Best DLC coming through, don't mind me

Best DLC coming through, don't mind me.

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they're all pretty good and you can't stop me from enjoying them.

The complimentary vouchers were the real reward.

Unironically the only good Fallout DLC was Far Harbor.

>Unironically the only good Fallout DLC was Mothership Zeta

Objective ranking is DM > HH > OWB >>>>>>>> BEAR AND BULL

Sue me but I really liked Honest Hearts. Mostly because of the whole survival focus thing, and the chracters are of course top notch.

>muh aliens started the great war

>when you hear 'Begin Again' on the radio for the first time

Best gun

>caring about fallout lore

The only thing that stated that was a holotape that got cut.

> They interrogated the guy that had the codes
Yeah they also questioned a cow dumbass.

That is literally the worst DLC across the entire Fallout lineup, and I say that knowing there is DLC In Fallout 4 for autistic children that is just building retarded shit

I'd rather not play video games at all than play Dead Money

>hurr let's take all the player's equipment and give them garbage weapons
>and punish players who want to explore and take their time
>also you can never come back
>but it's ok because after you leave we'll just run the item economy into the ground by giving you 10000 caps worth of gold minimum plus free shit via chips
I mean shit, even OWB was more entertaining, and that shit was just "Reddit Humor presents: Scorpions That Take 5 Years to Kill."

Nah, Point Lookout is still the best from FO3.

Bethesda inherited a mess.
They should have started their own IP and left Fallout on the scrapheap.

Worst follower coming through, don't mind me.

I'm partial to pic related personally gut only with a mod that fixes the Grunt perk. Not worth it otherwise.

>hurrdurr I sad because mean game take weapons away :(
>hurrdurr I can't appreciate a good challenge

I loved this DLC.

>tfw lost interest in the game before I even started the DLC.

Indeed, I loved it too, fellow gamer!

If you ever get back into it I highly recommend Automatron and Far Harbor. Everything else is pretty shit, but both those DLCs add a great amount of features and content.

Why is it so difficult for fags to understand this?

>tfw only casino heist quest is relegated to a DLC
>don't get to form my own crew and rob all the casinos on the Strip
wasted opportunity

>he didn't infinite stimpaks and .308 rounds after finishing it
gold bars are shit

I have been declared King of Fahhhh Harbor

But you can. It's called having 10 Luck.

Not to mention infinite weapon repair kits that make the jury rigging perk useless.

If you wanna rob them just max out Sneak and fucking do it.

Swap hh with owb.


it's literally the best energy weapon in the game what the fuck are you talking about

That's not how you spell "The Passing"

>Holorifle best energy weapon
>when the Sonic Emitter exists

>not even Fallout DLC
Fuck off

stay mad, bethesda fag

It's fucking shit. The unique Guass rifle is a better snipe and the unique recharge pistol is better DPS that practically auto-aims for limb crippling. Not to mention that if you don't want to waste resources and health grabbing the Holorifle upgrade disks, you'll never get a chance at them again.

I thought that only dealt EMP damage

This is a New Vegas thread you Todd-teir idiot

>best Fallout DLC is actually LFD
Okay, I'm fine with this.

>when you get a million stimpacks and a hard-hitting energy weapon that never degrades

Not anymore it's not
Ascension best map

What other DLCs are there? Nuka World?

>plus free shit via chips
I don't know why I assume you people can read

OWB > DM > LR > HH
HH > LR > OWB > DM
DM > OWB > LR > HH

I dunno I like all of them

What mod?
I want to like this gun

Every DLC has its strengths and weaknesses so I can understand why any of them would be someones favorite
Dead Money has great plot, cool atmosphere and a tough survival based gameplay, but it also has annoying trial and error radios and fog that arent so much surviving traps as they are reloading quicksaves till you find the radio and can progress. Also breaks the games economy, but NV already had a pretty broken economy.
Honest hearts has good characters and a cool area and based as fuck gear but is obviously unfinished and lacks meaningful quests
OWB is funny and has great environment and tough enemies, and best nonmod player house but fucking retarded enemy spawns, bullet spounge scorpions and enemies with frankly unreasonable perception that makes sneak straight up not work at all.
Lonesome Road has the toughest combat and a gritty apocalyptic setting, but muh BEAR BULL and being the most linear can turn people off.

Start DM
> Weapons and equip get taken away.
Ok I like a challenge
> Start exploring and the air itself kills me
That's ok there will probably be an HEV suit or somesuch around
> Enter building looking for said suit and my collar starts beeping.
Speakers are usually placed with the intention of being heard except here they were installed with the intention of not being found. It's ok it is a game
> Find speaker then my first fight happens.
> Use all my ammo to take the beastie down go to claim my prize and it stands back up.

This was "Fuck You" the DLC and the reason Obsidian has to beg for money to make games to this day.

>HH not top-teir in writing
Joshua Graham and Randall Clark alone shoot it above the other 3. I agree with everything else though.

gun runners arsenal, but it's from fallout 2. it's a light support rifle, like a BAR or a bren, but with a scope, originally, it was supposed to be the late game anti material rifle in 2 like in nv, but due to a programming error, they turned it into a machine gun, and they just rolled with it, like they did with the halo 1 pistol

I love Joshua Graham, but just the overall story of it and the ideas behind the DLC are lacking.

I would easily put this at the top of my DLC list for NV if it weren't for the whole collar mechanic. It ads nothing to the game and just serves to annoy.

>People liked trash money
If they removed the stupid meme clouds and the exploding collar it'd be okay. Honest hearts was better

Yes, yes, yes.

my GF who loves FO4 despite me shitting on it constantly actually hates far harbor because its story has so little payoff and feels like it was building up to something then turned out to be shit. i never played it but while it looked nice based on the story she told me i would be inclined to agree.

