>”lol just dodge into him when he attacks and stab him with mid stance and retreat EZPZ” >dodge into him when attacks >so far so good >he ALWAYS does a 360 swing in response that tracks you >died 56 times so far
This boss is broken as fuck. If you beat this him in 1 or 2 tries then you are either using cheats or are a fucking liar
Bruh, how shit are PC players? Dodge into him when he does his sheath slash, and then do one or two hits and run. Otherwise just stay out of range.
Justin Price
What's PC got to do with anything?
Jack Clark
Personally I just went behind the big rock when he did the run attack, I didn't even need to waste stamina on a dodge.
>he ALWAYS does a 360 swing in response that tracks you Why did you keep doing something if you already knew it didn't work?
Gavin Brooks
Drain his Stamina/Parry. He's a great boss that punishes an overly aggressive play-style
Camden James
You know fucking why.
Elijah Parker
yo how u get the numbers on the bars hummie
Juan Campbell
Idk why you guys always praise these artificially difficult games where game length is just a function of how many times you have to start over because of dying to broken enemy mechanics
Juan Young
Aaron Gonzalez
>died 56 times to MUNESHIGE of all bosses >32 skillpoints another troll thread i see
Bentley Richardson
This is a japanese game What do we know about japanese games? >They're slow, repetetive grinding-simulators. You can actually beat him in 1 hit, you just did not grind enough. Your're playing the game wrong. Souls games in general are not hard, people are just playing them wrong
Dominic Perez
Look at the water mark, its just an image ripped from google
Samuel Perez
took me 10-15 tries ezpz
Joseph Wilson
Let me guess. You used healing items in dmc3? Faggot alert, faggot alert!
Isaac Brown
Austin Mitchell
He's nothing compared to Date Shigezane
Chase Reed
you can beat him naked at level 1, with the basic wooden sword in less than 3 minutes simply learn how to play the game
Gavin Cox
>1 or 2 tries Do you give up on everything after one or two tries?
Anthony Butler
I farmed this boss effortlessly to get his stupid low droprate chestpiece, git gud PCbro shitter.
Elijah Butler
>the absolute state of nu-Sup Forums the brainlet meme is real after all
Dominic Thomas
ah yes, another thread about how shit PeeCucks are at games that arent VN's, I fucking knew this was going to be Dark Souls all over again
Isaac Bell
Bonus points if you're not wearing Warrior of the West or Aka Oni.
Jace Edwards
This game was disappointingly easy. Not even worth being ported, desu.
John Reed
When does this shit get hard
Josiah Bell
i just danced around the rock and poked with my mighty stick, real easy cause the rock blocks the dog and the dash
Samuel Roberts
Wyatt Ward
When you're forced into multiple bosses and have to learn the game for real.
Mason Jenkins
asking again what clan should i pick?piratefag here so i can't change it
Joseph Nelson
Kevin White
how do i use skills and how do i parry?
David Reyes
I didn't feel like fighting him and carried on with the main mission. Oops. Changed regions and now I guess I can't fight him anymore. Did I done goofed? What am I missing out on.
Zachary Ortiz
Because all the ps4 babies that complained about the game got over it a long time ago and Nioh was more or less forgotten asidr from the DLC threads. Then it releases on PC and SURPRISE FUCKING SURPRISE people are complaining about the same things thay have already been complained about, who woulda thunk.
Joseph Miller
I guess these are regular enemies now.
Ethan Gomez
The game tells you how to use skills and parries are weapoin specific skills.
Grayson Thompson
you can go back to previous regions and redo missions whenever you want you can even go back to lower difficulties once you start the harder ones
Looking good, Yagyu. Nues appear pretty rarely, that's about the only one you'll see just hanging around.
Gavin Roberts
could probably do it with any other weapon, the rock is the mvp in this battle
Logan Ross
use your skill points m8
David Rogers
Took me about 10~ish tries. Not too hard desu just need to run around the arena some more. Don't even go near him when he uses his guardian spirit.
Lucas Jackson
>he posted it again
You hot BTFO the whole of the last thread. Are you really that desperate for (you)s that you want to get BTFO in another one?
Jaxson Robinson
lol just git gud nigga
Lincoln Clark
He's just posting it to get discussion about the game going. Have you seen how well non-bait threads fare on Sup Forums?
Mason Brooks
>10-15 tries >ez dude
Michael Sanders
lol m8 it’s not that hard.
Jose Ross
Really enjoying fashionioh.
Kayden Torres
Great! I'll get to git gud after all.
Daniel Myers
>Auto Recovery on receiving amrita It's decent but has there ever been a more cancerous sound effect in the history of videogames? It's the sound when you drink an elixir every 2 seconds FOREVER since you're constantly killing or picking up shit
Nathan Barnes
>Iai quickdraw >says it's pronounced "ee-eye" Who ever thought this was a good idea should be shot
Robert Jenkins
well it's pretty damn easy beating him after you get higher level gear from the other regions
Lincoln Smith
Out draw him user
Wyatt Murphy
Why? That's how it's pronounced
Lucas Bell
Old McDonald had a farm, iai iai-o
Landon Ward
What else would it be? Yai? That's not how it's spelled tho.
