing lots of misinputs, but on other hand the mappings work in weird way where you have to physically control yourself to remain calm and collected and not to haste your thought to physical input in order to do actions, or otherwise that hold you meant turns into an attack, or that attempt to get info turns into a hasty neck opening wound, or that weapon aim from fully ready position ends up in a panicked shot if you weren't in full control. There is some kind of, making you part of the game with the pressure sensitive commands; even though I also see them kinda overcumbersome and also as having too many commands for too small of a controller thing as well.

i can pleasure myself fine but it's not the same without your sweaty presence user

Haven't played the PS2 version, sorry. Didn't even know PS2 had pressure sensitive controls. I can see them being more immersive, but I'm on my 10th playthrough or so now and I prefer having the speed and precision of the 360 pad.

There is also a need to do similar mappings on the PC version of MGS2 since PC pads did not have pressure sensitivity either. You still definitely want to use a older Logitech style pad as rumble is very nice to have in the game still.

But yeah it is definitely that the 360 version is the concession not other way around. Not sure how they handle smaller stuff too like zooming in cutscenes is handled by pressure sensitivity so you can control how much you zoom by pressure etc. MGS5 does it by just having a trigger be the zooming actuator.

Like said; nothing wrong with that preference, heck it would been nice to have the option for the sake of options but all in all; most MGS games have used pressure sensitivity when available. Can't complain about 360 pads I have like 8 of them.

I'm glad Kojima is finally getting the shit he deserves.


There's one big encompassing fix some dude made for MGS2's PC version. I can play it using my Xbone pad, use the triggers and have rumble enabled together with being to run it in 4k. It's pretty nice

Well honestly i don't entirely blame him despite calling him a hack too. It's more likely konami wanting a larger audience as publishers always compares oranges and apples like video games to pachinko for example.
Well fuck kojima and konami.

I did say "almost". MGS2's controls were dated when it came out.

2 actually. People tend to confuse traditional MGS controls with bad gameplay. It takes some getting used to but the gameplay is there.


I always knew Raiden is for fags. But why try sell the game to girls when you have mgs fans?

This. The argument I keep hearing that Big Shell sucks because it's narrow and small is irritating.

>It's better because its open

Stealth has always been suited very well to narrow corridors. Stealth in MGS2 is reliable unlike 3 and 4 where you have to spend a whole bunch of time crawling on the ground if you don't wanna be seen with any certainty.

Big Shell and Shadow Moses are designed around giving the player simple and cohesive pathways to get around guards, not by circling the area because it's so big that you can just crawl to the edge and then avoid any confrontation. But by giving them opportunities to get past them, it's simple and easily understood. You know, it is designed with a great deal of thought, it doesn't have the mentality of 3 and 4 of "let the player deal with it" I mean think back on MGS4 and tell me how many carefully placed patrols are there really in that game? It just feels scattered and thoughtless, the player is expected to crawl around conflict, not respond in any engaging way to the NPCs and their patrols.

People hate on 2 and Big Shell because they're unwilling to take it seriously, they see it as dated and limited, when it had much more thought put into its stealth mechanics than other games in the series.

You putted the wrong image.



The controls suited MGS2 because it behaves more like a puzzle game. MGS3 and later turned it into a slow as fuck stealth game. In my opinion it was more fun as a logical, arcadey tile based sneaking game.

>Dude it's SHIT on PURPOSE!

and yet the fanboys think this makes the game immune to any complainants.

Shitty controls
Shitty design
Shit bosses
Raiden being a bad character

Fuck, I'd like to try that.
Can you link that - and just to be really fucking offtopic; do you have those newest guides of fixes for SH2/SH3/SH4?

Not the second military tycoon, that's for sure.

The European box art with the silver font is so kino.

what a terrible opinion, but I guess since this post is inflammatory and shit on purpose I can't counter it.

MGSV is clouded in so much shit that it doesn't matter that it has the "best" gameplay, because unless you ignore everything else and run around in one of the 5 interesting locations on the map and sneak around you're not going to be more engaged by it than you would past games.

Also, fulton trivializes the stealth completely.

>ywn be friends with pedestrian Snake living the honest Alaskan life

why life, frens?

Metal Gear Solid Alpha looked cool


>it's got no GAMEPLAY
>7090+ VR missions of pure gameplay
Game is exceptional.
GOG port rerelease fucking when (when?)

>the patriots are a group of Big Boss worshippers
But that's wrong
>Raiden got kindapped
Diden't he give himself up? and the technology used in Raidens cyborg ninja is different from Grey Fox

>Because no one had thought up that control scheme yet
they were using that system since PS1 days user

aew we realy using Manhunt as a good stealth game?

>having to press a button to get in and out of wall