TTW is the best dlc

>hurr let's take all the player's equipment and give them garbage weapons
i never played this but this unironically is the best part in like every game. it was easily the fun shrine in BoTW

I recently made a character to run through the Lonesome Road and I still feel like its by far the worst dlc in New Vegas

>Honest Hearts
>Above anything

I was completely unaware that Lonesome Road was so hated here. What is it people don't like about?

Best hat is a best.
Also I unironically love Ulysses more than any other motherfucker in the wasteland* and you can't stop me.

*- Non SG2K division

From what i understand most people either don't understand what Ulysses' deal is or think he's a melodramatic edgelord.
Which to be perfectly fair, is not incorrect.

Unlike the main quest it has actual skill checks, and three factions all with their own proper goals that make sense, even the Children of Atom who are insane but act logically based on their otherwordly experiences with radiation fuckery.

Far Harbor blows the base main quest out the fucking water.

I've seen steam shovelware that blows the main quest out of the water.

Maybe I would've agreed he was an edgelord if it wasn't for the fact that my character was full on NCR and he hated NCR which I thought was interesting. If I was any other faction then the whole bear and bull thing would've been annoying

>Uninteresting location that's built like a damn hallway
>3 other DLCs building up Ulysses's appearance
>When you meet him he's just a hypocritical edgy fuck

>Far Harbor blows the base main quest out the fucking water.
Thats a pretty low bar user

It's a heavily combat focused dlc which is the weakest part of new vegas

just ignore the shitty Fallout 3 storyline and most side quests, install TTWinteriors so exploring the DC ruins becomes fun and rewarding, and you have yourself an entire new world to explore

I love this game but it's hard getting back playing this game since it's really easy to break it without purposefully gimping yourself.

I understood Ulysses a lot more this time around and sort of appreciate him more and I absolutely love the atmosphere and environment of the Divide but outside of those things I didnt really enjoy playing it though that might have been because I did it at level 1 this time.

> Fighting dudes in Armor wielding 308 rifles and rocket launchers at lvl 1
Why... would you do that...?

Because I remembered that the Red Glare was really early on and I wanted the courier duster as early as possible

I didn't find it that uninteresting. It had much more interesting terrain than the base game/other DLC. Much better use of different heights.
Though yeah, it was just a straight line full of Gamebryo combat. That's not good at all.

Joshua is a pretty kino character man.
I'm not even a Christian and I still appreciate the dudes whole "Judgement from on high" vibes
makes sense I guess.

Also Post broken builds.
> Built to Destroy
> Light Touch
> Finesse
> Luck 10
> True Police Stories
> 1st Recon Berret
> Lucky Shades
> Ulysses Duster
Pic Related.

What a retard lol

>played through FNV when it released
>wanna play again with dlc
>mod the shit out of the game
>doesnt start anymore
>loose all interest
>repeat every 4-6months


Yukichigai Unofficial Patch makes it work with Grunt. It turns it from an overpriced piece of crap to an okay engame gun. I just like it for the aesthetic and nostalgia factor.

Man some of these are fucking awesome and completely broken.

One trait makes a bunch of mercs show up every now and then to attack you, and when you kill them they drop a bunch of +Special / +Skill dusters, and a collar that gives +Luck.

Where's my pants gives like 10k caps per level.

One makes Unique Weapons and outfit pieces show up in containers, like I pulled Mercy out of a crate in Big MT with it.

One of em lets you turn Pre War get ups into armor, and not shitty armor either. Like good stuff. Plus the decent +specials that they usually come with.

>3x demolition expert
>2x toughness
>Mad Bomber
>Hit The Deck
>Adamantium Skeleton
>Splash Damage

>Bonus: Implant GRX

Crits are for pussies.

Shieeeet if I wasn't such a packratty loot whore this would be waaaaaaaaaay to much fun.
But playing it, I would get triggered about all the stuff getting blown into places I can't reach / loot.

>equip YCS/186

going demolition man in fallout NV was the most fun run i had

>Far harbor

You mean point lookout 2: electric boogaloo right?

> Max Charge ammunition

>triggered about all the stuff getting blown into places
And all of that also contributes to savegame bloat, which is a bitch to fix manually.

As much as i like the progression in Lonesome Road, Ulysses was a letdown for those dialogue of his

If you play with jsawyer ultimate, bulk mfc is all you'll ever need.

I don't like creating compatibility patches for all the shit that I end up using. The combat of NV isn't so bad that it bugs me so I never use JSawyer.

>wasting two perks on toughness instead of just keeping some Med-X around for the big fights

Sometimes I feel like I'm playing a different JSawyer than everyone else. Is the combat supposed to be easier or something? All mine does is reduce health and carry weight basically.

More DT is never a bad thing.

The same, there are few changes here and there but overall it feels like the same-thing overall.

>unique laser rifle is at the bottom of Vault 22 behind a locked door, can't be modded
>unique tesla cannon is in a ditch full of angry robots
>unique laser pistol, which is too specialized to replace the basic variant, is locked behind a long prop hunt quest
>unique plasma rifle, vastly superior to modded basic variant, takes no skill or fighting to obtain from a large building you'll pass while traveling to Vegas
>unique gauss rifle, the absolute best energy weapon in the game, can be obtained with some cunning and one frag grenade
What did Obsidian mean by this.

50% DR on demand works out better than +6 DT all the time in the long run

Why not both?

The Virgin Energy Weapons Vs the Chad Ballistics Vs the Grand Marshall Demoman Vs the Elder Godking Melee/Chems

Every perk is better than no perk, that doesn't mean they are all good choices.

>Gauss gun is an energy weapon

What did Bethesda mean by this?

Because one is a consumable and the other is two perks you could have spent on something more worthwhile