Landon Reyes
>Boss meta revolves around stacking buffs and debuffs with sloth basically trivializing every fight It's nice to see magic being worthwhile but I can't help but feel like they may be a little too op.
Charles Rodriguez
lol I did it first try, literally just back away.
Camden Anderson
>giant toad >pronounced "giant toad"
Michael Cooper
Those are just the buffs he comes with on the higher difficulties.
Carter Smith
What skin is that?
Joseph Long
>Giant Centipede >pronounced OH-moo KAH-day
Chase Lee
Isaac Walker
looks like the blacksmith girl
Benjamin Phillips
>Always read it as Lai quickdraw. >Also you to call the Ioprey, Loprey
Connor Peterson
Sure but he's still stacking 5 buffs and put the defense down talisman on the boss. It gets a bit tedious trying to rebuff before a boss fight or during the fight.
Zachary Sanders
Why is her clothes different? I want to see those sweaty armpits.
Nicholas Watson
There's no defence debuff on the boss, only weapon break. And half the buffs were utilities.
Logan Jones
I can't play this game because I can't decide wich weapon use or upgrade habilities I'm afraid Send helpo
Gabriel Nguyen
you can respec
John Myers
Just spend the first two areas experimenting. There really is no specialized gear at the start and respeccing is pretty cheap.
Nolan Mitchell
You can get everything in the first area, and you can respec, so just do whatever. Also READ what stats do before you start pumping points into things. Find all of the weapons first and try them out if you want to be extra sure what you're going to put your points into.
Carter Gomez
>wanna try other weps >no skill points
Should I just carry on and hope I'll find a good place to farm samurai hair locks later?
Hudson Wilson
that changes a lot thanks I chose Odachi as main weapon but its fucking boring and it feels like the game really rewards fast arms and I liked the spear in the prologue but it feels really cheesy
Lincoln Martin
You can re-spec for extremely cheap, just wait until you have like 300k+ gold and respec w/e you want.
Carson Hughes
The respec books right? I bought one for future use and saw it gets pricier each time you buy. Not really what I was looking for but I guess it'll have to do.
Cooper Martinez
>died 56 times so far Jesus Christ. I thought I was bad but I have 46 deaths total for my entire playthrough so far.
Just beat shig last night after like 9 deaths btw. Finished him off by getting him to chase me around that rock while I used spirit stones to fill up my spirit gauge then unleashed that worthless water dragon\ on him.
Isaac Murphy
You'll be able to buy them with glory in the 3rd region which isn't very hard to get either.
Julian Young
Brayden Turner
>he wasn't there for beta Shiggi
Robert Rivera
What AA can I get working in this game?
Michael Perez
It's an "I", Not an "L".
Landon Hernandez
>Snowclops >pronounced YOU-key nyoo-doh
Nathaniel Williams
>deaths >119
Well, I never claimed to be good. Just beat the Yuki-onna and I've been doing all the side missions.
Christopher Powell
wtf? I thought it was pronounced "Yo-Kai".
Tyler Jackson
it's an "I", not a "e"
Matthew Thompson
are you a grille?
only a girl would suck so much
Isaac Taylor
It's yuki, not yokai
Samuel Cooper
Yuki is snow, Yuki Nyodo is snow cyclops. Yokai is spirit or whatever, the general term.
Adrian Perez
dumb EOP
Chase Long
Every language except English (also sometimes English though) pronounces "I" as "ee" and "E" as "eh".
Kevin Richardson
Parker Perry
during the last chance trial demo on PS4, there was a korean girl streamer who was stuck on muneshige for over 24 hours and died over 1000 times
Anthony Green
>using sloth talismans shitters.....
Lucas Anderson
bruh turn off f.lux/redshift while play videojames, shit triggers my autism
Joshua Flores
I have bad eye problems and I'm so accustomed to flux that turning it off burns a hole in my eyes akin to watching the solar eclipse.
Nolan Hughes
I need a video link, this is too good.
Parker Thomas
If you're still having problems with him then you must be posting from 2016 playing the beta. They nerfed him so hard and dumbed down the final release that it shouldn't take you a few tries more to beat him.
Genuinely the most disappointing game I've ever been hyped for. The beta had such promise and then we get this repetitive streamlined bullshit.
Michael Green
cant you pc fags actualy start bitching about the game when the truly hard bosses come in? like nigga you can defeat every boss in the main game by using the living weapon halfway trough their health pool
the dlc bosses is where the game starts to become challenging
Jason Powell
Blocking in different stances actually doesn't affect stamina used. It's just that middle stance also gets a small regen even when holding block.
If you wanna bitch about a guy getting shiggydiggy'd by mune at least do it correctly
Hudson Young
>Shigezane i think he killed me over 70 times till i beat him. He made me slam my controller and kick a hole in my wall
Angel Butler
Use the ki burst. Best way to beat him is to focus on his stamina, not his health, then get the crit while he's staggered. So kicks, ki bursts and attacking his guard are the way to go