Putting memes aside what's next for him?

putting memes aside what's next for him?

Skyrim, super ultra version. Comes with all current creator club mods and costs full price

Running for President


More lies probably.

Becoming multidimensional being

A creation Club game only.
It will be nothing but creation club content but it will still have a season pass, pre-order bonuses (which will be shitty reskins), and a monthly maintenance fee.

They'll name it Elder Scrolls 6, Argonia.

being bought out by EA


Either he'll put out yet another re-release of Skyrim or buy out another beloved video game franchise for the express purpose of ruining it.

YES.... Yessssssss.

Why is his voice so high pitched? It's like a teenage boy.

Low testosterone

Fallout 3 was great tho.

A space equivalent to Skyrim/Fallout.
So a slightly less shitty NMS.

>[muffled fallout 4 sales pitch]

He was on the chess club


I have not mouth but i must sell DLCs.

>Memes aside

Probably another fallout or elder scrolls game, why?

Bethesda loses market share to studios that can make their games better than they can. Skyrim fans move to the Witcher and Fallout fans move to Horizon:ZD.

Bethesda take a long hard look at itself and concludes that the fans are in the wrong. Desperate to claw back money that should have been spent in 2012 on engine development they double down on the Elder Scrolls online by releasing The Elder Scrolls VI: Valenwood which is 10% 'RPG' and 90% online multiplayer.

The Elder Scrolls online then loses market share to Overwatch until Bethesdas IP is hacked apart and sold to the highest bidder. EA gets most of it and releases 'The Elder Scrolls Skyrim: Dragon War' which looks suspiciously like Battlefront with storm troopers replaced with old models of Ulfric Stormcloak.

Meanwhile a smaller underground studio made largely of volunteers releases an unauthorised fan made RPG called 'Fallout Legacy' which truly understands the Fallout universe. It's well written and draws deep inspiration from Harlan Ellison, Ray Bradbury, Asimov, Dr Strangelove and the Cold war political zeitgeist. EA sues.


Considering his game's success, I don't think Todd's going to work too hard for the time being, you know I'm just hanging out with friends.

He'll shill for a few mediocre new IPs before he realizes that no one will want to buy anything else other than le epic gamer's games like TES or Fallout

Skyrim Ultra HD.

is this shopped?

Yeah, I have the original right here.

Post some rare Todd's please.

stop this meme, he's not even lying that much. Most of the other developers lie more than him

Nice try, todd. THIS is the original

Given the current trend my guess MK accuses him of rape.

Skyrim is closing in on 2 billion in sales.
Fallout 4 has surpassed 1 billion.
Fallout Shelter has topped 500 mil.

Hell they even got 500 mill because Carmac is an idiot. That will help cover the loss for falling for the VR meme.

Bethesda isn't going anywhere user.