Did anyone else lose all hope for SMT V when this guy showed up?
Knowing it's related to IV and will have shitty Doi art instead of Kaneko makes me never want to play it
Did anyone else lose all hope for SMT V when this guy showed up?
Knowing it's related to IV and will have shitty Doi art instead of Kaneko makes me never want to play it
But Odin looked like this in P5 too.
>Knowing it's related to IV
Say what
Hey look its why I dont like SMT/persona combat in a single image
It's not
They're just making a 3D model of Doi's new design from 4A instead of being lazy fucks and using the same one they have since the PS2
Anti elemental passives?
god that interface is trash
Are fucking kidfing me? Don't you want to be bro with Wesker?
How the game is so broken that its nothing but a race to get an untouchable demon.
An end game Persona that took a lot of planing and know how to make op?
t. shit taste
You're dumb. Something like that is only achievable in like the last 10% of the game.
I know Ive played plenty of the series.
Its still bad design
The games with random inheritance are infuriating the ones without it are laughably easy
it's not about taste fag it's ugly and not very practical
I don't know how people could have hope for it after SMT4 and 4A.
But learning the fusion system is part of the fun, and broken ass demons is the reward?
>not liking Kamen Rider Odin
It is practical. You literally have everything you need.
A single Odin design (which is superior in every way to last one) doesn't mean it is related to IV. Not to mention that they already showed the older archangel designs.
Also, if you don't like at least some of Doi's designs you have shit taste. So kys.
just 4A you faggot
Will Nocturne ever come to ps4?
you know you can just keep backing out of the fusion in P3/Nocturne to change what you inherit, right?
All P4/5 does is remove that bit of padding. SMT4 on the other hand, is bad, which got fixed in Apocalypse
>Also, if you don't like at least some of Doi's designs you have shit taste.
Literally the only decent design was Minotaur, the rest were fucking terrible
Of course I know that, thats exactly what makes it infuriating,
Why? He was one of the good things about the abortion that was Final.
compare the two and tell me which one is more practical
Is there any reason to be hopeful about this game after 4/4A?
Did they say they want to go back to the older games style or something?
The whole "modern fears" theme doesnt do it for me I thought we had persona for that.
There is almost no difference
>I don't have a switch
>thus this game will be shit
Sorry man. BTW Apocalypse Odin is rad as fuck.
>Did they say they want to go back to the older games style or something?
exactly what Yamai said at the Famitsu interview article
prepare yourself
The Divine Powers are super radical. They all better get 3D models in 5. Also, 3D models for /ourguy/ pls
Krishna was right btw, I really wanted a fifth ending where you could side with him.
>any fucking year on this fucking planet
>not siding with Lord Krishna
Wow, enjoy being a pleb who will reincarnate into some shitty bug in the next life.
Then what makes P4/5 'too easy' then?
Weren't a load of hindus really pissed that Krishna was a villain?
>Doi is a good artis-
Only Nintardos care about some shitty spin off. Play the proper games.
Demeter too
you heard him guys, play some Devil Summoner
>naked anime girl
>hipster fag
>meh, okay, decent
Kaneko shits out much better designs in his sleep
true persona is a shitty spin off
No, the problem was the hat. I'm not joking, look that up.
They were upset because Krishna had that hat that is associate to gangsters or something like that.
They forget that Lord Krishna can alter his appearance however he pleases, and he could not care less about what we humans associate some hat to.
nice burqa fag
Persona 5 used different models than smt3 and raidou it's just the old designs
SMT was only good on the PS2, and maybe Strange Journey
Smt 1 and 2 are good also faggot
SMT 1 is barely playable, and the only good thing about 2 is the setting
SMT 2 is shit buddy. Worst encounters rates in the franchise
So was If, also IV and IVA, jackass.
Is this Napaea better than the old one?
The entire franchise rests on nocturne and SJ
>IV and IVA
Not when they gimp on the 3d dungeon designs because of shitty hardware
You mean Persona AKA the main series. No one cares about your spin offs.
how do you deal then with random encounters? it's one of the worst things ever that happend to videogames
>finally get all my weeb games in one place
>region free
>selling like crazy so it'll get even more games
Feels good man
Old one
I swear to YHVH if DC Douglas voices Odin again im gonna cream my pants.
>Doi designs aren't ba-
SMT is ruined because IV changed physical skills to SP instead of HP for casuals
I'm not fucking building Magic for a goddamn physical character what the fuck
Im guessing you think smt 4a and both devil survivor games are good faggot
Iva sucks ass and iv was decent/average
Mt is main series
Smt is a spinoff
Persona is also a spinoff which is connected to the other spinoff series smt
I really hate faggots like you, IV and IV:A suffers of having shounenshit that's a given but is not like you didn't have the option of going nuclear on those settings, also its gameplay is objectively the best of the series so fuck off.
over detailed
>palying with dub
That's not doi you retard
In IV:A why don't they pronounce the name of YHVH?
not Doi retard
It's the worse of the series it's persona easy and physical skills dont cost health
Smt 4 is shit
>for casuals
>waste 1/5th of your HP to do 1000 damage, that you can heal back the same turn
Tying it to mp is still retarded anyway
But IVA didn't gimp the 3D dungeon design?
IVA dungeons are at least Nocturne tier.
IV is the only game with shitty dungeons.
Going edgy doesn't change how shitty the writing was and pandering to generic JRPGfags. Can't claim to have the best gameplay when it flat out has one of the worst dungeon designs in the series. IV was retardely broken so don't know why you bother mentioning it
Iva dungeons are complete trash
>IVA dungeons are at least Nocturne tier.
Noctrne had terrible dungeons
YHVH is literally supposed to be unpronounceable.
Doi is ok
unless they revamp the entire battle/skill system to make it actually interesting and competitive I wont bother
I can only debilitate+mediarahan+bigbang through a game so many times
He didn't design any demons for SMTIV, only Apocalypse (and even them some of his designs in Apocalypse were just clean ups of guest designers from IV). He also designed the new demons for Strange Journey Redux.
>Krishna was right btw
t. Krishna
The older one was more human-like, the new one is less cute, but fits better alongside other demon designs.
Don't know why you mentioned Nocturne like it has good dungeons outside Diet Building and the Dante Chase kapla level.
DDS1 is the one with good dungeons
literally Voldemort tier
These pics prove art is art and not science.
On the surface it's the same as Kaneko, but you know Kaneko's stuff is great but this is terrible
MT is fanfiction of a shit light novel.
SMT is supplemental material for Persona.
>Teleport puzzles
>Floor traps
>Multiple bosses
>Way too long
There's really nothing out of the ordinary for IVA's dungeons, they're pretty much standard SMT. IV's dungeons are bad because they're literally straight lines with no traps or puzzles and they're all extremely short.
Smt is still a spinoff
Well he's basically Voldermort so that's fair.
>People suddenly hate SMT4A
Cute. Besides the overly shonen as fuck bonds ending and friendship shit its the best jrpg in years and has one of the best combat systems. It took the shitty smirk mechanic and actually made it work super well and every boss on War or above requires strategy and preparation.
The only issue I still have with the game is replaying it would've been a drag if I didn't spend 2 bucks on the money grind area. Since its very fucking obvious the devs did the same shit with 4 where getting money takes retardly long with demon begging and quests aren't infinite.
Otherwise its a 9/10 game and one of the best SMT games but faggots will hate because waifu faggotry got alittle injected into it.
spinoff of what?
It's easy as fuck in almost everyway
Even fusion is easy
The real reason to hate SMT4 is the fucked up STR stat
>Have Phys and Gun as a weapon and skill type
>Have Str and Dex as stats
>Don't tie one to each stat, no, make Str cover basic attack, while Dex covers all skills and guns
literally why
People started hating it when every fanboy who always complained about waifufaggotry and beach scenes said "it was fine when SMT does it"
What? no
Not to mention
>Psych attacks don't drain HP anynore
>they never adjusted the demons with bloated HP and low MP from previous games
what's with those skills